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Commented on Trovian Hotspot Spear creation
Ylva Creations Team
March,27 2022 17:29Thanks for fixing those material maps!
Spear looking great, good job. Approved!
If by 'in action' you mean outside of metaforge - there is a way to replace in-game styles (or costumes/mounts/etc) with your own designs for your client in a more permanent way than /wp, which i believe would revert itself on any world/class change. Its explained under the fold over here >
Short version - you take your blueprint and put it into Trove/Live/override folder.
If you do not have that folder - make a new folder and rename it to 'override'.
You also need to rename the blueprint itself, so the game would know which in-game item needs to use that override - pick an existing style you want to replace, let say you chose [Sparring Spear]. Locate the name of its blueprint on the page - equipment_weapon_spear_starter
and rename your own design sitting in override with that.
Next time you log in after doing that - all the Sparring Spears you see (on your own character or other players) will appear to be using your design. Only you would see that change.
That works on everything like costumes, mounts, allies, banners, inventory items and so on. However we can not replace models of the Dungeons or natural props this way.
If you d like to try modding - we have a guide for that too, with video and more text in notes :)
Difference between modding and Creations that we have here - creations cover separate styles (ones that dont come with a costume), decorations and most importantly Dungeons. Creations are moderated, as you might ve noticed :) That is because adding a dungeon in game that is not working properly would be a really bad thing. Decorations must also follow the rules, and styles without costumes must work on as many costumes as possible (preferably all) and so they must follow the rules too.
Mods on the other hand do not have any restrictions aside from being family-friendly. Developers sometimes accept mods for the game, mostly for Chaos Chests, and in such a case they check every mod they are accepting by themselves.
You should try your hand at modding too, im sure you have at least a couple of ideas for costumes or mounts :P