Lunar Lancer

Guardians of the Twilight Stratospheres, Lancers accumulate lunar power as they fight, eventually erupting into full Lunatic Mode. They can also call down a blessing from their missing deity, and use Grappling Spear for damage and mobility.

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Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "Lunar Lancer"
PC Hotfix - Feb 13 Mobi / Trove Forums

Preview: details. Patch Notes:Lunar Lancer and Revenant heads can now (co Show

Hey Trovians,

We have an incoming hotfix today, February 13, starting at 3:00pm PST / 23:00 UTC. Downtime is expected to be about 2 hours and this will only affect the PC platform. This immediate hotfix is to help address some log in issues, check out the patch notes below for details.

Patch Notes:
  • Lunar Lancer and Revenant heads can now (correctly) only be used with the Lunar Lancer and Revenant unlocked.
  • An issue has been fixed that could have prevented some players from being able to log in.

Preview: eadless head lovers rejoice! If you own the Lunar Lancer class you can now switch to th Show

Here's the patch notes from the update on PC and PS4 today. Xbox One will receive this update at a future date.

Patch Notes:
  • Leviathans now create openable vaults instead of killable chests when defeated. These vaults require Leviathan Keys to open. Leviathan Keys can be crafted with Forge Fragments, Cosmic Gem Dust, and a little bit of Flux to glue them together.
  • The Shadow Tower Key Mold (found in Shadow Towers) has been renamed the All Purpose Key Mold. All craftable keys (including Leviathan Keys) can now be crafted at the All Purpose Key Mold.
  • An All Purpose Key Mold has been added to the coliseums in the Shores of the Everdark and the Leviathan lairs.
  • Fixed an issue that was allowing Thallasion to spawn in Shores of the Everdark.
  • Added light suggestion warning signs to Leviathan lairs.
  • Leviathan daily contests are back.
  • Fixed an issue with Adventure Heroes sometimes not being summon-able at Rally of Heroes slots. If a club was previously in this state, please try summoning a new Hero. The platform may also need to be interacted with twice to resolve the issue.
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent the Chicken Chunk or Minimoonga from appearing in chaos chests.
  • Fox and Headless head lovers rejoice! If you own the Lunar Lancer class you can now switch to the fox head style for any class! If you own the Revenant class you can now switch to the headless style on any class! Fixed a bug that would previously allow the use of these heads by being quick. Also, may I recommend having a dance party over this? I can't stress this enough. A dance party.
  • The Invaders Killed metric now correctly increments for all nearby players instead of only the player who dealt the killing blow.
  • The Ice Sage subclass shield now successfully blocks 3 attacks for over 50% health while active (up from no attacks!)
  • Corrected the way the Knight’s shield and Ice Sage’s Ice Ward ability work to be more consistent in more situations.
  • In preparation for their return, the rare drop rates for the Romancin and Shamrockin Pinatas have been made more consistent (and overall better) for the person throwing the pinata.

Preview: e a hotfix coming to help fix an issue with Lunar Lancer's grapple in clubs and to prep Show

We have a hotfix coming to help fix an issue with Lunar Lancer's grapple in clubs and to prepare for Shadow’s Eve this year. Congratulations to House Carys for donating the most during Sunfest. The statue of the Sun Goddess has been rebuilt thanks to your generosity!

Patch Notes:
  • The Lunar Lancer Grapple should no longer sometimes stick around and prevent building.
  • The Shadowy Station is getting ready for Shadows Eve 2019. It has new sections that are waiting for this yearly event!
  • 2018 Shadowy Seals can now be used to craft candy corn.
  • Bewitching Howlug and Neon Hallowings now require candy corn to craft.
  • The Events section of the currency inventory has been moved to the top of the first tab. It should only be visible during an event when you have an event currency.
  • Old event items have been moved in to a new “Legacy” section of the Crafting Inventory.
  • The following items will persist in the Legacy section of the Crafting inventory:
o Diary Page 1/8
o Diary Page 2/8
o Diary Page 3/8
o Diary Page 4/8
o Diary Page 5/8
o Diary Page 6/8
o Diary Page 7/8
o Diary Page 8/8
  • The following items will vanish after the end of Shadow’s Eve 2019:
o Xinzaya's Token 2017
o Pirifario's Token 2017
o Formigon's Token 2017
o Mitaura's Token 2017
o Attepali's Token 2017
o Dirami's Token 2017
o Cygnus's Token 2018
o Tyssaldria's Token 2018
o Citaria's Token 2018
o Rilassi's Token 2018
o Hathath's Token 2018
o Zehira's Token 2018

Preview: [/*] Impish Tormentor Lunar Lancer costume[/*] Show

Shadow’s Eve falls upon Trove on October 23, 2018. This year the spooky celebration is bigger than ever with an 8 Adventure chain, two weeks of Daily Login Rewards, plus all-new Outpost Adventures that can be completed every day of the event!

Looking for a great guide to the festivities? Check out this post from our friends at Trovesaurus.

Shadow’s Eve
Each of the 8 Shadow’s Eve Adventures awards players with a new event reward called Shadowy Seals. You can also earn these seals every day by completing the repeatable Outpost Adventures offered by NPC in front of the Pumpkin House in the Trove Hub.

Each Shadowy Seal can be used at the Shadowy Station to craft scary epic items. Collect 10 Seals to craft the Bewitching Howlug ally. Collect 25 more to craft these gorgeous new Neon Hallowings!

Pumpkin Lairs are back in full force and can appear in any biome, including Forbidden Spires. Complete these dungeons to earn Candy Corn that can be used to craft Nightmare Mystery Boxes and other creepy collectables at the Shadowy Station.

The Colossal Chiropteran and the Uncanny Coffin, which were last year’s Mystery Box top prizes, can be crafted by anyone who missed out on them before.

