The Dracolyte is a fire mage who commands the might of dragons. Use your flamethrower to charge up your dragonling familiar and if you get into trouble, use your ultimate to transform into a powerful dragon.
Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "Dracolyte"
Preview: se momentum when leaving magrails. Dracolyte’s ultimate will now persist whe Show
Hey Trovians,
PC is back online now after a Delves hotfix!
We're excited for the latest bug fixes to be implemented and preparing for Delves on console! Thanks to all for your reporting, feedback, and for being active on our social channels.
The following patch notes are only affecting the PC version. Here is a brief overview of today's update:
- Delve key fragments are now dropped in Geode Topside worlds.
- Challenge Delves now reset all players to 110 at the beginning of the week rather than decaying by 8 levels.
- The Claims window now sorts the most recent claims on top.
- Fixed an issue where instead of dropping its own memento, the Pirate Cannoneer was dropping a memento for the Crustacean Corsair.
- Magriders should no longer immediately lose momentum when leaving magrails.
- Dracolyte’s ultimate will now persist when reviving or teleporting.
- Lobstroso’s trophy in Delves should now show the correct model.
- Fixed the alignment on trophies for Wraith, Watchful Goardian, Incendiary Iris, Inflammatory Ivy, and the Megaton Marigold.
- Improved messaging related to resetting the Shadow Tower.
- Clarified the tooltips on Dino Tamer abilities.
- The Dazzling Dracolyte costume has now grown a right shin.
Thanks for playing Trove!
Best wishes,
Your Trove team
Made this little piece on my custom Trovian character of the Dracolyte by @TroveGame pic.twitter.com/G4eTBRF5A8
Preview: /li> Fixed an issue that could let the Dracolyte erroneously appear as a Starter C Show
- Rowan has been sending out an SOS, and the Trovians have responded! It's time to go visit that mysterious cube that's been showing up on the Atlas.
- Geode is a whole new world with its own Hub. Explore the caves of Geode, meet new Companions, and gather resources to level Crystallogy.
- To the East of the Trove Hub is the giant SS Solidarity that'll carry any Trovian to Geode - just look for the Geode portal on the ground or climb up the ship. Geode can also be accessed via the Atlas.
- Follow the Geode Expertise Thread to get an explanation of all things Geode. It will start automatically the first time you zone in to Geode. All but the first of these Adventures will grant class experience upon completion along with the various item rewards.
- Daily Bonuses do not apply when you're on the planet Geode, except XP day.
Geode - Sanctuary
- Sunseeker Spire - the Geode Hub is where all the Geodians from the largest Boulder to the smallest Pebble have gathered to resist the Shadows.
- The Geode Hub consists of four levels:
- The 1st level is where portals to the Geode Caves can be found along with a module forge and module workbench.
- The 2nd level is Crafter’s Commons. Around the edges of this level can be found:
- The Crystallogy Center, where Sunseeker Lazul teaches about Crystallogy, an ancient Geodian profession
- The Companion Ranch where Sunseeker Gabbro awaits to assist with hatching or training Companions
- The 3rd level is Sunseeker Square, where the Sunseekers make their home. Around the edges of this level can be found:
- The Reliquary Research Center for all Reliquary-related needs
- The Bomber Royale Blastadium for all Bomber Royale rewards
- The 4th level is Sunseeker Landing - access this area to go back to the Trove Hub. The Blue Transit Portal in Crafter’s Commons will fast travel right there!
- Travel between levels using either the Transit Portals or the airavators (built with the new Anti-gravity blocks).
- Three new repeatable Adventures are available from assistant Pebbles found near Lazul, Th’lan, and Gabbro. These Adventures reward class experience and Lesser Crystal Caches for the first 20 completions per day.
- Sunseeker Spire is protected by a massive energy shield that keeps the Shadows out and the Geodians in. The surface outside the shield is too dangerous for Trovians currently. Once the Trovians are better prepared, they will be able to venture beyond the barrier and into the Geodian wilderness.
Geode Caves
- Travel through 3 new environments to gather resources, upgrade new modules, and meet a new set of creatures.
- Geodians are usually pacifists, so aggressive abilities are not allowed in the caves - instead there are Modules to assist in cave journeys.
- The atmosphere of the caves is intense and difficult for Trovian life – no mounts, wings, or allies can be summoned in the caves.
- Up to 14 players can be found in the same cave at a time. Players cannot be invited in to caves.
- All caves have up to 5 tiers. Travel through airlocks in order to reach deeper tiers of the caves.
- Look for signs in the cave that point to lairs – lairs can contain a jackpot of resources, sometimes including a Bronze Companion Egg!
- All caves contain Gleamstone, Builderite, Ancient Gears, Day Drops, Moonlit Moss, and Wallflowers.
- The Moonglow Grotto is a predominantly purple cave that uniquely contains Moonstone, Quirkstone, Lunarium, Dream Dew, Acrobat Bark, and Queen Trumpets.
