Tranquil Tentacle
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Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "Tranquil Tentacle"

Preview: and use the Shadowshaping Bench to make the Tranquil Tentacle ally. Show

St. Qubeslick has come to the PC version of Trove for two reasons: to chew bubble gum and destroy Angry Tentacles of Q’bthulhu – and he’s all out of bubble gum.

Celebrate two weeks of daily login rewards and complete a brand new quest chain to unlock your very own St. Qubeslick ally (box not included)!

Login every day during this new celebration to pick up free loot:

March 14th - 1 Day Patron Pass
March 15th - 5 Dragon Coins
March 16th - 1 Day Patron Pass
March 17th - 10 Chaos Chests
March 18th - 1 Day Patron Pass
March 19th - 10 Gem Booster Boxes
March 20th - 1 Day Patron Pass
March 21st - 1 Minor Experience Coin
March 22nd - 1 Day Patron Pass
March 23rd - 10 Chaos Chests
March 24th - 1 Day Patron Pass
March 25th - 10 Chaos Chests
March 26th - 1 Day Patron Pass
March 27th - 1 Pearl of Wisdom

In addition to the daily rewards there’s a new, seven step quest chain to help St. Qubeslick in the fight against his bitter enemies - Angry Tentacles of Q’bthulhu. Complete the quests to earn loot like Chaos Chests, Gem Booster Boxes, Empowered Gem Boxes, or Diamond Dragonite!

Venture into the Medieval Highlands to find a new dungeon available only during the event. Take down tentacles and use the Shadowshaping Bench to make the Tranquil Tentacle ally.

Defeated tentacles have a rare chance to drop a new decorative trophy to place in your Cornerstone or Club World.

Join the fight against the deadly disciples of Q’bthulhu and get epic loot in the process!

Preview: e slimy, shuddering shadow to craft the new Tranquil Tentacle ally! Event rewa Show

St. Qubeslick's Day
  • A new quest chain is here! Help St. Qubeslick rid the land of tentacle invaders, and gain the St. Qubeslick ally!
  • Floating shadowy lairs have been spotted over the Medieval Highlands and they are crawling with tentacles!
  • Collect pieces of the slimy, shuddering shadow to craft the new Tranquil Tentacle ally!
  • Event rewards include Diamond Dragonite, gem boosters, Dragon Coins, a Pearl of Wisdom, Chaos Chests, and much more!

Some context for the following store changes:
  • We've been wanting to simplify the store for awhile now and this is our big effort to do it.
  • We've converted most of our real money packs to Credits and also removed the idea of rotating real money packs entirely.
  • For items we felt were priced a bit too high we've also used this as a chance to bring some prices down.
  • Credit Pouches are new items in the Trove Store that can be sold for in game currency/items on the Marketplace. They will be the primary method free to play players will use to purchase items with Credits.
  • Each Credit Pouch gives 250 Credits when consumed
  • New Radiant Sovereigns have been added as a bonus for some purchases and can be used at the Radiant Merchant to trade for goodies.
  • Finally, there are new limited time offers (Flash Deals) available for Credits, so keep an eye out for those.
  • Many Packs formerly priced in real-world currency are now priced in Credits and no longer give Patron Points (Patron Points are still provided by items purchased with real-world currency such as Credits and Credit Pouches). Some Packs have been reduced in price.
  • Credit Packs now offer Radiant Sovereigns, which can be redeemed for great rewards in the Hub. As part of this change, all "Deal" packs have been retired.
  • A new $30 Credit pack has been added, offering 5,000 credits and 6 Radiant Sovereigns.
  • Extra Life 2015 will now known as the Double Dragon Pack. It is otherwise identical. if you have purchased Extra Life 2015, you will not be presented with the Double Dragon Pack.
  • Two new Flash Deals will appear in the Store from time to time offering extreme value. Flash Deals are 4-hour long, occur every 4 days, and offer a 5x value deal on various consumable items essential to powering up. Power Deals unlock as you power up and are a 4x value, and appear for 6 hours.
  • An untradable 15 day Patron Pass is now available for 1,250 Credits (fewer than half the Credits of the 30 day pass). While not directly tradable it can be purchased with Credits from five Credit Pouches that can be purchased with in game currency from the Marketplace.
  • The tradable 30 Day Patron Pass for 3,000 Credits is leaving the Trove Store.
  • Some items have been removed from the Store: Costume Mystery Boxes, Eyes, Tentacles,
  • Some Store-bought items are now untradable (but old ones retain their tradability): Greater Dragon Caches, Pinatas, Club Megaphones, Rename Tags, Heart-a-phones.
  • Heart-a-Phones reduced in price from 500 Credits to 250, and Golden keys reduced in price from 2000 to 1500.
  • Older Twinkling Tomes, Golden Keys, Golden Gem Keys are now known as “Tradable” versions of those items, and must be Loot Collected in order to produce the actual Twinkling Tomes, Golden Keys, and Golden Gem Keys that do their respective function. Store purchases of these three items will now grant untradeable versions.
  • The Chaos Weekly Deal has been improved! Whenever it appears in the Store, it will now offer 2 Golden Chaos Chests (up from 1), and 75 Chaos Chests (up from 65).
  • The Patron Weekly Deal has been replaced by the Progression Weekly Deal. This will appear every 4 weeks in the Store, and offers 25 Golden Gem Keys and 5 of a special new item - Double Experience Potions, which double XP Gained for an hour.
  • A Starter Class Coin is available to claim from the Trove Store for free in new accounts. This replaces the previous requirement of reaching Mastery Rank 3. (Pro Tip: Use the Class Select menu ( J ) to get a free trial of any Class before using your free Starter Class Coin).
  • Spring Pinatas are in the store! Winter was coming, but it came and went.