When completing a 1-Star Dungeon, Todstrom has a chance to appear instead of a reward chest. Defeat him for an extra treat – Candy Corn and a rare chance at a Mobile Mummy mount!

Several sought after Halloween styles have been added to the Autumn Style Unlocker – Freaky Frankie, Moonhowl Mask, Brusque Broom, Bat Bow, and Pumpkin Pounder. In addition to all that, we’ve added 3 new hats styles to the unlocker as well - Pumpkin Pie-rate Hat, Rainbow Unicorn Wig, and Candy Corn Hood!

Trove Store
The Creepy Crawly Cranium Pack is now available. This pack contains:
  • Colossal Skullcrawler mount[/*]

  • Nefarious Nekomancer Tomb Raiser costume[/*]

  • Impish Tormentor Lunar Lancer costume[/*]

  • Bonkers Ally[/*]

  • Haunted Pumpkinling Ally[/*]

  • 3,750 Credits[/*]
The Gourdzilla mount is back and can be purchased for Credits.

Spooky Swag Bag is a returning Shadow’s Eve pack that’s now also available for Credits.

We’re thrilled to have you share your spoopy adventures with us during this frightfully fun holiday celebration!

Preview: border="0" alt="" /> The agile Lunar Lancer is bringing foxy back. Get the Show

The agile Lunar Lancer is bringing foxy back. Get the class and all Lunar Lancer costumes on sale for 50% off through September 4th! Rush headlong into battle with this fast and furious fighter!

Class Skills

Lunacy (Passive)
The wily fox gains Lunar Power by attacking enemies with a spear. When Lunar Power is full, the Lunar Lancer transforms into Lunatic form, empowering all abilities.

Grappling Spear
Throw your spear to any location in range (yup, even walls) and grapple to that location. There is an explosion when the spear hits, and a second explosion when you grapple to it. This ability is great for quickly closing the gap with enemies, or for making a tactical retreat. The empowered Grappling Spear lands with even greater force, increasing the size of the explosions.

Crescent Combo
This powerful two-hit combo attack knocks enemies into the air, leaving them briefly stunned. While in Lunatic form, enemies are knocked even higher into the air, and remain stunned longer.

Ultimate: Blessing of the Moon
Summon a giant spear from the heavens that slams into the Trovian terrain, damaging all enemies caught in the impact. Once the spear lands, it radiates a soothing buff that increases Health and Energy regeneration for all your friends! If Blessing of the Moon is used in Lunatic form, the spear is followed by a barrage of meteorites that do additional damage.

With your fleet footed new class it's never been easier to look extra foxy - all Lunar Lancer costumes are also 50% off this week!

If you've ever been curious as to what the fox says, wonder no more!

Preview: a chance to briefly root targets. Lunar Lancer: Provides extra Attack Speed; Show

Patch Notes

Gem Stat Augment and Reroll System
  • Improve or change a stat on a gem using the new Gem Forge!
  • The recipe to craft a personal Gem Forge can be found in an Adventurer's Crafting Bench under the “Gem & Gear Improvement” section.
  • New crafting materials to support this system have also been added:
    • Bound Brilliance, which can be found in Boons or collected from events. (What’s a Boon? See the note on “Daily Reward Chests” below!)
    • Binding Darkness, which can be found in Gem Booster Boxes and Empowered Gem Boxes, or can (rarely) be dropped by mini bosses in the open world.
  • Four additional recipes have also been added to the Adventurer's Crafting Bench in the “Gems” section:
    • Builder's Rough Focus: Can be used at a Gem Forge to improve a gem’s stats. Requires 1 Bound Brilliance, 4 Hearts of Darkness, and 2,000 flux to craft.
    • Builder's Precise Focus: Can be used at a Gem Forge to improve a gem’s stats. Requires 1 Bound Brilliance, 3,000 water gem dust, 3,000 fire gem dust, 3,000 air gem dust, and 4,000 flux to craft.
    • Builder's Superior Focus: Can be used at a Gem Forge to improve a gem’s stats. Requires 1 Bound Brilliance, 30 Diamond Dragonite, 3 Titan Souls, and 150,000 flux to craft.
    • Contained Chaos Spark: Can be used to reroll any stat on a gem. (Be aware that gems can’t have both the Physical Damage and Magic Damage stats simultaneously.) Requires 3 Lunar Souls, 4 Binding Darkness, and 2,100 Eyes of Q'bthulhu to craft.
  • The Health Regeneration stat will no longer appear on newly obtained gems! Existing gems with Health Regen will continue to function and may be improved with the new system. However, if Health Regen is removed from a gem via rerolling, it can never be replaced. (The Health Regen stat on equipment remains unchanged.)
Gem Booster Boxes have been rebalanced:
  • Binding Darkness has been added to the drop table.
  • Gem dust has returned to the drop table.
  • The drop rates for Jade Clovers, Glittering Horseshoes, Golden Gem Keys have been reduced.
  • These changes were necessary to ensure the drops from Gem Booster boxes support a wider range of players.
  • Daily Reward Chests have been rebalanced and are now called Boons of a Celestial Paragon:
    • There are 12 boons in total, one for each month of the year.
    • They now have a very rare chance to drop the 18-token monthly reward.
    • Bound Brilliance has been added to the common drop table.
    • The number of Dragon Coins that drop from one roll has been increased. (MOAR RAWR!)
    • The number of Jade Clovers that drop from one roll has been decreased.
    • These changes raise the overall value of drops from daily chests. Err, Boons. They raise the value of drops from Boons. Because that’s what daily chests are called now.
  • The Book of Bound Brilliance is now available to craft at the Adventurer’s Crafting Bench! This Legendary Tome will grant 5 Bound Brilliance once a week.
  • Loot collecting leveled gems just got a whole lot better! The amount of Gem Dust obtained from deconstructing a leveled gem has been increased by up to 300% at Level 5, 700-1200% at level 10, up to 2000% at level 15, and up to 1000% at Level 20+. Transitioning from an older gem to a shiny new one will now be MUCH less expensive.