- The Sunken Sunvault is a predominantly orange cave that uniquely contains Blazine, Sparkzite, Everlight, Sun Sap, Cave Birds, and Fireheart Flowers.
- The Verdant Veins is a predominantly green cave that uniquely contains Geminite, Chronozine, Mightstone, Cave Kelp, Cogwine, and Builder’s Blossoms.
- Watch out for hazards - the caves contain explosive plants, fire flowers which will drain N-charge, and creatures.
- Creatures can be injured, hungry, cold, or overburdened with treasure. Solve their problems to receive crystals or Lesser Crystal Caches!
- Lesser Crystal Caches can contain crystals or (rarely) Crystal Pinatas, Drillbits, or Bronze Companion Eggs.
- Drillbits can be used to craft the Bovine Buildmaster or Rocket Drill mounts.
- Reliquaries are resource caches which can be equipped while exploring the Geode caves to charge them up.
- Reliquaries are charged up by feeding, healing, and comforting creatures in the caves.
- After a Reliquary is fully charged, take it to the Reliquary Cracker in the Geode Hub to open it!
- Reliquaries can have their chances of an uncommon or rare result improved through the use of Lodestars.
- Most Reliquaries will take 6 hours to open, while rare Reliquaries will take 2 hours.
- Accelerite can be applied to speed up Reliquary opening - each Accelerite consumed will reduce the time by 2 hours.
- Additional Reliquary slots can be obtained using Space Expanders.
- Modules are a new type of equipment that will assist progress through the Geode Caves.
- There are 8 modules, and all can be leveled 10 times. Leveled modules are more efficient in even the early cave tiers.
- The Geodian Acclimation System (GAS) controls how long the player can survive in the caves. Upgrading it allows for longer, deeper cave dives. When you're out of GAS, you're out!
- N-Charge powers the other modules - upgrade it to stay stronger longer.
- The Omni-Tool allows the player to harvest Geodian blocks and interact with cave creatures. Upgrade it to mine faster or further.
- The Climbing Claw allows the player to grapple to any location within range or to stun cave creatures. Upgrade it to travel faster or further and stun stronger creatures.
- Rocket Boots allow the player to hover or travel upwards to reach resources that might otherwise be difficult.
- The Thumper makes crystals and ore visible that would otherwise be hidden.
- Barrier Generator protects against fire flowers and other hazards.
- Path Painter allows for marking paths. While staying on a marked path, movement speed is increased.
- Companions are cave creatures who've been raised to assist the player in the caves.
- There are 8 types of companions with 3 different rarity tiers.
- All Companions grant various benefits when taken on journeys in to the Geode Caves.
- Companions can be hatched from Bronze, Silver, or Gold Companion Eggs. Gold Companion Eggs are always a rare result, while Silver Companion Eggs are always an uncommon or rare.
- Companion Eggs can be hatched in the Egg Incubator found in the Geode Hub near Gabbro.
- Bronze Companion Eggs can have their chances of an uncommon or rare result improved through the use of Lodestars.
- Companion Eggs will take some time to hatch - Bronze Companion Eggs will hatch in 10 hours, while Silver and Gold Companion Eggs hatch in 2 hours.
- Accelerite can be applied to speed up Egg hatching - each Accelerite consumed will reduce the time by 2 hours.
- Companions can be trained in the Companion Trainer found next to the Incubator. Training Companions will add new benefits or increase existing ones.
- Any unwanted Companions (you monster) can be sent to find a much better, actually loving home by using the Forever Home Finder near the Egg Incubator.
- Crystallogy is a new profession found in the Geode Hub.
- Gain resources while in the Geode Caves in order to level up this profession and craft all the recipes.
- This profession has recipes for items to assist cave travel in various ways, including assisting cave creatures, tomes for Geodian resources, costumes, and even Space Expanders to add additional reliquary or incubator slots.
- New VFX Blocks can be crafted from this profession. Add a range of vfx to a cornerstone or club world with these blocks.
- New Anti-gravity blocks can also be crafted from this profession. Add an airavator to a cornerstone or club world with these new blocks!
- A new Geode Biome workbench has been added to the Crystallogy Center. Recipe unlockers for the recipes on this workbench can be crafted via Crystallogy.
Geode Mastery
- Geode has a new type of Mastery.
- Acquiring items from the Geode Caves, leveling Crystallogy, or leveling Modules will all grant Geode Mastery. (These all continue to also grant Trove Mastery.)
- Geode Mastery contains rewards to assist progress through the Geode caves – earn metamatter to level Modules, Eggs to earn new Companions, and Space Expanders to unlock additional reliquary or incubator slots.
- Geode Mastery does not grant stat bonuses.
- A /geodemastery command is available, similar to the existing /mastery command.
- Geode Mastery Points – Tracks total Geode Mastery points. The top 2000 players in this category receive a blue name color weekly.
- Total Mastery Points – Tracks combined Mastery and Geode Mastery points. The top 2000 players in this category receive an orange name color weekly.
