Ganda, the Sky Shepherd

Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "Ganda"
Preview: ting a Shadow Titan! There’s a rumor that Ganda the Sky Shepherd can spawn in a club Show
Calling all Trovians!
My name is Ricky “Din Othar” White, Senior Producer for Trove, and I'm here to offer you a look at the great content the team has been preparing for you over the last months. This is literally the first time these features have been revealed and I’m delighted to let you be the first to know.
I am ecstatic to announce that Trove - Adventures, a massive free content expansion for PC, Xbox One, and PS4, will release on November 14th! Including features requested by you, the Trove community, this update evolves the expansive Trove geography, and has some very cool surprises that we know you’re going to love. This is the highly anticipated “club update” that we’ve been hinting at, so let’s take a deeper look at what it brings to the table!
Clubs and Adventures
Clubs can now level up! Clubs gain experience through participation in the new Adventure system. As a club’s level increases, slots are unlocked to support new types of structures called fixtures. These fixtures provide stats, boosts, and bonuses, some that have never been seen before in Trove. I have two fixtures that I absolutely love in Trove - Adventures: one adds a new Gem Efficiency stat that reduces the amount of dust required to upgrade gems, and the other gives you the Double Hit stat that grants a chance to deal double damage in combat! At the release of the update, we’ll include 18 different fixtures, each of which can be upgraded twice, creating a ton of different combos. It’ll be up to your club’s leadership to decide which fixtures are placed down at a given time and in what order they are upgraded!
Players of all levels can use the new Club Adventure Portals located in the Club Headquarters at the Hub World. After jumping through the portal, they’ll arrive at a club’s Adventure Fixture, the home for our new Adventure NPCs. Admins of that club will spawn NPCs like Davey Drowner the Skeletal Pirrot or Snackle the Golden Chaos Chest Mimic. These NPCs give out exciting new adventures that anyone can take on, ranging from simple, like fishing up an old boot, to challenging, like defeating a Shadow Titan! There’s a rumor that Ganda the Sky Shepherd can spawn in a club world as an adventure NPC – will you be the first to discover if it’s true?
Additionally, Club permissions just got a whole lot better, as club leaders can now link individual permissions to ranks. The system is fully customizable, letting leaders decide who can do what! We’ve added a couple new ranks like President, the sole leader of a club, and Enforcer - you know - the person who really gets stuff done. Players will also designate one of their five clubs as their “main club”, enabling them to receive fixture benefits from it.
The Forbidden Spires
The thing I’m most excited about though is an amazing new biome called the Forbidden Spires! This great new Eastern-themed landscape visually replaces the Uber-6 prime world and appears randomly in other prime worlds. Explore its magnificent peaks and valleys while adventuring through all-new dungeons, obtaining great décor recipes, gathering the new mining resource known as cinnabar, and collecting feathers to craft your very own Ancient Phoenix mount!
Mastery and Leaderboards
The mastery system is now uncapped, allowing you to gain benefits for all the mastery points you’ve accumulated! We expect the top mastery players to reach the mid-500s with this update, with infinite room to grow in the future. Some adjustments have been made to the passive stats granted by each mastery rank to consider the uncapped nature of this system. Time to get your collecting on; will you be among the first to unlock the new Mastery Pegasus?
We’re also ready to release the highly anticipated changes to leaderboards. All Power Rank and Mastery leaderboards have been adjusted so players with the highest score per week are ranked the highest - meaning that all players will need to put in weekly effort if they want to be eligible for great rewards. Gold names will now be awarded to the top 2,000 Trove players per platform that have the highest Mastery totals week over week. I can’t wait to see which of our clubs place the highest on our new Club Power Rank leaderboard! A club’s Power Rank is calculated based on the combined Power Rank of its top 50 members, and the President of a top 20 club will receive a coveted blue name for a week!
More Great Stuff
But that’s not all…. Here’s a summary of the other features included in this colossal update.
- New Tutorial – Learn how to play Trove in style with this new walkthrough![/*]
- Adventure Window – An awesome way to track adventures, events, challenges, dungeons, tome progress, and your daily cubit bar.[/*]
- LED Blocks – A new vibrant block type that can be set to various blinking cycles. Mostly, you use it to make some really cool signs. I mean, I make cool signs with them.[/*]
- Frameworks – Pre-constructed block arrangements that can be placed down all at once in your club world. BAM! A wild castle appeared.[/*]
- Plasma Fishing – It’s finally here! Fish in plasma to your heart’s content.[/*]
- Forged Stellar Souls – Stellar items can now be loot collected, resulting in Forged Stellar Souls instead of Forged Radiant Souls.[/*]
- Radiant and Stellar Rings – 250 skill Ringcrafters can use Radiant, and Stellar Souls to create these great new rings! If you like it, then you shoulda put…I’ll show myself out.[/*]
Over the next month as we work our way up to the release of Adventures, we’ll dish out even more info on this exciting new stuff. If you want to experience everything I just talked about, then head on over to our Public Test Server later this week for a full content preview. Your feedback is warmly welcomed. You’ll even be able to copy your live character over to our test servers!
That’s all for now, and I hope you’re as hyped for Trove - Adventures as I am. Stay connected with us by watching our Friday Livestreams at, and follow us on social media at and
See you in Trove!
-Ricky “Din Othar” White
Senior Producer
Preview: div> Ok, so i get Ganda is a big deal and all, with the runni Show
It's possible that we'd take another look at it down the line but I don't think changes to Ganda are very likely. The special mechanic of generating blocks to run on and not having to worry about running out of jumps make it compelling, but the rarity is a major part of the appeal. Making it also the undeniably best mount in the game in every respect is likely a bit much.
The Ganda is rare and awesome. If you have one you'll likely want to show it off. If you need to swap to another mount for a specific task we're cool with that.
Preview: -tradible chaos coin? Point in fact, I opened my ganda before I got a chaos coin from a chaos chest Show
Let's have a little chat here. I'm going to let you in on some secrets, but don't tell anyone.
We'd love to give you dates for when things are coming. Dates are awesome. As the Community Manager I'm going to be the source for most of this kind of info. The issue is that it's a complex world and game systems are even more complex.
Changing one small thing can impact things you'd never expect. We want to bring a bunch of content all at once but we need to make sure all of it works together without causing too many headaches. As it stands we'll always have some bugs - that's just a reality of building an ever-changing MMO.
We don't want to even ballpark a date for something that isn't already complete because when we do that we are told that we "promised" a date that has slipped.
You'll always get answers from me that I believe to be true. Sometimes I'm wrong. I'm 42% human (58% Bulldog) so I can screw up sometimes. I try not to, and when I do, I learn from it - always.
- Mastery rank update is going to be above 400. We're not going to give you a date on it.
- Chaos Chests drop Chaos Coins very rarely. It's in the neighborhood of Ganda rarity.
- This Tuesday, January 31st, PS4 beta testers are getting the stability patch (which is a massive quality of life improvement). I just dropped some date knowledge on you.
Have a great night!
Spoilers: yes. Just to save you the wait until Friday, the Shadow Ganda isn't a thing in Trove. There may come a day when it does exist, but not yet. We sometimes talk about cool or fun things...
Preview: Tried to buy the ganda shirt, amazon told me it can't be shipped to Show