Rock Riot Dock

Dev Tracker 6
Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "Rock Riot Dock"
Hey all,

I followed up with our music maestro and a custom track is coming for the Rock Riot Dock down the road. We've got custom sounds coming for a ton of new content and our audio folks are working hard to get everything sounding awesome so please be patient.

It is coming but it may take some time


As an update, we've found the issue and are working on a build to get this fixed. It will require downtime so we're working out the details now. We're hoping to get the fix out to everyone today if...

Preview: wthread.php?123068" target="_blank">crafted Rock Riot Dock mag rider. Show

Update - We're back online and ready to go. If you craft this mag rider following the patch it'll unlock normally. If you crafted it before this patch and it's not unlocked now please let us know. Thanks everyone!

Greetings Trovians!

We're bringing the PC version of Trove offline for a hotfix to resolve the issue with the crafted Rock Riot Dock mag rider.

Downtime will begin at 3:30 PM PDT (10:30 PM GMT) and should last under 1 hour.


Hotfix - May 30, 2017 Fasti / Trove Forums
Patch Notes
  • Fixed the issue preventing the Rock Riot Dock mag rider from properly unlocking when crafted at the Chaos Crafter.

Fix is live now and anyone who crafted the mount prior to the patch should have it unlocked. If not, let us know.

I sent this over to the QA team to check it out and we are working on the fix now. Thanks for the reports.