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Commented on Item Per Hour Tracker mod


Sorry for the late response on this, but i do not believe the logic behind the tracking is at blame here (maybe on very very slow systems but generally most computers should be able to handle that) but rather the logic behind the icons being displayed next to each item (or most items).

These "micro-freezes" occur mostly when there is a lot of icons being rendered out at once (at least in my testing) since how flash generally works is that we have a sprite that contains a set of frames (in this case icon's for items) and then we go through each frame until we stop at a specific index, so lets say we have glim, that is at index 1 then we would go from frame 0 to 1 (we start at 0) and then stop, but what if we have an item that is on index 300? well then we go from 0, 1, 2... etc until we are at 300, and having multiple items drop (which is common in trove) will cause multiple of these long sequences to occur that i think is causing the "micro-freezes", if you want to contact me over on discord (you can find me in Trovesaurus discord server) and help me test a version without the icons to see if you still get the same affect on your end that would be great, if that solves the issue i will have to make an updated version that uses another way of displaying the images.