Brazilian Portuguese and Regional Pricing
  • Brazilian Portuguese is now out of beta!
  • Packs are now priced in the Brazilian real on both the in-game and web stores for players from Brazil.

Gem Changes
  • The lower stat value for all minor gems has been increased by 30%!
  • Lesser Stellar gems now deconstruct for 500 gem dust.
  • Gem Booster boxes now award golden gem keys instead of dust.
  • Gem Booster boxes now give slightly more of some boosters at uncommon.
  • Gems no longer can be found with only one stat, instead only spawning with 2 or 3 stats.
  • There are new recipes in the Gem section of the Adventure’s Crafting Bench for Lapis Luckbug and Ninth Life.

  • New Llama Talisman has a very rare chance to drop in all adventure worlds with which you can craft many lluxurious llamas.
  • The basic versions of the Regular Centaur, Meownt, Pemblock, and Shmeep mounts are now craftable on the Adventure’s Crafting Bench but no longer drop in the world. In their place, Talisman versions of each now drop and can be used to craft any of the mounts of that type, including the base mount.
  • Corgi Talismans, Centaur Talismans, Shmeep Talismans, and Meownt Talismans are required to craft the special mounts that share their names on the Adventure’s Crafting Bench in place of the basic version of the mount.
  • The descriptions of the talismans have been updated to reflect where they drop.
  • The Regular Centaur, Meownt, Pemblock, and Shmeep mounts will also Loot Collect into the Talisman version.

New Dungeons
  • New Neon City Dungeon from Evilagician!
  • New Treasure Isles Dungeon from BrianVII!
  • New Cursed Lair from FiplyLonePly!
  • New Shadow Tower Dungeon from Pennry!

Additional Updates
  • Fixed Gunslinger Charged Shot to apply decreased descent.
  • Fixed bug where boss abilities triggered too frequently.
  • Legendary tomes now require the same amount of dungeons to fill as regular ones.
  • The amount of Chaos Cores that are gained from Loot Collecting Premium Collectable Chaos Chest prizes has been reduced, from 7 to 6.
  • One week out of every 4 will now have a megacore as the chase prize for the week and no new chaos collectible.
  • Shadow Pinatas now have a very rare chance to drop from chaos chests!
  • Mastery has been doubled (from 50 to 100) on the Cyclone Skimmer and Neverending Necrowmancer mounts. Players who have already these mounts collected will receive the incremental 50 Mastery. (Squeakers will eventually get this change as well.)
  • Untradable Class Coins now Loot Collect into 3 Double Experience Potions. Please note: the Double Experience Potions do not currently display how much time is remaining after you consume them. This should be corrected in the next patch. The time will only count down while you are online.
  • Experience Boost stat is now called Experience Gain and has a base value of 100 instead of 0. This is for the new Double Experience Potions, so it has a value to double.
  • Removed a warning message when changing auras on Stellar weapons.
  • New Streamer dream allies have been added!
  • When splitting an inventory stack, the input box correctly receives the keyboard focus.
  • Spring has sprung for the hub!
  • Updated Market Place comparison to show values < 1.
  • The scroll speed for chat has been normalized.
  • Fixed an issue where the ignore list would sometimes show the wrong name for players.
  • Navigation menu can be opened regardless of whether the inventory is also open.
  • Daughter of the Moon geysers now clean-up after twenty four seconds and no longer persist the entire duration of the fight.
  • Deconstructing Rare, Epic, Relic, and Resplendent Rings now rewards appropriate amounts of Flux based on rarity.
  • Number of charges now stays constant when using an ultimate ability with the Vial of Unleashed Power equipped.
  • The Fancy Carpet mount no longer adopts player movement speed as its gliding speed.
  • The Runecrafting bench description in the Adventurer's Crafting Bench has been corrected.
  • Fixed bug where Neon Ninja class gem shiruken would not deal damage when more than one hit in rapid succession.
  • Fixed bug where killing invaders didn't always increment the Invaders Killed stat.
  • Fixed a bug that could allow creation of Marketplace listings with larger than 9999 quantity.
  • Fixed very rare issue where the Marketplace could get into a state where it took payments for listings but never handed over the purchased items.
  • Fixed bug where no respawn text was shown after dying in the tutorial.
  • Fixed a bug with /timelapseend.