Inner Sea

Showing pages that match the terms collections/sail/hellenic, Inner Sea.
Thanks to Milambit we are giving away 11 sets of sails. Raider, Inner-Sea, Much Sail (Doge), and Foolish Fish. To enter, we are asking you to set your Mastery Rank and Class levels on our new Classes feature....
September 6, 2015 Giveaway
This patch adds a week long double Chaos Factor bonus, Squeakers the Sugar Glider from the Chaos Chest, a Tradable version of the Patron Pass, an /epicpose command, an Intro Video and other fixes. The servers will come down at 7 AM PDT / 2 PM GMT and s...
August 25, 2015 Patch
Frosted Mini Update arrives Tuesday August 18. It adds a new adventure chest, new sails, community creations and bug fixes. The servers will come down at 7 AM PDT / 2 PM GMT and should be down for approximately 3 hours. Source: http://forums.trov...
August 17, 2015 Patch
The Trove developers hosted a livestream this afternoon, announcing the winner of the Community Created Shadow Titan contest, showing off new radiant VFX, and more! Forum thread here!...
August 14, 2015 Livestream
We have updated the Trovesaurus database for The New Deal Edition patch....
June 23, 2015 Database Update