  • The new subclass system is unlocked ~automagically~ at level 10!
  • Any unlocked class can now be equipped as a subclass using the new 5th ability slot on the Character Sheet.
  • Each subclass provides a unique passive ability along with a stat boost! The effectiveness of the passive increases based on the active Power Rank of the subclass, while the stat boost improves based on the level of the subclass.
  • An active class may not be designated as its own subclass.
  • Subclasses are now also displayed on the “Select a Class” window, along with the class's level and power rank.
  • Each class gives the following bonuses when selected as a subclass:
    • Gunslinger: Provides extra jump and increases all damage done to enemies while airborne.
    • Neon Ninja: Provides extra jump and grants a chance to deal bonus damage to enemies at less than 20% health.
    • Dino Tamer: Provides extra Attack Speed and grants Critical Hits a chance to briefly root targets.
    • Lunar Lancer: Provides extra Attack Speed; during combat, grants a chance to briefly transform into a Lunar Lancer and receive some of its power.
    • Ice Sage: Provides extra Magic Damage; activates a shield that absorbs incoming damage when successfully attacking foes. The shield is equal to 5% of Max Health.
    • Dracolyte: Reduces cooldowns and grants Physical Damage a chance to set enemies on fire.
    • Knight: Provides extra flask capacity and increases movement speed while riding ground-based mounts.
    • Pirate Captain: Provides extra magic find and has a chance to drop a cannon ball from the sky when damaging enemies.
    • Chloromancer: Provides extra Maximum Health; damaging enemies grants a chance to activate thistles and reflect incoming damage.
    • Tomb Raiser: Provides extra Critical Hit and has a chance to spawn a random minion from a fallen foe. Only one minion of this type can be active at any given time.
    • Revenant: Reduces incoming damage and grants basic attacks a chance to trigger a taunt.
    • Shadow Hunter: Provides extra Magic Damage and grants magic attacks a chance to activate Searing Light, which deals damage over time.
    • Candy Barbarian: Provides extra Stability and has a chance to drop candy when damaging an enemy. The candy increases attack and either movement speed or healing.
    • Fae Trickster: Increases gliding speed and grants Critical Hits a chance to spawn bombs that damage and stun enemies.
    • Boomeranger: Increases Critical Damage and spawns a fae companion that provides healing if its master falls to low health.
  • Note that the subclass passive for the Dracolyte is designed to support players who primarily play magic damage classes and want to experiment with physical damage classes. The subclass passive for Shadowhunters is designed to do the opposite. These may be swapped if they prove too confusing.
Shadow Tower Foyer
  • Players entering the Shadow Tower via the Atlas spawn into the new Shadow Tower Foyer:
    • The foyer contains three separate platforms indicating desired difficulty level, allowing players to easily find other adventurers to partner with. The platforms may or may not also provide random pools to fish in.
    • Entering the foyer automatically adds players to the "ShadowTower" chat channel. Leaving the foyer automatically removes them.
    • Players entering the Shadow Tower via a portal now have the option of entering the tower directly or heading first to the foyer.
Shadow Hydrakken
  • The fearsome Shadow Hydrakken has awakened on the Shadow Tower’s fourth floor! This ancient, multi-headed beast spews vile acid on its foes--talk about morning breath!
  • Watch out for parasites!
  • Hisssssssssssss. Don't heck with him. 5x Wall Snek.
Darknik Dreadnought
  • The Darknik Dreadnought, Dr. Darknik's latest mechanical machination, now guards the fifth floor of the Shadow Tower. A battle robot bristling with armaments, it’s ready to give Trovian invaders a very, VERY warm welcome!
  • You won't like him when he's angry.
  • Adventurers wishing to avoid their curtain call had best employ a better defense than Cubic Curtain.

Additional Shadow Tower Updates
  • Daughter of the Moon has relocated to her new penthouse on the sixth floor of the Shadow Tower.
  • Higher-quality keys can now be used to open Shadow Vaults. Moon Keys can open Normal and Hard Shadow Vaults, while Eclipse Keys can open Normal, Hard, and Ultra Shadow Vaults.
  • Titan and Lunar Souls now drop from Shadow Vaults instead of being directly awarded after defeating a Shadow Titan.
  • Daughter of the Moon now drops a new resource called Despoiled Divinity in addition to Lunar Souls. One Despoiled Divinity can be earned for each Shadow Tower difficulty, up to a maximum of 3 per week.
  • Many new rewards have been added to the Shadowy Market for Hearts of Darkness, Titan Souls, Lunar Souls, and Despoiled Divinity.
  • The amount of Flux dropped from Titan's Treasures has been significantly reduced.
  • The number of Titan Souls dropped by Shadow Titans has been adjusted as follows:
    • Spikewalker Normal/Hard/Ultra: 1/2/3
    • Weeping Prophet Normal/Hard/Ultra: 1/2/3
    • Vengeful Pinata God Normal/Hard/Ultra: 1/3/5
    • Shadow Hydrakken Normal/Hard/Ultra: 1/3/5
    • Darknik Dreadnought Mk II Normal/Hard/Ultra: 1/3/5
  • Previously, explosions only damaged Shadow Titans if they occurred near the center of the Titan. This bug has been fixed, and explosions now damage Shadow Titans if they hit any part of them.
  • Elite enemies can now spawn in the Shadow Tower. Each drops a guaranteed Shadow Shard, with a chance for one extra shard in Hard mode and two extra shards in Ultra.
  • An assortment of new enemies have migrated to the Shadow Tower.
  • Shields no longer prevent being killed by the Daughter of the Moon's one-shot attack.
  • Elemental worlds now drop Shadow Key Fragments, Moon Key Fragments, and Eclipse Key Fragments. These all have a chance to drop from clearing 1-star and 3-star dungeons, similar to how gem boxes currently drop in Prime Worlds. Patron status gives two such chances (which may result on any given chest as 0, or 1, or 2 of the drops that a Prime World chest of the same Uber level would drop.)
  • Prime Worlds now drop more Shadow Key Fragments, Moon Key Fragments, and Eclipse Key Fragments. 1-star Dungeons will see their drops increased by approximately 50%, while 3-star dungeons will see their drops increased by variable amounts. Patron status doubles such drops.

