Team Pixel PC
A club on PC. Ranked #7/1577 by number of reported props.
milara Exorcized Game_Legend CoolB7 bolony21 JimTop ultraog1 ImJustStronger Kingkelvi Altairyx Proximar dibilotboga HollyLovePl x_SlideY_x benc540 Nyochi Game_Spot905 FuedliTV xFrimble Cherilian Arima Ryuhei AyeeDeath KeremErsoy rusel112 p1ck0n3dud3 antip3rf3ct REEET L3wos Iz_Ko Wiishes I7uz Caoscat33 CocoKat Sirslipperyshlong Eilmaroo NOTRBN Taliban_aka_Nega SuperTony02 NebulaST EyadHany Loat Arkosaur007 csutiboti100 Nasrullah__1 LukiAHG adambutter stefano_jungkook
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Hello team Pixel , i would like to join club if possible , im an active player :)
IG: IMToughNut
Hey, I would like to join team pixel, I am an active player and I love your videos! (am I actually in the club ingame?)
IGN: antip3rf3ct
Hey guys i would like to join the group, i am usually active and i may not be very experienced at the game but with a year and a half of playing i think i am quite good, I also like your friendly community, and i would love to join, so yeah thats about it, i hope you consider it.
IGN: p1ck0n3dud3
platform: PC
Hey I want to join Team Pixel. Really like the way you guys play the game and communicate with each other.
IGN: KeremErsoy
I would love to join the club. I was watching you for long time and like your youtube content, keep it up and good luck on your youtuber career :D
IGN: The_NES_Warrior
i have already clicked the join club
now wait for you to invite me!
Не могли бы вы приглосить меня в клуб? Мне оочень сильно понравился ваш клуб тем что именно в этом клубе игроки ведут себя одекватно и не используют нецензурную лекску.
Приглосите в ваш клуб пожалуйста:)
So what exactly is the limit on swearing?? What words are part of that list?? Is it the words in the profanity filter or does it extend to more??
Featured in Cubic Creations, January 9, 2016: