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Commented on Sky Breaker Melee creation


Oh my, thats one fine hammer! Loving the design, very eye-catching and lush!

There is only one thing id suggest to adjust, the pyramidal shape at the front of it. May be it could be just a tiny bit more square to look less busy? I made a quick edit based on your model, 4 voxels less on the pyramid and slight change in the shade of gold on it and pommel to match. Highlighting the cross-shape with some other color could possibly be good too (or not :P).

Thing is, with the way Material maps are now its a bit hard to tell how its intended to be or how it will look in game. You have a whole lot of maps overlapping eachother, while one voxel cant be both Metal and Glowing. If its glowing, it has to be Rough on Specular map, and if its Metal it has to be 'blank' White on Type/Alpha. Could you please make sure no such things happen on your design? Lint and Export button in Troxel could be helpful with that :)

Going to change status of this one to Active for now, do change it back to Needs Review if you upload any changes. Hoping to see this one finished, but if you d rather work on something else you can always set it to Draft, that will free up creation slot for something else.