New Dragons
  • Seven new dragons have landed! Recipes for each can be found in the Dragon Crucible, and their egg fragments have been scattered throughout the game.
    • Voidwalker Dragon Egg Fragments for Indurion, the Unwavering, can be found in Shadow Caches.
    • Iridescent Dragon Egg Fragments for Baesmuth, the Shaper's Gift, can be found randomly while mining.
    • Spinner Dragon Egg Fragments for Rachnaphon, the Silent Spectator, can be found as a rare drop from spiders in the Fae Forest biome.
    • Floral Dragon Egg Fragments for Petallura, Nature's Beckoning, can be found randomly from planted harvests.
    • Preserver Dragon Egg Fragments for Miraldis, the Primordial Preserver, can be found as a rare drop from dinosaurs in the Jurassic Jungle biome.
    • Ice Dragon Egg Fragments for Wyntegra, Galenor's Pride, can be found while mining ice shards in the Permafrost biome.
    • Kami Dragon Egg Fragments for Crisopeia, The Crucible of Souls, can be found as a rare drop from robots in the Neon City biome or from Shadow Vaults.
  • A new category, Ancestral Dragon, has been added to Collections to break up the large Legendary category and more accurately reflect the different methods of acquisition.

Trovian Atlas
  • The Portal Tower in the Hub World has been replaced with the Sun Goddess Statue!
  • The Sun Goddess Statue is surrounded by:
    • A Radiant Merchant, where Radiant Sovereigns can be spent on great rewards!
    • A Radiant Dayspring, where amazing new items can be earned with Daily Login tokens!
    • Three copies of the new Trovian Atlas (details below)!
  • The Trovian Atlas is a new visual representation of all the worlds in Trove, including the Prime Worlds, Drowned Worlds, Cursed Skylands, Igneous Islands, Shores of the Everdark, and the Shadow Tower Foyer. It’s basically an easy-to-use overworlds map that grants access to any world. (Yo block, we heard you like maps, so we put some maps in your map…)
  • Simply open the Trovian Atlas, select the desired world, select Enter, and let the adventure begin. (Power Rank requirements still apply!)
  • All existing Adventure World portals are still functional. However, going forward, none will be located in the hub. A personal copy of the Trovian Atlas may be obtainable in the future, but for now it only exists in the Hub World.

Fae Trickster Updates
  • The duration of Faerie Dance staves has been increased to 15s from 10s.
  • Faerie Dance staves now use player health and take 75% less damage.
  • The attack speed of Faerie Dance staves now shoot 20% faster.
  • Ego Blast now deals 20% more damage.
  • Glitterbomb now has a 0.5s stun and deals 33% more damage.
  • Glitterbomb no longer knocks back enemies.
  • The explosion radius on Glitterbomb has increased to 3.5 from 3.0.
  • The Fae Trickster class gem, Faerocious Facsimile, has been temporarily removed from the class gem loot table until it can be improved. Existing copies of Faerocious Facsimile can continue to be used.
  • A completely new class gem has been added for Fae Tricksters! This new gem shields Ego Blast for one additional hit before the bonus damage is temporarily removed. It can be found in the Shores of the Everdark with a class gem key. Enjoy!

  • The Progression Weekly Deal has been reborn as the Turboriffic Weekly Deal! It now offers 25 Golden Gem keys, 10 Double Experience Potions (2x the previous) and 20 Bound Brilliance! This blockalicious bundle will appear in the Store every four weeks.
  • The Eclipse Pack is here! Sun? Moon? Darkness? Why not all three at once thanks to this new pack that's stuffed with Radiant, Lunar, and Shadow goodies! Contains 3 awesome allies, 6 magnificent mounts, and 18 slick styles.

