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Commented on Class Art #7 - Dino Tamer page
Torrentia Member
October,08 2016 06:20I really like the color pallete used here, as well as the little "pop" that the Tamer's scarf gives the whole drawing. Definitely a cute piece with a great atmosphere. One thing that I try to really emphasize that all artists of all skill levels use when drawing figures is to use real-life anatomy references, regardless of how "cartoony" then end picture will turn out. Using real-life references to help with poses, anatomy, and other muscle and skeletal structures can really solidify a piece because it can help eliminate any distracting errors with perspective and anatomy. References can also be used to help with clothes and things like weapons. A good ol Google search can yield a plethora of helpful images, as well as sites such as DeviantART. Keep up the great work!