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Commented on Lionfang Melee creation
Ylva Creations Team
September,14 2020 17:39Hello and welcome!
Sword is looking really good, loving that very smooth coloring! Great usage of material maps too :)
However, Trove has over 900 melee designs, so all swords that im able to Approve need to have something really special about them. Your design is solid and well-made, but there are already quite some blue icy looking swords. On a quick search through database i found Glowing Glass Gladius,
Wailing Warblade and
Kin Keeper, but im sure there are more that share same color pallet/idea.
It can be really challenging to create a fresh sword design. Going for biomes with least melee weapons like Geode or Jurassic Jungle and/or using axe/blunt shape instead of sword could be beneficial.
About the sword itself, at the moment it slightly exceeds allowed dimensions around the Attachment Point, it is important to keep an eye on those. You can easily check that in Troxel using Lint and Export button.
Another thing, while shading is absolutely stunning, you have quite a lot of occasions where a color is only used on one-two voxels. It is not noticeable at all that there are more than 3-5 shades of grey used, yet there are so many of them. It is best for performance (and usually appearance of style aswell) to use fewer shades but with more thought.
Going to change the status of your creation to Active for now, change it back to Needs Review if you upload changes. If you d rather create something completely different, set it to Draft, that will hide it from the list and free up a creation slot.
In any case, good luck! You have some good voxel-skills already, would be great to see them put to use on some fun idea or an exciting concept :)