Shadow Stain

Showing pages that match the terms collections/aura/aura_corruption_01, Shadow Stain.
Ever wonder how your clan mate made so much money? Are you a new player looking for some basic guidelines for buying/selling effectively? Worried you might be overpaying? My name is Scott and I'm writing this guide to help you understand some basic tradin...
August 20, 2015 Trading
We've updated the Trovesaurus database to the Frosted Mini Update....
August 18, 2015 Database Update
Welcome to Trove Forging 101! This guide will give you an introduction of Trove's forging system. We will talk about: Item Rarity Forging Mechanics Class Builds&Tips Remember this guide is meant for newer players so we will include ve...
August 17, 2015 Gear
This a guide on how to forge (a.k.a upgrade your gear) in Trove. (Update[16/8/15]: Added item drop info for the different difficulty worlds.) (Update [18/8/15]: Added White (common) - Rainbow (Resplendent) forging costs as a reference. It is still not...
August 14, 2015 Gear
The servers will come down at 7 AM PDT / 2 PM GMT with an expected downtime of 4 hours Patch Notes Source | Downtime Source...
August 11, 2015 Patch
The Trove developers hosted a livestream this afternoon, announcing the winner of the Community Created Shadow Titan contest, showing off new radiant VFX, and more! Forum thread here!...
August 8, 2015 Livestream