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TeeKayM on
Unhandled task / 9
10 years ago
My task. I left a comment.
cantafrond on
Unhandled image / 589
10 years ago
SS Trovian and sail, available through the Power Pack.
cantafrond on
Unhandled image / 586
10 years ago
SS Dingy, the basic boat first available to players.
cantafrond on
Unhandled image / 588
10 years ago
SS Trovian and sail, rewarded from Mastery ranks 70 (boat) and 80 (sail).
cantafrond on
Hotfix 3/18/15
10 years ago
Sorry for the late post, updating for database/archival purposes.
Etaew on
Avarem announces Public Test Servers, Free Credits for Players
10 years ago
A PTS server is needed, but requires players who are active and familiar with systems to help spot thing that go wrong.
Etaew on
Cookiephant Edition Database Update
10 years ago
Updated to now include updated and new deco
MagickWolf on
Unhandled club / 86
10 years ago
May I upload a video trailer about this club?
Etaew on
Cookiephant Edition delayed, Fish and Ships update pushed back.
10 years ago
I look forward to patch days just so I can run DB updates, I can wait an extra day, hopefully that is all they need to fix the problems.
TeeKayM on
Cookiephant Edition delayed, Fish and Ships update pushed back.
10 years ago
Too bad! Was waiting for today's patch to come!
step6218 on
Neon Nightsky Wings
10 years ago
Helpful! :D
step6218 on
Power Pack Giveaway Winner
10 years ago
Congrats Mustapha Cairo! I hope you enjoy your new awesome power pack! :D
Unhandled giveaway / 1
10 years ago
OMG i cant believe it. Thanks alot.
cantafrond on
Cookiephant Edition - Patch Notes
10 years ago
Maintenence will begin at 7:00AM PST and should last for about 3 hours. Keep in mind that login queues may be slower than normal after the server update.
Ktlavsko on
Unhandled giveaway / 1
10 years ago
congrats the winner :D
TeeKayM on Unhandled task / 4
10 years ago
Task #4 claimed by TeeKayM