

Showing pages that match the terms collections/pet/qubesly_banana, Banaynatanya.

Streamer Spotlight - Aynatanya

Continuing our Community Spotlight of various communities within Trove this time we speak to the Twitch Streamer [aynat]. Aynat has been streaming Trove for a long time and even has an ally in the game [collection=Banaynatanya]. You can find her Twitch c...

June 17, 2019 Streamer Spotlight Community Spotlight

DB Update: Crystal Combat - Collections

We've updated the Trovesaurus Database with the collections from the Crystal Combat update. Here are the changes we have detected:...

December 18, 2018 Database Update Collections

PTS: Crystal Combat Update - New Collections

New collections detected on the PTS build....

November 30, 2018 PTS Collections

PTS: Crystal Combat Update - New Strings

New and changed strings detected in the PTS client....

November 30, 2018 PTS Strings