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Commented on Narwhal Helmet creation

Right, i think we are talking about different thing here, i ll try to explain.

Template is meant as maximum distance in voxels to each side from Attachment point, so its a cube around players head. You cant get more voxels on one side if you reduce them on the other side.

Total size of your model and template does match (top image, view from above), while if we look from the bottom the APs are not placed in same location (bottom image, view from below).

If we try to match aps, your design goes too far in the front.

Whole design has to fit in provided dimensions around the head/around the attachment point.

If you try to achieve that, you might aswell need to reduce the overall size of the head so it all fits in the box.

You did great job on rounding up the bottom side, it looks much better now!

Back to Atcive to get those dimensions straight.