Sunseeker's Glider

Database Changes
Changes in the database for Sunseeker's Glider
rarity changed from '' to 'Common'
November 23, 2023 Database Change
obtained changed fromCan be unlocbed by crafting at a [crystallogy workbench].
\r\nTradable version can be rarely unboxed from a [greater geodian topside cache].
toCan be unlocked by crafting at a [crystallogy workbench].
\r\nTradeable version can be rarely unboxed from a [greater geodian topside cache].
November 23, 2023 Database Change
obtained from toCan be unlocbed by crafting at a [crystallogy workbench].
Tradable version can be rarely unboxed from a [greater geodian topside cache].
November 23, 2023 Contribution
images from to 4, 2023 Contribution
images from to 8, 2020 Contribution
troxel changed from nothing to LinkOctober 2, 2019 Contribution
troxel changed from nothing to LinkOctober 2, 2019 Contribution
troxel changed from nothing to LinkOctober 2, 2019 Contribution
powerrank from to -1September 18, 2019 Contribution
effects from toMount
- 90 Movement Speed
- 95 Movement Speed
- 100 Glide
July 20, 2019 Contribution
mastery_geode from 0 to 100January 10, 2019 Contribution
mastery from 0 to 100January 10, 2019 Contribution