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Build Comments
Showing all Comments posted on build pages.
roboman666xo on
Invincible TR (While Building DPS!)
6 years ago
what about empowered cosmic gem?
ChefStoney on
A better build than Etaew's (sorry) :P
6 years ago
Two adds for this build...
I'd recommend chrono emblem so you can keep spamming your ult
Also I'd recommend CB as subclass for the attack speed it gives
Razorblades on
full tank
6 years ago
Hi, i think the stat priority "Energy Regeneration" should be swapped out with either Physical Damage, Critical Hit or Critical Chance.
The Revenant doesn't have any Energy, all of his abilities doesn't require Energy.
Razorblades on
full tank
6 years ago
Sorry but the shield doesn't require Energy as the Revenant itself doesn't have any Energy to start with.
Etaew on
Gunslinger DPS
6 years ago
The gems listed can go in any slot. The types don't matter.
Huhfesstus on
Gunslinger DPS
6 years ago
what about air and fire gems??
Wet ASMR Farts on
Sire GlowDonkia (Chaos Mode)
6 years ago
I appreciate this
GamingWithFlight on
Kukui's Knight's Build
6 years ago
what cosmic gem?
MeTeC on
Kukui's Revanent Guide
6 years ago
So what is the Crit chance that I need to aim for this build ??
Attack speed ??
This is not very detailed ...
DoctoRR_ on
Neverending Powerhouse
6 years ago
Jump ? :p
What stat on gems ?
Nubidubi23 on
End game gunslinger build (Speed run worthy?)
6 years ago
what stats on gems?
LennKing on
Farming/Damage Lunar Lancer Build
6 years ago
Hey im a beginner and I would know which sub-class I should take. I actually use Candy Barbarian but someone said me that attack speed was pretty useless on this build. Plz help
NatsuNoMercy on
Circuitree's Shadow Hunter
6 years ago
Explosive epilogue is useless with the SH class since his class gem will allow SH to cause an enemy marked with shadow to explode when hit by SH.
NatsuNoMercy on
Circuitree's Shadow Hunter
6 years ago
I have pyrodisc instead of the snaring gem
NatsuNoMercy on
Circuitree's Shadow Hunter
6 years ago
Man I am too focused on damage I have like 30k physical damage at 6k pr but only 70k health which is impossible to play with at uber 8 worlds (5kPR)
Is it because of my gems or equipment? (I think its my gems my enchanted water gem stellar ismy only max health enchanted gem and its only at level two...)
vvyi on
Mainsetted stellar ranger
6 years ago
For gs focus all your stats to md, as, cd, ch, and er.
Kukui's Lunar Lancer Build.
7 years ago
alonbarlev11 on
Kukui's Revanent Guide
7 years ago
use the ring for jump im not sure if ring is that important and If u want to have some fun ing just put jump on ring instead of hr
I Twerk 4 Coins on Invincible TR (While Building DPS!)
6 years ago
You have a spelling error in the description of the chronomancer qubesly “redcues”.