Tasty Taiyaki


Showing pages that match the terms collections/mount/carpet_taiyaki, Tasty Taiyaki.

Stop the turkey invasion during Turkeytopia!

Turkeytopia is back from November 17, 2020 at 12:00 p.m. CET until November 30, 2020 at 12:00 p.m. CET, with a whole new set of adventures, new recipes, new rewards and a new turkeytopiastic pack in our shop! Diggsly went into the Delves to find a ...

November 17, 2020 Blog Turkeytopia 2020

Trove - Adventures Hotfix 3 - November 28, 2017

Update: After reviewing the contents of this hotfix, we've concluded that it does not contain the removal of tethering. However, the change to remove tethering is still coming in a future hotfix, it just did not make it into this build. We will a...

November 27, 2017 Patch

Database Update - Adventures (Collections)

These are the collections from the database update of Trove - Adventures. This is in a seperate document due to the length....

November 14, 2017 Database Update

Database Update - St. Qubeslick's Day

We've updated the Trovesaurus Database to the St. Qubeslick's Day patch....

March 14, 2017 Database Update