Hatched Shadow Egg
50 75



Esélye, ha egy közeli ellenség meghal nyerni egy nagy károsodás és a mozgás sebesség növelése

Maybe if you raise it right it won't turn evil...?
50 Mesteri Pont



Can be purchased for 2 Heart of Darkness from the Shadowy Market

Using the following items can unlock this collection

Társ: Kikelt Árnyék-tojás

Ally | | 8.0% Energy Regen | | Chance when a nearby enemy dies to gain a large damage and movement speed boost.

? Ally will create a non combat pet to appear alongside you and provide you with bonuses.

? ERŐ RANG POWER RANK is granted by Equipment, Collectables, Character Levels, and various other sources. It serves as a loose measurement of how effective you are when it comes to combat in Trove. Many worlds require a minimum Power Rank value before you are allowed access.

Tervezte: Trove Team

Themes: Shadow

Icon blueprint: c_c_qubesly_egg_shadow_ui

Updated: 3 years ago | Imported in Patch: Neon Nightsky

External Links: View on Trove Wiki

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