Dhade the Wisp Dancer

Showing pages that match the terms collections/mount/warhorse_pegasus_smokey, Dhade the Wisp Dancer.
Dear Trovians, We are happy to present to you a new chapter in Trove: the incredible “Tune Up” update (PC)! Celebrate the start of summer in Trove with amazing music and welcome our new character class – the Bard!Our little mu...
June 15, 2021 Blog
Dear Trovians,We are happy to present to you a new chapter in Trove: the incredible "Tune Up" update (PC)!Celebrate the start of summer in Trove with amazing music and welcome our new character class - the Bard! Our little musician - with his elegant move...
June 15, 2021 Patch
Bard Bards weave together stylish moves and powerful songs in order to buff allies and dish out magic damage. Bards use fist weapons to power up the strums of their lute. They have the ability to convert the physical damage on fist weapons into m...