Magic Carpet

Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "Magic Carpet"
Preview: /a> to be sure to get your hands on a Trove Magic Carpet mount! Post you Show
Hey folks, happy Monday!
This week only, during the livestream, we see the return of Twitch Drops! Get your accounts connected to be sure to get your hands on a Trove Magic Carpet mount!
Post your questions for the dev team below and we'll answer as many as possible on the livestream.
Preview: Tapestry of Timeless Tales and take yourself on a magic carpet ride. Use 1 token to craft t Show
Radiant Dayspring
- Starting in July, earn a Daily Login Token each day you login to Trove. These tokens and rewards will change on a monthly basis.
- A new crafting bench, the Radiant Dayspring, has been added to the Novice Crafting Bench.
- The new Daily Login Tokens can be used at the Radiant Dayspring Workbench to craft unique mounts, items, and a special monthly lootbox.
- Use 18 tokens to craft the Dormant Lorekeeper Dragon Egg, which can be used to craft Aurym, Keeper of Histories at the Dragon Crucible! (Please note: Aurym, Keeper of Histories, cannot be unlocked by the dragon effigy.)
- Use 9 tokens to craft the Tapestry of Timeless Tales and take yourself on a magic carpet ride.
- Use 1 token to craft the Xinzaya's Boon 2017, which very rarely contains a Dormant Lorekeeper Dragon Egg! Other potential rewards include gem boosters, Super Style Stashes, Super Recipe Stashes, gem dust boxes, and 3 day patron passes.
- The new daily login tokens will be available in the Trove Store for two months following the end of their specific month. For example, Xinzaya's Tokens, received in the month of July, will be available in the Store from August 1st through October 1st.
- This system has replaced the Daily Loot Chests, so they will stop dropping as of July 1st.
- The Mega Menagerie Pack is finally here! Thanks to the charitable contributions made by players during Extra Life 2016, this pack is bursting with over 40 items, including 2 dragon eggs (one of which is for a CORGI DRAGON), 6 mounts, 14 allies, 4 costumes, 8 hat styles, 5 face styles, and 5 weapon styles.
- Trion Worlds, Inc. will donate 50% from the sale of each Trove Mega Menagerie Pack, up to a maximum amount of US$40,000, to Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals (a tax exempt 501(c)(3) organization located at 205 W 700 S, Salt Lake City, UT 84101 ). Donations will be made for all eligible packs sold worldwide (excluding SC, AL, IL, and MA) between 12:00 AM PDT, June 27, 2017 through 11:59 pm PDT, July 31, 2017. This contribution is not tax deductible.
- The Fast Fortune Pack offers a way to boost your levelling and enhance your gems by giving you 30 gem booster boxes, 2 double experience potions, 2 empowered gem boxes, and 2 Radiant Sovereigns you can exchange at the Radiant Merchant in the hub for Party Animals, Golden Chaos Chests, Titan's Treasures, or more Empowered Gem boxes! Best of all, the Fast Fortune Pack can be repeatedly obtained, in case a lot of Double XP potions are needed ASAP.
Additonal Updates
- Fix for a relatively common client crash that could occur when air current blocks were entering or leaving view.
- Fixed issue where a gameserver crash can cause players to be locked out of the game for ten minutes.
- Fixed a memory leak that could cause the game to crash after playing for an extended amount of time.
- The above 3 fixes cover the 3 most common crashes observed on PC at this time.
- The Dino Tamer Pinata Protector costume's ult no longer spawns VFX that linger forever.
- The Trading Post UI window now automatically closes if the other player cancels the trade (it already automatically closed on completion of a successful trade).
- Fixed an issue causing parts of the whisper text to be unlocalized.
- Fixed an issue where boss icons in the Shadow Tower UI could disappear for non-English language players.
It's actually a bug. It will go back to sitting in the next patch.
Preview: s last, guests will each receive an in-game Magic Carpet and real-world loot. Plus, you Show
Attending PAX East 2015 in Boston this March? Join the Trion Worlds team for a party celebrating the Trove community!