- Weekly Companion Eggs Found – Tracks the number of Companion eggs collected on Geode. The top 1000 players in this category receive 10 Crystal Piñatas. Resets weekly.
- Weekly Adventures Completed (Excludes Expertise) – Tracks the number of Geode, Crystallogy, Event, Club, and Outpost Adventures completed. The top 1000 players receive a Golden Chaos Chest. Resets weekly.
- Weekly Bomber Royale Games Won – Tracks wins in Bomber Royale. The top 1000 players receive increasing amounts of Bomb Coins related to their placement on the Leaderboard. Resets weekly.
- Weekly Bomber Royale Kills – Tracks kills in Bomber Royale. The top 1000 players receive increasing amounts of Bomb Coins related to their placement on the Leaderboard. Resets weekly.
Bomber Royale
- Bomber Royale is a new competitive combat mode that can be accessed via a top level menu item – it’s literally the bomb.
- Up to 20 players can join in a Bomber Royale match, although the match will start 15 seconds after 15 players are queued.
- Players will start on a glass platform that deconstructs, eventually dropping them to the actual map.
- Bomber Royale maps are completely destructible and will randomly deconstruct themselves over time. The goal is to be the last player standing - literally!
- Bomber Royale is completely independent of class abilities - every player starts equipped with Rubber Bombs and a Climbing Claw. All players also have the same health and energy amounts.
- Rubber Bombs are a thrown explosive that bounce off the first surface they hit and explode on the second surface. They consume energy when thrown and will damage other players.
- The Climbing Claw is a grappling hook that pulls the player to the target location.
- Several power ups are available across the map:
- Rubber Bomb power ups decrease the energy cost of throwing a Rubber Bomb
- Climbing Claw power ups decrease the cooldown of the Climbing Claw ability
- Health power ups heal the player when triggered - but also slow them down! Only one can be held at a time.
- Lava Bomb power ups change the next 3 Rubber Bombs thrown to Lava Bombs - these will turn the area in to lava, including any water
- Sticky Bomb power ups grant the Sticky Bomb on the first pick up, and reduce the cooldown on subsequent gains. The Sticky Bomb does not bounce - it lands in one spot and explodes 5 seconds later.
- Bomb Jump power up grants the use of the Bomb Jump ability. Bomb Jump gives the player a little escape ability - use it to quickly blast out of the way or knock back an opponent.
- The last 10 players standing will receive the following rewards:
- 3 coins to the last player standing
- 2 coins to the last 2-4 players standing
- 1 coin to the last 5-10 players standing
- The first player to kill an opponent will also receive a coin.
- Coins can be redeemed for rewards at the Bomber Royale Merchant in the Geode Hub.
Inventory Changes
- To accommodate the new items added in Geode, 2 new inventory tabs have been added.
- A module inventory has been added to hold modules for exploring the Geode caves. Players cannot directly interact with the modules in the inventory – but can upgrade them at the Mining Facility in the Geode Hub.
- The Geode inventory tab contains all the resources collected in Geode, including Companions.
- The Geode inventory tab will have the same amount of unlocked space as the Adventure and Build mode inventory.
- An additional free tab has also been added to the Personal Chest.
Revenant Rework
- Vengeful Spirits Passive
- 5% of Basic Attack and Bulwark Bash damage is returned to the Revenant as health.
- Vengeful Spirits should now leech the correct amount of health when used in Ultra Shadow Towers.
- Vengeful Spirits now causes the Basic Attack to increase target incoming damage by 5% from all sources. Additional attacks refresh the debuff.
- Spirit Wraith is now 20% larger to help increase visibility.
- Basic Attack
- Now applies a debuff to targets increasing their incoming damage by 5% from all sources. Lasts 5s. Additional attacks refresh the debuff.
- The damage on Basic Attack has been increased by 300% from 1.3 coefficient to 3.9 coefficient.
- Bulwark Bash
- The cooldown on Bulwark Bash has been reduced from 7s to 5s.
- The width of Bulwark Bash has been widened by half a block.
- The distance of Bulwark Bash has been increased by half a block.
- Increased the damage of Bulwark Bash by 25%.
- Spirit Spears
- Spirit Spears has been changed to be a toggled ability.
- Spirit Spears damage no longer scales based on hit points.
- Spirit Spears now uses Physical Damage for calculation and not Max Health.
- Physical Damage coefficient is set to 4.0.
- Spirit Spears now costs 3% health for the initial activation and 5% each tick.
- Spirit Spears now ticks twice as fast as previously.
- The width of Spirit Spears has been widened by half a block.
- The distance of Spirit Spears has been increased by half a block.
- The movement restrictions have been softened from 75% to 50%.
- Revenants are immune to the effects of Knockback while Spirit Spears is active.
- Spirit Storm
- Is no longer a toggled ability.
- Health cost for use reduced from 25% to 20%.
- Spirit Storm now lasts for 5s.
- Spirit Storm now applies a snare to all targets at the end of its 5s duration.
- Spirit Storm now releases spirit blasts twice as fast.
- Spirit Storm will release spirit blasts for 5s.
