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Commented on Narwhal Helmet creation

It fits in the box now, sweet!

But it looks like that was achieved with cutting off the horn? Thought you wanted to keep that longer? Also did the helmet lose some color? I have a feeling it used to be whiter on the bottom.

You have that whole space on front, back and sides that could be reduced and so a longer horn would fit.

Im not here to try and make obstacles in your way of getting items in game, im trying to help and get them to their most attractive and presentable shape. Its not that hard to bypass me, but after that you still need to impress Devs. If you truly believe this one is good to go, sure thing i can approve it since it now works fine from technical point of view and it is rather cute model overall :D

Although i do strongly suggest to try to shrink it down a bit, return back the colors (and may be try that dark blue instead of grey) and return some length to that horn. If you d rather keep it as is, set it back to review without changes :)

Leaving it up to you :P