Golden Hoard Dragon

Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "Golden Hoard Dragon"
Luxion is back early with a special Block Friday bonus visit! You can pick up UNLIMITED Golden Hoard Dragon Souls this visit only, so get your very own Luxion-inspired legendary dragon now! #BlackFridaySale
— Trove (@TroveGame) November 24, 2018
Preview: structing of items into 100 glim. Golden Hoard Dragon Souls can now be decons Show
Patch Notes
- Revenant: Spirit Spears now has a brief cooldown.
- Fixed a minor exploit affecting the class power rank leaderboard.
- The Chronomantic Emblem's cooldown reduction can no longer be used to bypass the cooldown on using a flask after switching emblems.
- Builder's Chests now commonly award 25 Builderite, and Builder's Vaults now commonly award 25 Ancient Gears and uncommonly award 50 Ancient Gears.
- Mounts that can fly, bulldoze, or shoot lasers should now all grant 100 mastery.
- The Final Offer Spear Style gained for collecting Golden Hoard souls is now visible under Dragon Ascension in Collections.
- The Mastery Pinata Manifesto is now under Mastery rather than Legendary Tomes category in Collections.
- Fixed a client crash that could occur with new chaos chest rewards on the Welcome Screen.
- Fixed a client crash that could occur when searching in collections.
- Players can now once again respawn in vault worlds.
- Safeguards have been put in place to stop the accidental deconstructing of items into 100 glim.
- Golden Hoard Dragon Souls can now be deconstructed in to 4 Dragon Coins.
- The Candy Corn Shooter Gun Style previously sold by Luxion is now tradeable.
- The Trade chat channel is now localized properly.
- Removed a bug that had flown into the cave milk.
Luxion is back in Trove's Hub this weekend! Don't miss your latest opportunity to stock up on awesome loot, plus Golden Hoard Dragon Souls! Learn more:
— Trove (@TroveGame) September 29, 2018
Luxion is back in the Trove Hub through this weekend! Pick up some Golden Hoard Dragon Souls, the Echo Wave Cycle mount, and much more!
— Trove (@TroveGame) September 15, 2018
Luxion is back in the Hub this weekend! Drop in and pick up your Golden Hoard Dragon Souls before he disappears!
— Trove (@TroveGame) September 1, 2018