Follow up the first day of the show with a short walk to Liberty Wharf and party with us at Legal Harborside on March 6. Attendees will enjoy food, drinks, and giveaways. While supplies last, guests will each receive an in-game Magic Carpet and real-world loot. Plus, you’ll have the opportunity for face time with the team members working on Trove and all of our other games. We’ll announce the latest developments with each game after which you’ll be able to ask questions and swap stories up close and in person.
Mark your calendars and come hang out with us from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM EST (before the time switch to Daylight Savings). Arriving early is strongly advised as space (and giveaways) are limited!
WHAT: Trion Worlds Community Party at PAX East 2015
WHEN: Friday, March 6, 2015 from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM EST
WHERE: Legal Harborside, 270 Northern Ave., Boston, MA 02210
See you in Boston!
Preview: /> ADVENTURE WORLDS/BIOMES * Magic Carpet drops are now more common in U Show
Arriving on 2/10/15!
* Shadow Hunter is now live! This class uses a bow to do massive damage to enemy targets with charged shots, while the shadow trapped in their gem whispers about who to kill.
* You can now craft a portal to the Sky Realms!
* Mine Crystallized Clouds, harvest Radiant Shards, but you'd best come prepared with wings, or it's going to be tough to keep up!
* A new rare mount, the Nimble Nimbus, can now be found rarely in the Sky Realms!
* Updraft blocks are now craftable in the Fun Factory!
* Wings are now obtainable in game!
* Mastery Rank 20 and 100 now grant wings!
* Stormcaller's Wings are now in the store!
* Wings of Darkest Night now drop incredibly rarely from Shadow Arenas.
* Runecrafting is now live! Obtain some radiant shards from the Radiant Ruins, then learn a whole bunch of new block recipes to build to your heart's content! As your runecrafting skill increases, you'll unlock a variety of colored, metal, glass, and glowing block recipes.
* At the higher levels, you'll be able to craft vault style unlockers that will unlock a Vault style, as well as tomes that you can equip to grant yourself additional resources of a specific type as you adventure!
* A new mount, the Floating Formula, can now be crafted by Runic Masters at the Runecrafting bench!
* Added 101 new colors of colored blocks (split between standard, glass, metal, and glow).
* Added emotes! You can now /wave hello or goodbye or take a nap with /zzz. Characters with no input for 2 minutes will also now automatically start snoozing.
* Fixed the dreaded "Received user acknowledgement" login bug.
* Mastery rank now goes to 100!
* The Magic Find tooltip now has correct text.
* Fixed a bug where players who are loaded in while already in flight appear to fall and teleport back up repeatedly.
* Fixed a bug where being hit by an enemy could cancel jumps and other movement.
* Chests now take fewer hits to destroy.
* Spikes can now be destroyed by bombs.
* The Mount, Mag Rider, Flask, Wings, and Ally slots are now class specific.
* As a result of this change the Mount, Mag Rider, Flask, and Ally slots will be empty on log in and will need to be re-equipped.
* Chaos Chests have been randomized!
* Uberman, a new costume for the Gunslinger, is live!
* Prisms are now 1000 Credits.
* Heart-a-Phone is now in the store and now turns your target's name red for 24 hours.
* You can no longer purchase the textured block recipe in the store for bordered blocks. You now earn these through Runecrafting.
You now gain 2 no-trade flask coins instead of the fixed flasks in the Power Pack.
* Gunslinger's Blast Jump ability now increases height less but gives you a temporary slow fall effect
* The Gunslinger now slowfalls after hitting with a basic attack
* Fixed bug where Gunslinger's passive instant charge shot couldn't be fired at zero energy.
* Mining Troves, Party Animals, and Recipe Blocks will now drop the new type of block recipe that teaches you a random block recipe that you don't already know.
* You can now deconstruct stacks of the same item.
* Red equipment can now be deconstructed for flux plus 1 eye.
* Magic Carpet drops are now more common in Uber 4 and 5, and are otherwise less common.
* Uber 4 and 5 worlds are slightly harder.