Additional Updates
  • Legendary and Primordial Dragons now unlock directly into Collections when crafted.
  • Diamond Dragon Eggs can now be loot collected in to 250 diamond dragonite.
  • The “Select a Class” window can now be sorted by level, power rank, or availability. Sorting the same category a second time reverses the display order, making it easy to find classes with the lowest level or power rank.
  • Fixed an exploit with the Loot Collected leaderboard.
  • The prevalence of the Peaceful Hills biome has been increased in all worlds. Sunlight Bulb harvesters rejoice!
  • The spawn rate of Sunflower Shrines in Peaceful Hills biomes has been increased.
  • Added a message letting players know they cannot fish without a lure.
  • Added the Regal Eagle, Water Goat, and Wolfrik Hat Styles to Stash Exclusives. Get them with Super Style Unlockers!
  • They skitter, they squeak, they have cubular feet! Rat mounts have been added to the Adventurer's Crafting Bench. Rat Talismans can be found very rarely in Uber 8 and higher adventure worlds.
  • The rewards for completing the Golden Thread have been revamped for new players.
  • Three new maps by xandllu (fire and ice, spring bellowing, Valley of Colors) and 2 new maps by Nuxus1 (Hotel, MetalWorld) have been added to the PvP rotation.
  • New spear styles by Zayth and Rosain have been added to the game!
  • ”Daily Loot Chests” have been renamed “Leaderboard Reward Chests” to reduce confusion, since they are now only available from the XP Weekly Leaderboard.
  • The “Show Challenges and Objectives” menu option no longer requires a restart to take effect.
  • Fixed the "Any" category in the Marketplace.
  • Fixed an issue where some Chaos Chests could not be claimed as currency on sold auctions.
  • Fixed a bug where pressing the “locate” button on a crafting item claim directed you to the Adventure Inventory instead of the Crafting Inventory.
  • The Trolling Trawler now grants 100 mastery and requires 3 Ancient Scales to craft rather than 200.
  • Fixed the gem border for an ability in adventure mode sticking around in build mode.
  • The Triumphant Troveblade weapon style, a special blade obtained by purchasing a $100 pack, is now in the "Store" sub-category in Collections/Styles/Melee.
  • Fixed a bug that occurred when quitting the client after loading the game for the first time.
  • New biome-specific craftable benches have been added to the Builder's Crafting Bench for every biome. The biome-specific recipes previously found in the Workbench have been moved to these individual benches. Generic recipes remain on the original Workbench.
  • Unlocking Selene the Celestial via a Golden Dragon Effigy will now grant the Lunar New Year Dragon Spirit Badge.
  • Attempting to replace a gem with another gem that won't fit in the socket will now result in the correct error message.
  • Removed a duplicate item from the Medieval Highlands recipes.
  • Fixed inconsistencies with the item and collection names of the following, per community feedback:
    • Shuffling Shrimp Nigiri
    • Cygnus_01 Speedcycle
    • Snowfest Log
    • Trovian Tumbler
    • Personal Pop Parade
    • Pink Gummy Barbearian
    • Blue Gummy Barbearian
    • Pink & Blue Gummy Barbearian
  • Fixed the Shadow Fridge Bottom referencing an incorrect blueprint. Thanks, Etaew!
  • Wings can now be opened with 0 jumps remaining during minigames.
  • Improved the report spam feature.
  • Fixed Chloromancer heal VFX for seedlings when using a skin.
  • Minigame elements no longer appear in PvP maps or incompatible minigame maps.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the currency selection to change unexpectedly when searching the Marketplace.
  • The Ice Towers dungeon in the Permafrost biome has been removed to reduce FPS issues.
  • To prevent a client crash, the Marketplace can no longer be opened while a dialog popup is visible.
  • Scaled down all dragon allies to prevent them from appearing larger than some player characters.
  • Dino Tamer minions now show combat numbers.
  • The issue with the Knight rapidly swinging the primary attack after a charge has been fixed.
  • The Floral Fantasy aura will now correctly unlock when crafted in the Chaos Crafter.
  • When Cursed Skulls are active, they are now transparent and no longer block projectiles.
  • The Vial of Unleashed Power now has a 10 second cooldown.
  • The client no longer captures the mouse immediately upon starting and waits until the world has loaded.
  • Crafting recipes which unlock collections will now display x1 if the collection hasn't been unlocked and x0 if the collection has already been unlocked.
  • Fixed the A.M.O.K. Aimbot torso and left shoulder and the Royal Ranger left shoulder.
  • Projectiles in the Dracolyte's Burning Ward ability now match the theme of the equipped costume.
  • The Neon Ninja Ultimate no longer displays Fae Trickster VFX.
  • Fixed the duration of the Reboot Ult VFX to match the duration of the power.
  • Various optimizations and client crash fixes

Subclass Preview Fasti / Trove Forums

Preview: a chance to briefly root targets. Lunar Lancer: Provides extra Attack Speed. Show

Trove Eclipse brings new tools to light in the fight against the looming shadow. Customize your Trovian to suit your needs while adding new passive skills and powerful perks!

What are Subclasses?
When your character reaches level 10 you’ll automatically unlock the ability to select a Subclass from the Character menu. Each Subclass is based on the 15 Trove classes and grants a passive skill as well as a stat boost. The stat boost increases as you raise the level of your Subclass.

The effectiveness of the passive skill is based on the active Power Rank of the associated class. For example, if you select the Candy Barbarian Subclass and your Candy Barbarian is Power Rank is 2,000 that will determine how much of an attack & movement speed boost you get.

Check out the full list of available Subclasses:
  • Gunslinger: Provides extra jump and increases all damage done to enemies while airborne.
  • Neon Ninja: Provides extra jump and grants a chance to deal bonus damage to enemies at less than 20% health.
  • Dino Tamer: Provides extra Attack Speed and grants Critical Hits a chance to briefly root targets.
  • Lunar Lancer: Provides extra Attack Speed. During combat you'll have a chance to briefly transform into a Lunar Lancer and receive some of its power.
  • Ice Sage: Provides extra Magic Damage and activates a shield that absorbs incoming damage when successfully attacking foes. The shield is equal to 5% of Max Health.
  • Dracolyte: Reduces cooldowns and grants Physical Damage a chance to set enemies on fire.
  • Knight: Provides extra flask capacity and increases movement speed while riding ground-based mounts.
  • Pirate Captain: Provides extra Magic Find and has a chance to drop a cannon ball from the sky when damaging enemies.
  • Chloromancer: Boosts Maximum Health and damaging enemies grants a chance to activate thistles that reflect incoming damage.
  • Tomb Raiser: Provides extra Critical Hit and has a chance to spawn a random minion from a fallen foe. Only one minion of this type can be active at any given time.
  • Revenant: Reduces incoming damage and grants basic attacks a chance to trigger a taunt.
  • Shadow Hunter: Provides extra Magic Damage and grants magic attacks a chance to activate Searing Light, which deals damage over time.
  • Candy Barbarian: Provides extra Stability and has a chance to drop candy when damaging an enemy. The candy increases attack and either movement speed or healing.
  • Fae Trickster: Increases gliding speed and grants Critical Hits a chance to spawn bombs that damage and stun enemies.
  • Boomeranger: Increases Critical Damage and spawns a fae companion that provides healing if you fall to low health.

