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Commented on Positivity Fortnight page

Why I LOVE Trove:

1. Building - I have done a lot of builds from my freaky cornerstone, to my awesome Bastion at our club. Check out my imgur for trove build pictures, just type = imgur mhepz 

2. Modding - Right now im still halway on learning to mod, but im really greatfull for lots of contribution from the community for some awesome mods. Cheers to the great modders.

And last,

3. The Trove Community - The community itself keeps me coming back to Trove. Trove community is overall a friendly community, there were some toxic players but they just comprised of small percentage of the community itself.

Thank you Trove for a wonderful game and always make changes so that every players aven the end gamers still have something to do within the Trove World. Keep grinding guys!!!