* The King's Tomb dungeon will no longer spawn in Undead Hills.
* The Haunted Mansion dungeon will now spawn properly in the Undead Hills.
* Shadow Arenas and Dungeons are now slightly harder.
* Improved cloud distribution, especially while moving. Clouds now respond immediately to lighting changes.
* Fixed a bug where the knight could lose Iron Will shield VFX upon being hit.
* Significantly reduced CPU cost of camera-based player opacity.
* Fixed a bug where exiting gliding by jumping put the player into the wrong animation.
* Resource blocks now blend into the terrain better.
* Accesories on hairstyles will now, for the most part, ignore hair color and retain their own coloring
* New decor by Tribe, MajorTom, Qoaleth and Screamheart has been added to the game!
* New hairstyles by Dragoes, GadgetCAT, and Subtitles have been added to the game!
* New mask styles by TigerLove, Ixion, chocobag, and Claire have been added to the game New hat styles by Kukui, Ranen, TheZoobler, Aviarei, Shyster, MCfan567, Turtlenade, Dusty_Mustard, Floretha, Agent_41, and Phoenix have been added to the game!
* New staff styles by Zeeg, MediocrityGoggles, Smorph, nolanvoid, KtlavskoX, FedoraTip, and FriedSushi have been added to the game!
* New melee weapon styles by Karokendo, Sentium, Zeeg, Zodriac, ForJagler, Turtlenade, AllieCat, RoflGofl, Blindside, Miredirex, Seral, Enthropy, ElMexicano, LETAL1TY, LippyLapras, Hypatech, Smearg and Fhilian have been added to the game! New pistol styles by Zipperumpazoo, BlueMango, and Voodoo have been added to the game!
* New bows by Tribe, Aodahn, Jonny_Spikey, Screamheart, nolanvoid, Floretha, Greenitthe, PinkNekoGirl, Tyhler, Riptide, FriedSushi, GadgetCAT, Stedms, Ixion, RutilusFalx, EdgeG, Cougarkillz, Solipso, MapletXD, LinguisticallyInept, Drakfyre, MiszterSoul, TehRedReaper, MysticLugia, LippyLapras, Ranen, TheGiv32, miopiIV, watermellonduke, JumpyBunny, Dragoes, Leeman, CloBunny, _Protichsx_, Qoaleth, GinnyBinny, Bahamuth, Quedifuv, Linker, FrozenCross, Taiboi, Uniquisher, Jallafish, Wallow75, Aspis, Sephyr, Shyster, MajorTom, Buckerneir, Dirkalo, MrTuffnStuff, TomixD, Rhylight, PsicoVoxeL, Leeon, Nomeneta, Caspersaur, tmahwk, Prototype, Rade_Dobison, pasi123567, GreyRellik, demosito, Stedms, Aodahn, TheZoobler, FriedSushi, PinkNekoGirl, HandofGod, Tribe, Khali, Eriri, Mirage, Ecky, Kiyomi, Kyiro, Zimanta, Nomeneta, CassIV, TeeKayM, Soulrenor, Dave203, Kopandazavr, TheGiv32, Robotik, Ginkgo, Lucifuge, Prototype, cczeus, Tresette, taelg, AshtonGrey, Byoo, and Kane8066 have been added to the game!
* New Neon City dungeons from Khastiel and Lamafao.
* New Undead Hills dungeon from Screamheart.
* New Treasure Isles dungeon from FriedSushi.
* New Candoria lairs from Habosbabafos, Thresio, Markec1983.
RN: New Undead Hills lairs from Tribe and WINRAR-exe.
RN: New Highlands lair from Condorspark.
Preview: 'll be at PAX South all weekend giving away Magic Carpet codes! We're not doing anythin Show
I'll be at PAX South all weekend giving away Magic Carpet codes! We're not doing anything official, so you'll have to find me on the floor or around San Antonio if you want one. On Saturday I'll be wearing my Trove shirt, but if you can find me any other day I'll be happy to give out codes as well. I'll often have Pinny Arcade pins on and a backpack with a red Trion Glpyh bandana tied on to it somehow.