To select a Subclass simply open your Character menu and select the yellow exclamation point next to your normal class skills. Look through the list of available Subclasses and select the one that works best for you.

Once a Subclass is selected it will show as “Active” in the Subclass menu. Your active Subclass will automatically move to the top of the Subclass menu. You can swap between Subclasses whenever you choose without any in game cost.

This new system gives you new ways to power up your Trovian while also giving all new levels of customization. Choose increased survivability or extra damage based on the situation at hand and take the fight to the forces of shadow!

Preview: ms. Updated the description on the Lunar Lancer ability 'Lunacy' to reflect th Show

New Class, New Biome
  • The Dino Tamer class is here and it’s dino-mite! Learn more about the latest Trove class in our Dino Tamer preview!
  • Get a blast from the past with the Jurassic Jungle biome. This new biome is loaded with all new enemies.
    • Archeosaurus
    • Therizinosaurus
    • Troglodyte
  • The Tyrannosaurus Rex is a rare spawn with a damage buff and a big health pool so bring some friends if you want to take it on!

  • Inora, Flame of Enlightenment, is now live! Designed by GYNLBart.
  • The Dormant Wisdom Dragon Egg used to craft Inora can be obtained from the Merchant of Wonders for 5,000 Fragments of Wonder.
  • Three new dragons have appeared! Hunt them down in Trove to acquire fragments of their eggs. Use those fragments at the Dragon Crucible to craft your very own dragon mount!
    • Dracocolatl, the Mellower (designed by community member TeeKayM) has been spotted around Candoria!
    • Avast! There be dragons here! The terrible and relentless Flakbeard, the Relentless has been spotted guarding his booty in the Treasure Isles! Yarrrrr!
    • The great and ancient aquatic wyrm Thallasion, Shaper of the Currents now resides within the deep blue sea!
  • Some other legendary dragons can now be obtained using Golden Eggs from Greater Dragon Caches or the Dragon Effigy (found in the Weekly Dragon Deal).
    • Drak-o-Lantern
    • Tysorion, Steward of New Beginnings
    • Tannenbomber, the Harbinger of Tidings
  • You can now craft a Diamond Dragon Egg (used to unlock Primordial Dragons) at the Dragon Crucible using Diamond Dragonite!
  • Diamond Dragonite can be obtained via the new daily contest for total Power Rank, from events, in the Trove Store, and also a very, very rare tradable world drop 'Diamond Dragonite Pouch'.
  • Daily Dragonite rewards will expire after 24 hours if not collected from the Claims menu.
  • The following dragon eggs can now be deconstructed into Dragon Coins: Dormant Siege Dragon Egg, Dormant Dusk Dragon Egg, and Dormant Lunar New Year Dragon Egg.
  • Fixed an issue where Power Rank wasn't correctly counted for Dragons.
  • The Badges for Spirit of Lambent, Spirit of Azorian, and Spirit of Trimach now correctly display info in their Rewards section.

Login Rewards
  • A new crafting bench has been added - the Radiant Dayspring! Each day that you log in to Trove earns a Daily Login Token valid during that month. These tokens can be used at the Radiant Dayspring to craft unique mounts, items, and a special monthly lootbox. Log in daily and discover your rewards!

  • The lower stat value for all minor Gems has been increased by 30%!
  • Lesser Stellar Gems now deconstruct for 500 Gem Dust.
  • Gem Booster Boxes now award Golden Gem keys instead of dust.
  • Gem Booster Boxes now give slightly more of some boosters at uncommon.
  • Gems with a single stat will no longer be found in the world. Instead Gems will always have 2 or 3 stats.
  • There are new recipes in the Gem section of the Adventurer’s Crafting Bench for Lapis Luckbug and Ninth Life.
  • Increased the amount of Lapis Luckbugs that can come from daily chests and Gem Booster Boxes.
  • The Stinging Curse Gem effect now works with the Fae Trickster class.

  • 3 new Power Rank and Mastery sigil levels have been added. For Power Rank sigils they now go up to 20,000 and have been otherwise adjusted slightly at the high end. For Mastery this means more sigils up to 300.
  • Lil Pup has had his Mastery removed.
  • Mastery has been doubled (from 50 to 100) on the Cyclone Skimmer, Squeakers, and Neverending Necrowmancer mounts. Players who have already collected these mounts will receive the incremental 50 Mastery.
  • Disaeon, the Immortal dragon now grants +30 Power Rank and the following stats but does NOT grant Mastery:
    • +1000 Max Health
    • +1 Maximum Energy
    • +1 Energy Regeneration
    • +50 Magic Find
  • Leveling costumes now grant 35 Mastery and other costumes grant 70 Mastery.
  • Mastery is now awarded immediately when an XP Coin is used.

