Whacky Waffle
Showing pages that match the terms collections/mount/board_waffle, Whacky Waffle.
Our great and majestic Luxion is back in the Hub and he brings us tons of wonderful items!Luxion will be waiting for you in the Light’s Den from February 4, and he will magically disappear on February 7 at 11:00 am UTC. Here are some picture...
Wondering what Luxion has this weekend? It’s truly MAGICAL! Magic Carpets, Musical Mats, and even a Whacky Waffle mount you could find from Luxion. Lots of surprises which include many mounts, signs, and even Divine Souls are being offered...
Luxion of the Golden Hoard is a gorgeous dragon who returns to the Hub twice a month to trade goods for Dragon Coins. You’ll find Luxion near the Dragon Crucible from November 15 until November 19. He’ll vanish at 4 AM PST (11 PM UTC) on November...
November 15, 2019 Blog
We've updated the Trovesaurus DB to the May Update....
May 17, 2018 Database Update
Chaos Chests We have retired 20 collectables from the Chaos Chest chase prize list. These collectables will no longer drop from Chaos Chests or Golden Chaos Chests but will remain on the Chaos Core Crafter under a new category - Chaos Vault. Here...
May 6, 2018 Patch
We’re doing some spring cleaning of Chaos Chest loot and sending some rare items back into the Trove Vault. These items may pop up again in other places down the road but they’re being removed from Chaos Chest loot tables at some point before May 201...
April 10, 2018 Blog
These are the collections from the database update of Trove - Adventures. This is in a seperate document due to the length....
November 14, 2017 Database Update
This week in Trove we’re ramping up for lots of amazing things just over the horizon! Read on for the latest Trove news. Playing Trove on consoles? The top Chaos Chest prize this week is the calcium enriched Boneweaver mount! Oh, Boneweaver, I bel...
February 21, 2017 Blog
We've updated the Trovesaurus database to the Flakbeard patch....
January 17, 2017 Database Update
We've updated the Trovesaurus database to the latest patch....
January 5, 2017 Database Update