Here's my picture (apologies for the terribleness of the pic - I'm not usually a selfie kind of guy):
Kiwibird will be there, too! That makes your odds twice as good for finding one of us. She'll post later with how to find her.
EDIT: Forgot to mention, since my username isn't terribly obvious: I answer to Jon, but in a crowded area I'll often subconsciously filter that out (it's a common name), so if you're trying to get my attention "McEvoy" will also work. Pronounced like the actor James McAvoy (he misspelled it).
Preview: ys! For every 100 viewers we'll give away a Magic Carpet mount, and for every 1000 view Show
Join us ten minutes earlier, this week, on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel! We'll talk about launch, and beyond, as well as info on Neon Dragons, Steam, and provide answers to your questions!
If you have any questions for the dev team, ask down below!
Trove Livestream
Twitch Channel:
Start Time: Friday, July 10 at 1:20 PM PDT (GMT-7)
Duration: 30-45 minutes
Make sure to stay until the end for a chance to win one of our giveaways! For every 100 viewers we'll give away a Magic Carpet mount, and for every 1000 viewers we'll be giving away a Chaos Coin!
We'll see you there!
Preview: ys! For every 100 viewers we'll give away a Magic Carpet mount, and for every 1000 view Show
Join us on Thursday this week, on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel! We'll have details on some very cool stuff coming up for Trove, including a look at the Trove Pack on Steam, being a Trove Patron, the new Tomb Raiser Pack, and improvements to make building even better!
If you have any questions for the dev team, just ask!
Trove Livestream
Twitch Channel:
Start Time: Thursday, July 2 at 1:20 PM PDT (GMT-7)
Duration: 30-45 minutes
Make sure to stay until the end for a chance to win one of our giveaways! For every 100 viewers we'll give away a Magic Carpet mount, and for every 1000 viewers we'll be giving away a Chaos Coin!
We'll see you there!
Preview: ys! For every 100 viewers we'll give away a Magic Carpet mount, and for every 1000 view Show
Join us this week, on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel! We'll have details on some very cool stuff coming up for Trove, including a look at upcoming changes to the User Interface, Shadow Piñatas, the revamped Map, and a discussion of Mastery Rewards!!
If you have any questions for the dev team, ask in this thread!
Trove Livestream
Twitch Channel:
Start Time: Friday, June 26 at 1:20 PM PDT (GMT-7)
Duration: 30-45 minutes
Make sure to stay until the end for a chance to win one of our giveaways! For every 100 viewers we'll give away a Magic Carpet mount, and for every 1000 viewers we'll be giving away a Chaos Coin!
We'll see you there!
Preview: ys! For every 100 viewers we'll give away a Magic Carpet mount, and for every 1000 view Show
Join us ten minutes earlier, this week, on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel! We'll have details on some very cool stuff coming up for Trove, including a new Pinata, the Refer a Friend program, and info on the new class coming to Trove!
If you have any questions for the dev team, ask down below!
Trove Livestream
Twitch Channel:
Start Time: Friday, June 12 at 1:20 PM PDT (GMT-7)
Duration: 30-45 minutes
Make sure to stay until the end for a chance to win one of our giveaways! For every 100 viewers we'll give away a Magic Carpet mount, and for every 1000 viewers we'll be giving away a Chaos Coin!
We'll see you there!
Preview: ys! For every 100 viewers we'll give away a Magic Carpet mount, and for every 1000 view Show
Join us on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel! We’ll be diving deeper into Challenges and Dragons. We also have some very cool, new stuff you won't want to miss!
If you have any questions for the dev team, ask down below!
Trove Livestream
Twitch Channel:
Start Time: Friday, June 12 at 1:30 PM PDT (GMT-7)
Duration: 30-45 minutes
Make sure to stay until the end for a chance to win one of our giveaways! For every 100 viewers we'll give away a Magic Carpet mount, and for every 1000 viewers we'll be giving away a Chaos Coin!
We'll see you there!