  • We've smoothed the experience curve to level 30 and reduced the amount of experience required from level 20-30.
  • Since Dragon Fire Peaks and Jurassic Jungle are restricted to U4 and U5, they will no longer appear as biome Challenges.
  • Invasions and World Bosses will no longer spawn in the first 2 worlds (Medieval Highlands/Novice and Permafrost/Adept). This change allows our newest players to get used to game mechanics a bit before being ROFLstomped by invaders.
  • Mastery Rank 20 is now required to use Trading, Community or Club Chests, and the Marketplace.
  • Starter Classes are now limited to only the 8 most accessible classes. Class Coins and other methods of acquiring Classes work as normal.
  • The introductory quest chain will no longer require players to join a club or enter the Shadow Tower

  • Damage from the Neon Ninja empowered class Gem ability, 'Heuristic Haxstar' should now stack correctly.
  • Fixed the damage reduction of the Tomb Raiser ability, 'Banshee's Boon' to correctly reduce damage by 90% (the tooltip always said 90%, but the ability was previously only reducing by 75%).
  • Corrected certain Revenant Class Gems descriptions to remove the incorrect statement "does not taunt.” Aegis Assault taunts like a boss!
  • Adjusted the cooldown sound for the Ice Sage's Gem power.
  • Updated the description on the Beckon Banshee Tomb Raiser Gems.
  • Updated the description on the Lunar Lancer ability 'Lunacy' to reflect the actual reduced damage.
  • Updated the following abilities to not collide with NPCs (similar to Dino Tamer's Clever Snare)
    • Boomeranger - Big Bomb and Mysterious Urn
    • Shadow Hunter - Sun Snare
    • Fae Trickster- Glitterbomb.
  • Revenant's Wraith passive ability once more applies 50% physical damage and 100% health regen while wraith is on cooldown.
  • Ability cooldowns are now reset to max when switching between classes.
  • Cooldown on dodge has been reduced from 3 seconds to 1.8 seconds, because it's just more fun that way.

Chaos Chests
  • Chaos Chests and Golden Chaos Chests now drop sometimes from dungeon chests. There are advantages to farming fast for these, but even more casual players will be able to earn them at a reasonable rate!
  • Any Chaos Chests acquired following this patch cannot be traded. Existing chests are still tradable. Tradable and non-tradable chests have separate karma bars.
  • Chaos Chest common and uncommon tables have been randomized and the uncommon table now includes Chaos Cores (a lootbox containing many Chaos Cores).
  • One week out of every 4 will now have a Chaos Mega-core as the top loot for the week.
  • The Chaos Chest rare table has been expanded to always include all previous “Chaos Chest only” collectibles at a low rate.
  • Shadow Pinatas now have a very rare chance to drop from Chaos Chests!
  • Chest-specific collectibles gained from opening chests can no longer be traded and will loot collect into Chaos Cores. Collectibles acquired prior to this patch remain tradable but cannot be loot collected.
  • Added the new Chaos Core Crafter workbench to the Novice Crafting Bench.
  • Crafting at this bench unlocks directly into Collections and prevent you from crafting anything you already have collected.
  • At the Chaos Core Crafter bench you can use Chaos Cores, along with other resources, to craft classes and Chaos Chest specific collectibles.
  • The Chaos Core Crafter also includes the following awesome new costumes:
  • Blastcap Builder (Boomeranger) by Evilagician
  • Chimeric Cubist (Candy Barbarian) by Dusty_Mustard
  • Bathys Barbarian (Candy Barbarian) by Mew2ian
  • Darkheart Destroyer (Candy Barbarian) by LippyLapras
  • Daybreak Daimyo (Candy Barbarian) by TeeKayM
  • Frigid Fiend (Candy Barbarian)
  • Shaggy Yeti (Candy Barbarian)
  • Alchemancer (Chloromancer) by Jusiv
  • Crystal Cultivator (Chloromancer) by 3motions
  • Plaguepurge Pollinator (Chloromancer) by Galeneos
  • Rosy Ravisher (Chloromancer)
  • Jeweled Jaeger (Dino Tamer) by Anibaal
  • Dominating Dracomaster (Dino Tamer) by KawaiiCaretaker
  • Pinata Protector (Dino Tamer) by Anibaal
  • Shadow Sauromancer (Dino Tamer) by Zeptimus
  • Macedoine Master (Dracolyte) by Ainogommon
  • Partisan Pinatrician (Dracolyte) by 3motions and gaugekelley1
  • Chaos Cultist (Fae Trickster) by SkyRider3217
  • Shining Sidhe (Fae Trickster) by Anibaal
  • ATMOS C-TAC Armor (Gunslinger) by B_Y3LL0W
  • Jet Jammer (Gunslinger) by Ainogommon
  • Mesozoic Meteomancer (Ice Sage) by Evilagician
  • Strife Sage (Ice Sage) by Celeress
  • Dashing Duelist (Knight) by Galeneos
  • Steel Sultan (Knight) by Anibaal
  • Shadowscorn Saboteur (Lunar Lancer) by Screamheart
  • Demersal Marine (Lunar Lancer) by 3motions
  • Golden Glaivesinger (Lunar Lancer) by Galeneos
  • Inferno Infiltrator (Neon Ninja) by Flowey
  • Anubian Assassin (Neon Ninja) by Galeneos
  • Bushin Beatmaster (Neon Ninja) by CryoGX
  • Arcanium Admiral (Pirate Captain) by MagicMate
  • Star Skipper (Pirate Captain) by Ainogommon
  • A.M.O.K. Aimbot (Shadow Hunter) by NTwarrior
  • Modish Marksman (Shadow Hunter) by TeeKayM
  • Royal Ranger (Shadow Hunter) by Rosain
  • Photon Phantom (Shadow Hunter) by Jusiv
  • Rosewood Huntress (Shadow Hunter) by MoonPetals
  • Guardian Golem (Revenant) by Evilagician
  • Workshop Watcher (Revenant)
  • Super Magical (Revenant) by GadgetCAT
  • Chrono Construct (Revenant) by 3motions
  • Everdark Emissary (Tomb Raiser) by FriedSushi
  • Winter Waker (Tomb Raiser)
  • Heart Eater (Tomb Raiser)

  • Removed Chaos Chests, Eyes of Q’bthulhu, and Glim from accepted Marketplace currency.
  • Increased the # of items on the Marketplace drop downs.
  • Since we're increasing how much Flux you can store, we figured we should increase how much Flux you can charge for your Marketplace listings! The new maximum is 25 million Flux.
  • In Collections, the Marketplace search button now only appears on items that can be listed in the Marketplace.
  • Updated Marketplace comparison to show values < 1.
  • Fixed Marketplace bug where no results appeared when Item Type was set to Blocks, Building, Crafting, Decoration, or Items.
  • Fixed a bug that could allow creation of Marketplace listings with larger than 9999 quantity.
  • Fixed very rare issue where the Marketplace could get into a state where it took currency for listings but never handed over the purchased items.