- The healing from spirit blasts has been reduced from 10% to 5%.
- Spirit Storm now does 400% more damage.
- The radius on Spirit Storm's magnet pull is now 20% larger.
- Revenants are immune to the effects of Knockback while Spirit Storm is active.
- Aegis Assault Empowered Gem
- 5% of Aegis Assault damage is returned to the Revenant as health. The damage-over-time effect does not return health.
- Increased the damage on the Aegis Assault DOT effect by 100%.
- Increased the damage of Aegis Assault by 25%.
- Revenant Sub-class Ability
- Damaging enemies returns a percentage of character max health.
- Tier I - Returns 1% with a 0.25 second cooldown
- Tier II - Returns 1.5% with a 0.25 second cooldown
- Tier III - Returns 2% with a 0.25 second cooldown
- Tier IV - Returns 2.5% with a 0.25 second cooldown
- Tier V - Returns 3% with a 0.25 second cooldown
- Tier VI - Returns 3.5% with a 0.25 second cooldown
- New additions to the Store:
- The Geodian Super Pack gives a rocket boost assisted jump on Geodian collections. Contains a Gold Companion Egg (always a rare Companion), 10 Metamatter, 20 Accelerite, 6 Lodestars, 5 +50% Crystal Gathering Potions, 1 Luckiest Reliquary, and 10,000 Credits.
- The Great Geodian Pack has appeared to assist Geodian resource gathering. Contains a tradeable Day Drop Download Legendary tome, 20 Greater Crystal Caches, 15 Crystal Pinatas, 1 Luckiest Reliquary, and 1 +50% Crystal Gathering Potion.
- The Geode Companion Pack 1 contains an Uncommon Howlug Companion, 10 Accelerite, 2 Lodestars, 25 Crystal Pinatas, and 5 Bronze Companion Eggs.
- The Rocket Drill has been added to the Style tab. This flying bulldozer smashes through everything in it's path in Club Worlds (with the appropriate build permissions.)
- The Bovine Buildmaster has been added to the Style tab. This mount has new functionality - while in build mode, it will place a trail of the block type in your active build mode slot in Club Worlds with the appropriate build permissions. Note that the Bovine Buildmaster only drops blocks and plants.
- The Mythical Marksman Gunslinger costume has also been added to the Style tab.
- Crystal Pinatas can be found on the Geode tab and have improved resource drops and a new aura along with a Pinata head, mount, and weapon styles.
- Greater Crystal Caches can be found on the Geode tab and contain Geodian crafting materials, Accelerite, Lodestars, Silver Companion Eggs, tradable mounts, and tradable Space Expanders.
- A 10 pack of Regemerators has been added to the Gems tab of the Store.
- A new Geode tab contains all the Pinatas, Caches, and anything else found on Geode.
- Chaos chests have been moved to the More tab of the Store.
- The following items have been removed from the Store. They will be returning later on Luxion. - Note added on July 2
- More Tab:
- Balanced Elysian Flask
- Shadow Shrike Emblem
- Unyielding Emblem
- Zealous Emblem
- Sorcerous Servant Emblem
- Restorative Emblem
- Soothing Rain Emblem
- Energetic Emblem
- Repulsing Emblem
- Energizing Rain Emblem
- Twinkling Tome
- Pyrotechnics Papers
- Insta-Grower Informational
- Recipe: Standard Signs
- Style Tab:
- Mount: Bull Dozer
- Wings: Soulfire Wings
- Ship: Arcanium Steamboat
- Four new Dragons have been added to Trove! Carys, Seraph of the Golden Vale, Xendri, the Arc Tempest, Cy and Sanguine, the Twin Plagues and Norari, the Wayward Spear!
- Xendri, the Arc Tempest Egg Fragments can now be purchased from Level 3 of the Travelling Club Merchant with Adventurine. Xendri, the Arc Tempest can be crafted from these Egg Fragments at the Dragon Crucible in the Hub World.
- Xendri, the Arc Tempest can also be obtained with the Golden Dragon Effigy.
- Dragon Egg Fragments for Carys, Seraph of the Golden Vale can be obtained while mining Crystalized Cloud Ore found in the Radiant Ruins and Cursed Skylands worlds. Alternatively, fragments for this dragon may drop from future events. Carys, Seraph of the Golden Vale can be crafted from these Egg Fragments at the Dragon Crucible in the Hub World.
- Carys, Seraph of the Golden Vale can also be obtained with the Golden Dragon Effigy.
- Norari, the Wayward Spear can be obtained by collecting Egg Fragments from Light Chaos Vaults and then crafting the egg at the Dragon Crucible in the Hub.
- Norari, the Wayward Spear can also be obtained with the Golden Dragon Effigy.
- Light Chaos Vaults can now be crafted at the Chaos Core Crafter Workbench.
- The Golden Twin Plague Dragon Egg for Cy and Sanguine, the Twin Plagues can be obtained from the Bomber Royale Merchant.
