There are some parts where i would do small adjustments.

Nav :

The translation for the words : Guide,Mods,Gallery and Promos   are all correct but the english words are used more often in germany i think and since the space of the navigation menu is very limited you should go with the shorter version.



Your translation for "codes" isnt good because codes = Schlüssel = Key  missleading is while the translation itself isnt used that way in german. So just staying with the english word everybody knows might be better.


Side :

The translation for events = Ereignisse isnt nice because in my opinion an "ereigniss " is more like an incident.

So going  with events = Events is better again.


Calendar :

Your translations are all correct again but if you look at the engl ish setup of the words

Ends 14 hours "from now" your translation would be : endet 14 Stunden von jetzt

which doesnt sound nice . The same problem for "ago"

Ended 10 hours ago


Country Page :


Patches and links are well know german words so translating them is unnecessary


Footer :


If you translate "brought to you by"  with only : von

you are loosing the meaning of the translation.

I used "Erstellt von"  in that case