The Knight is a durable, armored fighter who wades fearlessly into melee combat. Charge your enemies to close distance, but if things get messy, your ultimate will restore your health and let you shrug off blows with ease.
Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "Knight"
We went through some of the items we have and noticed some duplicate ideas, quality difference from then and now, etc. So we feel there is still room to explore in all areas (keeping in mind that we have a lot of certain things already) The page he's talking about in terms of high and low priority will be information like "we have 600000 fire swords for the knight & we have 12 props for x type of biome" (maybe not that exact but you get the idea) so you can see where your efforts are better placed. Thanks for typing this up brosky.
I'm going to have to turn this one down. Not because of the design at all but we have a lot of flower staves now. Staves are starting to become over saturated like the knight weapons are so I will slowly be turning down more and more staff duplicate ideas as we go.
If they are awesome and different we will take them. They have entered knight sword territory where we aren't asking for the actively but if they are unique and cool enough we will take them still.
There's already a knight weapon that is a toothbrush, and a lampshade staff, and both of these look very similar to the existing ones, unfortunately. :( A suggestion for the toothbrush would be to turn it into a [futuristic](https://www.google.com/search?q=futuristic+electric+toothbrush&safe=active&tbm=isch&ei=M0fcU-7pAub7igKl6YAg#q=futuristic&safe=active&tbm=isch) [electric toothbrush](https://www.google.com/search?q=electric+toothbrush&safe=active&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS443US446&espv=2&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=LUfcU_adCcj3iwLumICIDA&sqi=2&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAg&biw=1920&bih=1115) of some sort, something that would fit in with the robot biome. Somewhat thicker at the base, with glowy rings or something, and a smaller head. For the lamp, there are literally thousands of possible models of lamp, from [stained-glass](https://www.google.com/search?q=stained+glass+lampshade&safe=active&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS443US446&espv=2&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=2UfcU-iuC8rHigKkuYGQBA&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAg&biw=1920&bih=1115) to more [modern designs](https://www.google.com/search?q=floodlight+footlamp&safe=active&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS443US446&espv=2&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=B0jcU6XeL-HIiwKql4HABQ&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAg&biw=1920&bih=1115#q=standing+lamp&safe=active&tbm=isch). Lamp staves are cool because they allow you to take full advantage of our property maps (glowing effects, transparencies, metal shaders, iridescent shaders), so that's definitely something that I'd love to see you use if you revisit it. The hand crossbows look good ! I'd maybe add some fletching to the top of the back of the bolts - you did a pretty good job of making the strings merge into the side fletchings, kudos on that :) I believe we already have at least 3, maybe 4 different hand crossbows in the game, but these look different enough that Grump might accept them. There is, however, another set of hand crossbows pending approval or recently approved, so that might affect the chance that yours will get accepted.
Nice homage, but unfortunately it doesn't follow any of our [art guidelines](http://trove.wikia.com/wiki/Guides), and knight weapons are pretty low on the list of accepted submissions right now. Pretty much everything that stedms said applies. All of Trove's knight weapons are horizontal, diagonal ones like this will go through the character when you swing them. It is also really, really big compared to our size constraints - about twice as big as the biggest weapons currently allowed. And it needs an attachment point, or else it won't attach correctly to the character model's hand. That said, it's a very good pixelised representation of the Elucidator, nice job :) I'd look forward to seeing what you can make while following our art guidelines, and yes, an accepted submission gets you instant access to the game, an exclusive hat, and some credits.
We will ask for your in game name and trion account email in the PM and the rewards will be put on that account.
You will be contacted via reddit PM once we approve it. Approvals happen on Thursdays.
Yes! When it's not on the list on the right that normally means we have a lot and aren't looking for more atm but we will always take something we feel is cool looking and/or is something we don't really have. So you have a better chance of your stuff getting accepted if you make things we're requesting on the right but it doesn't mean we wont take something period. That's part of why we do the approval process :)
kicking back to active. Don't forget to set back to review when you've made adjustments!
I think there is a little too much noise in both the staff and the sword. Try bringing the colors together a little bet more so the transition between them is a bit smoother. I like both of these though! :D
I like these but probably wont take the knight weapon. we have multiple just like this one already :-/ the other two are good though :)
One of the main differences between Trickster and Knight weapons is where the attachment point is. Most Knight weapons have the attachment point pretty close to the bottom/back of the weapon, whereas attachment points for Trickster weapons tend to be closer-but-not-quite at the middle of the staff. Take a look at the Trickster weapon guide: http://trove.wikia.com/wiki/Fae_Trickster_Weapon_Guide The attachment point is about 10~12 voxels from the bottom of the staff. I kinda liked the original, 'clean' version of your staff better than the new ones. In my book you could scoot the handle up about 5-8 voxels and it would be better. What you do from there is up to you, but that would be my first suggestion :)
There are already a number of different hammers in the game, and we're not really looking for any more - or any more knight weapon submissions in general.
Not to be a bummer or anything, but what Cretoriani said - Knight weapons are pretty low on the list of things we're looking for, so unless it is something absolutely spectacular or unique it has a very low probability of getting approved.