- Hang on to those Golden Dragon Effigies! The following Ancestral dragons are now Legendary and are obtainable via the Golden Dragon Effigy:
- Aurym, Keeper of Histories
- Blocktron, the Guardian Beyond the Sky
- Fulguras, the Lightning Blade
- Tanbleddyn of the Western Peaks
- To help improve the dragon fragment collection experience and sense of progression, we have increased the drop rates considerably. However, this also means that the amount needed to craft the below list of dragons has also been increased. Any old dragon fragments for the below list of dragons can now be Loot Collected for the new fragments at a ratio of 20 new fragments for 1 old fragment. These changes also apply to Gathering Day (Tuesday) and Dragon Day (Friday).
- Baesmuth, the Shaper's Gift
- Sarsaponia, the Pristine
- Almakhestia, Host of Starfire
- Petallura, Nature's Beckoning
- Miraldis, the Primordial Preserver
- Wyntegra, Galenor's Pride
- Crisopeia, The Crucible of Souls
- Rachnaphon, the Silent Spectator
- Added the Starfire Dragon Fragments to the Friday Dragon Day bonus.
- Moonsilver Dragon Fragments can now be deconstructed in to Despoiled Divinity at a 1:1 ratio.
- Tempest and Blocktron Dragon Fragments can be deconstructed in to 12,000 Adventurine.
Achievements and Trophies
- Added new achievements and trophies focused around the new Geode content:
- 6 Steam Achievements
- 6 Xbox Achievements
- 3 PS4 Trophies
New Dungeons
- New Fae Wilds lair from Evilagician!
- New Forbidden Spires dungeon from Frokly!
- New Forbidden Spires dungeon from Keyserino95!
- New Forbidden Spires lair from Frokly!
- New Forbidden Spires Lair from Poena!
- New Neon City lair from Pennry!
- New Luminopolis Neon City lair from Frokly!
Additional Updates
- Equipment upgrade costs for Resplendent, Shadow, Radiant and Stellar have been reduced! Shaper's Stars are no longer required for any upgrades at the Forge. You can now craft shadow, radiant and stellar souls at the Shadowy Market!
- Shaper's Stars can now be deconstructed into 1 Titan Soul. Shaper's Star Keys can be deconstructed in to 5 Titan Souls.
- The amount of Club Experience required for most Club Levels has been reduced:
- The amount of Club Experience required to reach level 2 from level 1 has been reduced by 66%
- The amount of Club Experience required to reach level 3 from level 2 has been reduced by 66%
- The amount of Club Experience required to reach level 4 from level 3 has been reduced by 66%
- The amount of Club Experience required to reach level 5 from level 4 has been reduced by 47%
- The amount of Club Experience required to reach level 6 from level 5 has been reduced by 33%
- The amount of Club Experience required to reach level 7 from level 6 has been reduced by 33%
- The amount of Club Experience required to reach level 8 from level 7 has been reduced by 24%
- Some server optimizations related to clubs and club worlds.
- The Barbershop UI has been revamped.
- Fixed an issue that could cause duplicate member ranks to be shown in the dropdown in the club roster.
- Fixed an issue that could cause club members to appear online or hidden while they were offline.
- Fixed an issue that could cause crashing if magrail blocks were placed at the maximum world height.
- The Player Name and Club Name displayed above the player's head are now closer together.
- Fixed an issue in the tutorial where the player could get stuck in Adventure Mode.
- Cinnabar Veins in Forbidden Spires now produce more ore.
- Fiery Feathers now deconstruct in to 15 Cinnabar instead of Flux.
- A new tome - Cinnabar Sensibility - is now available to craft on the Runecrafting Bench. This tome grants 40 Cinnabar when filled.
- Adjusted the volume of rain drop sounds.
- Fixed a bug where non-full liquid blocks were fully opaque.
- The Heartbreaker costume now credits CloBunny as its creator.
- Removed mastery from all items granted by the Streamer Dream Box - this includes all allies under Streamer Dream along with the Robo Raptor mount and Balefire Wings. The Balefire Wings have additionally been moved to the Promo category rather than the Rare category.
- Updated the Gloaming Guardian costume to grant 175 Trove Mastery.
- Updated the following costumes to grant 70 Trove Mastery instead of 35 Trove Mastery:
- Platinum Paladin
- Delicacy Dealer
- Bubble Blaster
- Amorous Archer
- Skysunder Sniper
- Hallowed Shadow Hunter
- Cogforge Commander
- Beast Battler
- Expired Explorer
- Heart Eater
- Stone Shaper
- Gleaming Golemancer
- Heralded Harrier
- Mk X Spirit Armor
- Rosy Ravisher
- Hiveoponic Horticulturist
- The Blocktor
- Green Dinotamer
- Snowpeak Sentinel
- Permafrost Plunderer
- Wildflower Warlock
- Red Storm
- Empowered Gems descriptions now include information about cooldowns for their effects.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Vanguardian's Touchdown passive to trigger multiple times.
- Buying a class from the Store will now immediately swap to that class.
