Carpet Ride

Showing pages that match the terms collections/mount/carpet_talisman_default, Carpet Ride.
To celebrate the 10th anniversary of Trove we are working with the Trove Team to challenge the modding community to create and submit mods from across Troves history. Submit your mod that pays tribute to a previous Trove update for up to 3,000 Credits an...
February 11, 2025 Mod Contest
We’re back at it, Trovians! Join us for our August 10 livestream for a second chance at an exclusive Twitch Drop! In case you missed our last Twich Drop that celebrated the launch of our latest free expansion for Trove, Geode, we’re giving you a se...
July 27, 2018 Blog
Good news, Trovians! We’ve got a special prize for you to celebrate the arrival of Trove – Geode! Join us on arrival day for Trove – Geode! Besides launching the latest FREE expansion for Trove, we’re hosting a special Tuesday, June 26, 2018 li...
June 14, 2018 Blog
Radiant DayspringStarting in July, earn a Daily Login Token each day you login to Trove. These tokens and rewards will change on a monthly basis. A new crafting bench, the Radiant Dayspring, has been added to the Novice Crafting Bench. The new D...
June 23, 2017 Patch