Enchanted Emerald Escort
Showing pages that match the terms collections/pet/spidermonkey_mysticism, Enchanted Emerald Escort.
Trove Anthology - 10th Anniversary Mod Challenge
To celebrate the 10th anniversary of Trove we are working with the Trove Team to challenge the modding community to create and submit mods from across Troves history. Submit your mod that pays tribute to a previous Trove update for up to 3,000 Credits an...
February 11, 2025 Mod Contest
PTS Update - November 15, 2023
In addition to their current effects, all Manahunter Buffs and Potions also slightly increase yield when harvesting mana in their associated biome. The following Litanies/Mantras/Shouts/Stances no longer trigger even after the triggering animation is s...