- Updated the descriptions for some legendary tomes to reflect only being able to use them once a week.
- Renamed the "Shadow Ranger" costume to the "Anarchy Archer".
- Heart-A-Phones and Club Phones can now only be used at a rate of 3 every 45 seconds.
- Removed the global announcements from the Light Chaos Vault uncommon rewards to reduce chat spam.
- Removed the Shadow Dungeon Tree dungeon from the list of Shadow Tower dungeons.
- Q'bthulhu strikes from unseen angles, and the Sword of Virtue is no more.
- Adjusted Chloromancer flowers' health bars to be above the flower.
- Fixed an issue with the geo on the Tomb Raiser's Resistor Dominator costume.
- Fixed an issue that was allowing blocked players to join clubs.
- Fixed an issue that could let the Dracolyte erroneously appear as a Starter Class.
- The movement speed issue with the Trovian Triple Ace has been fixed.
- Fixed an issue where some Chaos Chest chase items were not deconstructing in to the correct materials.
- Plasmium has been added to Chaos Chests.
- Cinnabar Veins now have a rare chance to drop Miner's Troves.
- Pinata Coins can no longer be deconstructed.
- (PS4 and Xbox only) Added client version information to the main menu.
- (Xbox only) Fixed an issue that could prevent the Inventory opening after canceling a trade.
Preview: . The Firewalking passive for the Dracolyte should now also apply to the Haba Show
Additional Updates
- The Sunfest Golden Thread for Bomber Royale will now count upgraded Rubber Bombs.
- (Xbox and PS4 only) Stacked items can once again freely transfer to and from personal chests.
- The +50% Adventurine Potion recipe has been returned to Luminopolis Outposts.
- Boost Blocks in Bomber Royale can now be destroyed with bombs.
- The Bomb Jump powerup for Bomber Royale now displays the correct icon.
- Fixed an issue where the Bomber Royale game over window sometimes wouldn't display the winner dancing.
- Added a Compass to the Geode Caves so you can tell which paths other players before you took.
- Fixed an issue where players could not gain Lustrous Gem Boxes on a day they turned on Patron.
- Updated the 'Defeat a Shadow Titan' Adventure.
- The Firewalking passive for the Dracolyte should now also apply to the Habanero and Lava Seas.
- Crystal Pinatas are now better stuffed with weaponry cosmetics. Weapon styles are now more common to drop.
- Moonlit Moss will once again grow in T4 of the Verdant Veins.
Absolutely love our @TroveGame players. Stepped away from my desk for a minute and came back to being the center of a full on Dracolyte dance party! Having a ton of fun on Geode launch! :D pic.twitter.com/ekgxyY6Bd4
— James Karras (@JamesKarras) June 27, 2018
Preview: to make the game more stable, revamped the Dracolyte class to make it substantially mo Show
Fly into epic new adventures with Trove – Heroes! Powerful, shadowy forces try to corrupt the once peaceful realms of Trove and it’s up to you to stop them.
Fight for the light with the superb new class, the Vanguardian. This supercharged hero is always ready to step up and fight for what is right. Use devastating melee skills or use potent energy blasts as a ranged champion. Learn more about the Vanguardian in our preview blog.
The front lines in the war between the Resistors and Amperium. This battle has roots deeply planted in the Desert Frontier and, of course, Neon City. Join the fight and protect the city – be the hero Trovians need.
The Amperium send massive robotic juggernauts into Luminopolis in an effort to squash the Resistors under foot. Answer the call to action when Rampage Alerts ring out as a new type of Challenge. Race to Luminopolis with your fellow heroes and take down these towering titans!
New Daily Bonuses
Trove imbued their previous Daily Bonuses with octopus DNA and now they are more powerful than ever! Each day of the week has newly revamped bonuses that give huge boosts to gathering, increases in how frequently Gem Boxes drop, double Dragon Coins from Challenges, and much more. Patrons get even bigger boosts!
Disaeon, the Immortal
This legendary dragon is automatically unlocked for any player who has 5 Loyalty. This means that if you’ve ever purchased any real world currency pack in Trove (or purchase one in the future) this will unlock for you automatically. If you received Disaeon from the Refer A Friend program on PC before Trove – Heroes launched you’ll get a free Dragon Effigy to unlock another legendary dragon you haven’t yet received.
On top of all this we’ve added technical improvements to make the game more stable, revamped the Dracolyte class to make it substantially more powerful, rolled out 10 new Battle Arena (PvP Maps), a ton of new styles, highly anticipated level 30 costumes, 6 new dungeons, and so much more!
Bring the fight to the forces of shadow with our latest free expansion, Trove – Heroes. 2018 is just getting started and we’re ready for all new adventures!
