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Commented on Disable Outline Effect by ExoDave mod

If you would like to disable the outline effect for yourself, first make a copy of the file the game provides* then open the file [Mod Description tells you which one with Microsofts Wordpad, or Notepad++] and search for "> low" without quotations, it should be the first of two results, change ">" to "<", then save.

*The copy is for backup purposes, using something like Microsofts Notepad doesn't treat the file correctly when saving. If they change how shader stuff works again, the other parts of the file will be incompatible so we're only making a precise adjustment to a specific portion. The outline mod also had muted or entirely disabled the light players gave off... Here are the 5 lines that were changed outside of the outline fix (  Big Thanks to abbie for sharing their own fixed version so I could understand what effected what.