Baesmuth, the Shaper's Gift

Dev Tracker
Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "Baesmuth"
Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "Baesmuth"
A question about being penalized without my knowledge
Fasti / Trove Forums
Preview: efore I gave money, I farmed preserver fragments, baesmuth fragments, ice dragon fragments in just a Show
Hey there,
To be very clear, this is simply not the case. However, I am curious what you suspect the benefit of this would be. Can you explain how we'd benefit from punishing people for making purchases?
We all work very hard to keep Trove evolving over time and there are a ton of really cool things ahead in 2018 and very literally none of them involve finding ways to punish players who are willing to help fund future development. We're going to continue to release a lot of content in 2018 (more than you might believe) and keeping a growing and active dev team means paying them so they can afford their cost of living.
The only way we can do that is with the support of our phenomenal players. There's no system to punish people for spending money. Just as there is no system to improve loot after you spend money. The in-game stat of Magic Find is the only personal option for improving the loot you receive and you're in control over how much Magic Find you have. For all other cases the changes happen for everyone. This is how we can make bonus days.
I hope that clarifies things a bit.
Iridescent Dragon Fragments Clarification Please?
Morticus / Trove Forums
You can get a Baesmuth fragment from any of the ore that drops the rare ore in Trove.
Iridescent Dragon Fragments Clarification Please?
Morticus / Trove Forums
Sorry for my vague post! Any of the Infinium Ore blocks will give you a chance to get a Baesmuth fragment. Hope this helps!
Clarify the new dragon ; Baesmuth , the shaper's gift stat
Fasti / Trove Forums
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I sent this bug over to the QA team and it looks like we have this fixed internally. It will require a client patch so it's already been added to the club update.
Because you mine in Trove using a laser the term, "Lasermancy" was picked very early on. It was intended to be a bit more fun a term than simply, "mining speed."