  • Leaderboards and Contests now grant rewards to everyone who is tied.
  • The Mastery contest now gives 300 pinatas to each of the top 10 instead of 999 to top 1.
  • Class Power Rank Weeklies now reward 50 Shadow Pinatas to anyone Rank 10 and above. The previous reward of a single Chaos Coin for Rank 1 has been removed.
  • New Weekly Contests have been added. They are Infinium Mined This Week, Glim Collected This Week, Fish Caught This Week, Weekly Battle Arenas Won, and Loot Collected This Week.
  • Experience Earned contest leaderboard now tracks only XP earned during the contest week instead of all-time XP. This will reset the leaderboard. Any progress made on Monday, June 26, 2017 will not be counted.

PTS Update - July 26 Mr. E / Trove Forums

Preview: her ultimate ended Fixed bug where Lunar Lancer could get into a bad state whe Show

The Biggest Little Update Ever

This build has a LOT of changes-that-should-be-behind-the-scenes to support Trove on consoles, however, some of these changes ended up breaking things. Our QA team absolutely crushed what was a very broken build earlier, but there are still going to be many little changes which the developers and QA both ended up missing, or which only end up popping up in a live (or live-like) environment.

So, basically, please help us out by testing every single thing in the game (especially UI screens and functionality).

===JULY 29 - 2nd Update===
  • Fixed an issue where Class Gem Abilities were unavailable after changing classes.
  • Fixed inventory sort so that all gems are sorted together by color > rarity > power rank
  • Fixed bug where Dracolyte could get into a bad state where attacks didn't work after throwing a Burnt Offering right as his/her ultimate ended
  • Fixed bug where Lunar Lancer could get into a bad state where attacks didn't work after throwing a bomb right as his/her ultimate ended
===JULY 29===
  • Flux leaderboard is officially supported again, but it no longer increments when deconstructing megaflux. Flux counter has been reset.
  • Fixed a bug with buttons on the Barbershop.
  • Fixed a bug where stars were missing from inventory items.
  • Fixed a bug where costume images wouldn't appear in the marketplace.

===JULY 27===
  • Fixed a common crash bug!
  • Fixed an issue where wings would sometimes draw incorrectly.

===JULY 26===
  • /sortinventory - this command will automatically sort your adventure inventory!

Misc Fixes / Updates
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when taking screenshots.
  • Fixed bug where, with default bindings, zooming in and out with the mouse wheel in build mode also rotated the block being placed. Now, holding shift while moving the mouse wheel rotates the block, as intended.
  • Fixed a display issue with the stat breakdowns in the Character Sheet where Battle Banner stats were incorrectly included in the total when not in a Battle Arena, and other stats were incorrectly included when you were in a Battle Arena.
  • Fixed a non-display issue where some PvE-only stats were being applied in the Battle Arena.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause some abilities not to play a "Cooldown Up" sound.
  • Flagcapture points in pvp worlds should now rotate correctly.
  • Revenant's Spirit Spears now destroys grass and other plants.
  • Parrot in Pirate Captain - Mad Scientist skin now drops black feathers instead of red feathers.
  • Drastically reduced amount of data sent to client when adding some kinds of objects, which may reduce latency.
  • Fixed a bug where the Gunslinger's ultimate would cause the pitch on its attacks to keep going up and up and up and up...
  • Legendary Eye Encyclopedia has been renamed to prevent confusion with the regular version, and is now called Oculus Opus.
  • Legendary Tome: Big Bomb has been renamed to be more consistent with other legendary tome names, and is now called Pyrotechnics Papers.
  • Fixed a bug where $Text_Like_This could show up in the Marketplace.
  • FIxed a bug where $Text_Like_This could show up when waiting to log in during a queue.
  • Lambent the Neolord and Syluria the Enchanting have come to terms. Stat bonuses from the badges should now stack correctly.
  • Chaos chests no longer give eyes of q'thulhu as uncommon results and instead have a greater chance of pearls of wisdom.
  • Gem Booster boxes have a lower chance of granting dust and a higher chance of granting Jade Clovers.
  • Optimized stats recalculations on the server. May reduce network latency.
  • Fixed a bug where some products would show their Cubit and Credit prices out of order.
  • The Haunted Mansion in the Undead biome has been updated!

Community Content
  • New Treasure Isles dungeon from Screamheart.
  • New mask styles from Xeof, Kot_Manul, Humpypants, DecibHell, illiagorath, MonsieurZero, Asykura, B4ileys, Tomkar, GhostlyKoala, Hirakashi, Mew2ian, and Towerfall have been added to the game!

Preview: est itself in other ways (for instance, the Lunar Lancer ultimate may have had an exten Show

We've just released a hotfix for our server code that should fix the issue where the Golems in the Shores of the Everdark dungeons weren't necessarily counting towards the completion of the Dungeon quest.

This was part of a broader issue which may have manifest itself in other ways (for instance, the Lunar Lancer ultimate may have had an extended range under some circumstances).

This fix will only apply to any newly created worlds from here on out. Old worlds will still have the problem.

A fix for the basic spear went in last week which means it will go live next week. If you have the Lunar Lancer it should unlock automatically with next week's patch.

Hi all,

Please submit a ticket so our support team can investigate for you. Sorry about that!