Preview: ys! For every 100 viewers we'll give away a Magic Carpet mount, and for every 1000 view Show
Join Game Director Andrew "Avarem" Krausnik and Art Lead Brian "Grumpntug" Clarke on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel! We’ll be discussing the Road to Launch, Dragons, Challenges, Badges, and more!
If you have any questions for the dev team, ask down below!
Trove Livestream
Twitch Channel:
Start Time: Friday, June 5 at 1:30 PM PDT (GMT-7)
Duration: 30-45 minutes
Make sure to stay until the end for a chance to win one of our giveaways! For every 100 viewers we'll give away a Magic Carpet mount, and for every 1000 viewers we'll be giving away a Chaos Coin!
We'll see you there!
Preview: ppropriate audio. * The icon for the Magic Carpet has been updated and now shows Show
Arriving on 5/5/15!
* Chaos Chests have been randomized! Some seasonal mounts, some love, and a preview of the Uni-Cycle!
* New starter pack now available! This pack is $5 and contains 750 Credits, 5 Chaos Chests, the Dark Hood cosmetic unlock, and the Foreman Footwear ally unlock. This ally grants both Jump and Lasermancy!
* New wings now in the store! Xero Line and Bloodseeker. These can be purchased with Credits or Cubits.
* All Treasure Isles NPCs, spring beetles, and Desert Crabs will now drop trophies! Thanks, Tribe!
* You can now use /joinworld [clubname] to join a club's world directly! Note: this will only work for clubs that have had a member log in since the patch.
* Both Ships and Sails are now under the Ships collections tab. Both Fishing Poles and Fish are under the Fishing collections tab.
* Diggsly has leveled up his Lasermancy stat and now provides more for his allies.
* Diggsly now grants 50 mastery.
* The Shadowy Market has an assortment of new items for trade, including four new Allies, a Fishing Pole, two new sails, a Mag Rider, the Dark Hood, and the Insanisteed!
* New Boot allies are now live! Craft them in the hub by the pirate hut.
* Bloodsucker Wings now known as Bloodseeker Wings. Lore.
* Fixed a bug where blocks could be placed in the hub.
* The Feisty Flamedancer now properly spawns its invigorating flower as a when you deal damage.
* Miner's Trove and Costume Mystery Box are now opened like other boxes, rather than by being thrown on the ground.
* Boat cannons and buoy destruction should now have appropriate audio.
* The icon for the Magic Carpet has been updated and now shows it in all its glamour.
* The Disciple skin for Ice Sage now has a unique projectile for "Ice Crash"
* The Sugar Skull skin for the Candy Barbarian now has a unique projectile for "Eis Crom Cone."
* The Dark Infineon skin for the Candy Barbarian now has a unique projectile for "Eis Crom Cone."
* New Shadow Dungeon from LegendaryStudios and Barneebrown.
* New bow styles by homeofmew, Arradir, ParagonHawk, se7en, PinkiePie, 5p3x, Zeeg, Lurax, MamaGabby, jolsensei, Soulrenor, ShadowF1ghter, DestinyCutter, FriedSushi, MonsterAnt, Maneledo, Fiscon, LaFreakki, Pwego, InfineonJ, Khali, MotzerellaSauce, Daeminos, Erir, Thijsss, Popez, TigerLove, Ixion, Aodahn, Madlyaza, Yuyukey, Tribe, BrianVI, Megabash, Aey, Palurian, TNT_101, colabubble, Jallafish, Buff_Mantuff, billybeatable, Minecraftian, chocobag, TeeKayM, and Niestrat99 have been added to the game!
* New Fae Wilds dungeon from KtlavskoX.
* New Fae Wilds dungeon from Walyn.
* New Undead Hills dungeon from Stedms.
* New Undead Hills lair from Arnoxuz.
* New Treasure Isles dungeon from Yuyukey.
* New Permafrost lair from Jusiv.
* New Permafrost lair from Hooborg.
* New Neon City lair from Lazy_Kyu.
* New Dragonfire Peaks lair from Khastiel.