Trove's Heroes expansion overhauls welcome panel, daily bonuses, particle effects, and the Dracolyte class - https://t.co/iJLwpqmrkD @trovegame pic.twitter.com/YUrBtst6xU
— MassivelyOverpowered (@MassivelyOP) March 9, 2018
If you play the Dracolyte class in #Trove, then you're probably going to be very happy with changes due with the next update. #MMO https://t.co/AeWXZBNI4W pic.twitter.com/6xdRlUFL7D
— MMOGames (@MMOGames) March 9, 2018
Preview: ..orlds-Account- Dracolyte UpdatesBasic Atta Show
New Class - Vanguardian
- Swooping in to the spotlight, the Vanguardian’s here to save the day!
- The Vanguardian packs a punch with new Fist weapons and always comes out swinging.
- Punch or pew - the ability to switch between ranged and melee controls the fighting space.
- Go KAPOW your way to victory – it’ll be super, just sayin’.
- This potent punching powerhouse can be crafted with in-game resources on the Resistor workbench.
- A Badge has been added for unlocking the Vanguardian.
- A new sub-biome has been added to Neon City – Luminopolis!
- A colorful cityscape, Luminopolis is being conquered by the Amperium led by Ampress C455-Andra.
- The Resistors are fighting back against the Amperium, constructing new points of interest in Luminopolis. Called Outposts, here players can find Resistor Workbenches and take Outpost Adventures. Up to 3 Outpost Adventures can be in progress at a time and up to 20 can be completed in a day.
- Hoshizora, Luminary of Hope and Rhom-10, Dissent’s Roar are two new Ancestral Dragons who’ve come to join the battle (and ride the rails.)
- Assist the Resistors by attacking the Amperium and gain valuable new resources like Plasmium and Sentience Shards.
- The Neon City Scrap Case is a new box that can drop from NPCs and chests in Neon City and Luminopolis, containing commonly found materials to the region.
- Use these new resources at the Resistor Workbench to craft the new Vanguardian class, 14 new allies, 7 new mounts, the Windtunnel Wings, 5 new tomes, 18 new frameworks, and a +50% Adventurine potion. There are also 11 new costumes – a Kami-themed costume for the Dino Tamer, an Amperium-themed costume for the Neon Ninja, 2 costumes for the vanguardian, and 7 Resistor-themed costumes for the Knight, Gunslinger, Boomeranger, Revenant, Tomb Raiser, Vanguardian, and Pirate Captain.
- A terraformer for Luminopolis can be crafted from the Worldspring bench or the Resistor Workbench.
- Robot NPCs are now healed while standing in plasma.
- Those blocks you found while lasermancing in Luminopolis are totally intended. You'd best keep it a secret.
These bosses are designed to be more along the lines of "large aggressive pinatas" and less along the lines of "#1 WORLD FIRST BEST TROVE 2018." We're aware they will be bullied, trapped, and poked fun at but so are they. It's intended that their HP system will make some classes more competitive than they are in the existing meta.
- A new challenge appears!
- Find and fight the invading Gigastormers in Luminopolis – whether it’s a Titanic Tentakiller, a Trojan Propagator, or a proxy of C455-Andra herself.
- Gain a Sentience Shard daily for participating in a Rampage.
- Rampages have 3 stages, each of which grant a Lesser Neon Cache.
- Lesser Neon Caches contain Flux, Plasmium, Charged Circuits, Logic Loops, Memory Matrixes, and rarely fragments for Rhom-10 or Hoshizora.
- Several Badges have been added for completing Rampages.
- Rampage Challenges Completed has been added to /stats.
- Beacons are a new craftable item that allows players to summon Gigastormers to their club worlds for a bloc beatdown.
- Each Beacon summons a specific Gigastormer and can be crafted on the Resistor workbenches in Luminopolis.
- Beacons are not tradable, and can only be thrown in a club world by the club’s members.
- The player who throws a Beacon always receives a Sentient Shard when the Beacon is thrown. When the Gigastormer is defeated, the thrower and up to 7 other players will receive 1-3 Neon City Scrap Cases.
Beacon of Heroes Fixture
- A new Utility Fixture has been added – the Beacon of Heroes.
- The Beacon of Heroes requires a level 4 Club. and has several benefits:
- Allows Yoshimi to spawn at the Rally of Heroes
- Increases Glide, which allows for longer flights but does not increase speed
- Increases Plasmium drops from Neon City NPCs
- A Spotlight Selector, allowing clubs to choose between several spotlight beams
- Yoshimi is a new RARE Adventure NPC (Hero) who:
- Visits for 24 hours and costs 250 Clubits to remove
- Sleeps for 1 hour every 6 hours and costs 25 Clubits to remove
- Grants Luminopolis adventures
- Partially replaces Neologus the Robot Overlord’s chance to spawn
- Level 1 of the Beacon of Heroes costs 900 Clubits, requires 135 Clubits in rent, and:
- Allows Yoshimi to spawn at the Rally of Heroes (Yoshimi and Neologus the Robot Overlord have an equal chance to spawn with the Beacon of Heroes, each having 50% of Neologus the Robot Overlord’s chance to spawn with the Repose of Heroes placed)
- Increases Glide to 105
- Provides an additional 5% chance for Plasmium drops
- Has 4 options for spotlight beams
- Level 2 of the Beacon of Heroes costs 1540 Clubits, requires 180 Clubits in rent, and:
- Allows Yoshimi to spawn at the Rally of Heroes (Yoshimi and Neologus the Robot Overlord have an equal chance to spawn with the Beacon of Heroes, each having 50% of Neologus the Robot Overlord’s chance to spawn with the Repose of Heroes placed)
- Increases Glide to 110
- Provides an additional 10% chance for Plasmium drops
- Has 8 options for spotlight beams
- Level 3 of the Beacon of Heroes costs 1540 Clubits, requires 180 Clubits in rent, and:
- Allows Yoshimi to spawn at the Rally of Heroes (Yoshimi now has 75% of Neologus the Robot Overlord’s chance to spawn with the Repose of Heroes placed, while Neologus has 25%)
- Increases Glide to 120
- Provides an additional 15% chance for Plasmium drops
- Has 12 options for spotlight beams
Welcome Screen
- A new welcome screen has been introduced. This new version will appear on login and is still accessible through the Navigation Menu and existing hotkeys.
