Snug Snowman

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Get Crafty Update - Make Your Snowfest Merry
Fasti / Trove Forums
Preview: s, Snowfest themed items, and the very rare Snug Snowman mount or Laden Sleigh mag ride Show
Trove’s Get Crafty update is bringing holiday cheer to Trovians everywhere! Enjoy better tools for storing materials, tons of new items to craft, and the biggest Snowfest celebration ever!
Let’s talk about Snowfest.
- Get daily login bonuses for each day of the celebration. These gifts rotate daily but will include (for players with Mastery Rank 20 and above) a stack of 10 new Chaos Chests and a one day Patron Pass. In addition to those daily rewards you can also receive 10 Dragon Coins, 5 Gem Booster Boxes, a Minor XP Coin, a Ninth Life Booster, and more!
- We’ve added a brand new Snowfestivus quest chain, with rewards like Chaos Chests and Gem Boosters, as you strive to unlock your very own Snowfestivus Log mount.
- While you adventure you’ll find Holiday Tree lairs to clear out. Take down the bosses in these festive facilities to collect unique Snowfest items like Snowflakes that can be crafted into Enchanted Snowballs (you’ll definitely want to hold onto these).
- If rare seasonal mounts are your jam these Holiday Lair bosses also have a chance of dropping two mounts: Bouncing Bauble and Plethora o' Presents
- Enemies out in the world may now drop Snowfest Mystery Boxes. These loot boxes drop seasonal crafting materials like Chestnuts as well as Snowballs, winter recipes, Snowfest themed items, and the very rare Snug Snowman mount or Laden Sleigh mag rider.
When we mention the winter what is the first thing that pops into your mind? That’s right, dragons!
Well, this year we’ve got a dragon for the ages; Tannenbomber, the Harbinger of Tidings designed by Skyrider3217.
This seasonal serpent’s egg can be crafted at the Snowfest table using materials picked up in your many holiday adventures.
The Trove Store has some limited time items available this holiday season as well!
- Pick up the Santa Barbarian Costume or the Rudolph Raptor and Revelling Reindeer mounts while you can.
- The Snowfest Pack includes a Tannenbomber Dragon Egg and a bundle of wintry costumes created by players to keep you warm on these cool Snowfest adventures. Check out our patch notes to see the names of the artists behind these gorgeous creations.
Getting Crafty
The Snowfest holiday is a massive undertaking all by itself, but we’re not done yet. In fact, we’re just getting started!
- A new crafting inventory tab is here. This new tab allows you to stack all your crafting materials up to massive amounts which means you won’t have to worry about inventory space. If you have any crafting materials in your inventory just right-click on them to send them into the beautiful new crafting inventory.
- Use the Worldspring crafting station to create the tools needed to design your own minigames. Minigames are challenges that put your racing or coin collecting skills to the test in quick matches. When our Challenge timer starts at the top of the hour you’ll find a Minigame Portal in the Hub that you can hop into to test your mettle against players everywhere.
The Get Crafty update is a great way to end out 2016 and a jumping off point for the exciting adventures that await us all. Happy Snowfest, Trovians!