
The Knight is a durable, armored fighter who wades fearlessly into melee combat. Charge your enemies to close distance, but if things get messy, your ultimate will restore your health and let you shrug off blows with ease.

Dev Tracker 87
Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "Knight"

We have a lot. We will always not have enough of new things though. So a bit of both really. when we add a new class, we will need items for it, new biome will mean new corner stone items, etc. If you truly have your heart set on a knight weapon though, have at it. Just be aware you may not be the first laser sword, frying pan, or fire blade (good god no more fire blades) Originality will totally get your weapon accepted though no matter how many weapons we have for that class. Just as long as it's unique enough. It's just lower odds of acceptance when you are making something that already has so much stuff.

these are looking pretty good. for future submissions I would stay away from the knight melee weapons though. It's what we have the most of so as time goes on they will be less and less likely to make it in.

There is wiggle room for sure. The knight holds weapons at an angle upward, so a weapon that is more than five at the tip has a bit more space. it's around the base of the weapon handle where it starts to become questionable. No problem with this one :)

The weapon is long enough that with the angle the knight holds the weapon at, it will be fine. No worries here.

The concepts are cute, but I agree with Kungfuquickness. Maybe instead of the actual pint glass for the beer you could do mini-kegs with a spout, or one of those old-fashion soda water bottles. Similarly, the wafflemaker doesn't make so much sense as a projectile weapon, but maybe something like a pop-up toaster would :) Both of those 'make sense' as projectile weapons. Whereas for the Knight anything can be used to bash someone over the head, for the gunslinger I think something that 'works' as a projectile weapon makes more sense. This is just my personal opinion, however.

Yeah, another set of just 'plain vanilla' scissors is redundant and likely won't get accepted. There _might_ be room, however, for a half-scissor (just one of the parts), so if you want to rework the model into that, Grump might be more inclined to consider it.

Those look like Knight costumes. You might want to try swapping classes again, might be a bug with the display.

Thanks for pointing this out! I just checked in a fix, so the shield should be back once we get our next patch out.

Yes, Knight level ($50) and above will get you that fancy raptor.

Yeah, it's because of the knight character. The Gunslinger class has a different idle animation that has the guns more parallel to the ground.

This should be resolved, check your e-mail!

About the same issue? I'll ask the CS guys and see what's up.

We already sent these out (we're caught up as of yesterday). If you didn't get the email just get in touch with [email protected] and let them know.

Stability is the counter that you want to have as a Knight to stick to your target. That said, our current values are pretty crazy and it's really only certain special abilities like smash that should knock you back. We've made some adjustments that will be going in the next patch. Also it's currently a little too hard to get those extra stats. Improvements to gear is in progress and it should be a lot easier soon to create good enough gear to be able to handle the knockback if you so choose.

Yeah... I used the knight and dropped mine then dashed away. Are you crashing out of the game entirely or to the lobby?