- This new version still displays all the relevant daily information, but in a smaller form and featuring animated models for the Chaos Chest and Radiant Dayspring rewards.
- The new Welcome Screen only shows the current Daily Bonus, with a preview for the next day’s Daily Bonus. Access the new Daily Bonus rotation by selecting Learn More on the Daily Bonus section.
Daily Bonus Changes
- The existing Daily Bonuses have been replaced by entirely new daily bonuses.
- Monday is now Shadow Day – this elevator isn’t stopping until it gets to the top floor. (Although a few extra rounds of Shadow Hydrakken never hurt anybody.)
- Non-Patrons receive:
- Double key fragments
- Double shadow shards
- Double Titan Souls
- Double Lunar Souls
- Patrons receive:
- Triple key fragments
- Triple shadow shards
- Triple Titan Souls
- Triple Lunar Souls
- Find a tractor, equip a mining hat, and bait a hook, because Tuesday is Gathering Day.
- Non-Patrons receive:
- Double Radiant Shards
- Double gardening materials gained on harvest
- Double ore drops
- Double fishing speed
- Patrons receive:
- Triple Radiant Shards
- Triple gardening materials gained on harvest
- Triple ore drops
- Triple fishing speed
- Wednesday just got a whole lot shinier as Gem Day.
- Non-Patrons receive:
- Double Gem Box drops
- Dust costs for gem upgrades are reduced by 10%
- Up to 3 Lustrous Gem Boxes can drop from dungeons – this new box has a chance to drop gem dust of any color, a Gem Focus, or a Contained Chaos Spark
- Patrons receive:
- Triple Gem Box drops
- Dust costs for gem upgrades are reduced by 20%
- Up to 6 Lustrous Gem Boxes can drop from dungeons
- Call out the menagerie of mounts and stay on the move, because Thursday is Adventure Day.
- Non-Patrons receive:
- 50% more Adventurine
- Double the chance of finding Adventure Boxes
- Double the chance of finding Talismans
- Patrons receive:
- 100% more Adventurine
- Triple the chance of finding Adventure Boxes
- Triple the chance of finding Talismans
- Friday certainly won’t drag on, since it’s now Dragon Day!
- Non-Patrons receive:
- Double the Dragon Coins from Challenges
- Double the Lesser Dragon Caches from Challenges
- Double the chance of finding Dragon Fragments
- Patrons receive:
- Triple the Dragon Coins from Challenges
- Triple the Lesser Dragon Caches from Challenges
- Triple the chance of finding Dragon Fragments
- Keep a level head on Saturday, which is still XP Day with a few new additions.
- Non-Patrons receive:
- 50% more Adventure Experience
- 50% more Club Experience
- 50% more Arena Win Experience
- Patrons receive:
- 100% more Adventure Experience
- 100% more Club Experience
- 100% more Arena Win Experience
- When it’s raining flux on Sunday, let it rain because it’s Loot Day.
- Non-Patrons receive:
- +100 Magic Find
- Double the chance to find Flux Artifacts
- Increased Chaos Chest drops
- Patrons receive:
- +200 Magic Find
- Triple the chance to find Flux Artifacts
- Increased Chaos Chest drops
Store Updates
- New additions to the Store:
- The Vanguardian Pack and Vanguardian Super Pack have landed!
- The Vanguardian Pack contains the Vanguardian class, the Windtunnel flying effect, a Vanguardian costume, 2 Terraformers, and 10 Sentience Shards
- The Vanguardian Super Pack contains everything in the Vanguardian Pack, plus another Vanguardian costumes, 18 more Terraformers, the legendary Amperium A.I. tome, and a whopping 10101 credits.
- An upgrade pack will be available for players who have purchased the Vanguardian Pack and wish to upgrade to the Vanguardian Super Pack.
- The Amperium Dragon Pack has arrived to amp up Luminopolis adventures! Contains a tradable dragon egg for Rhom-10, Dissent’s Roar along with 10 Greater Neon Caches, 3 Beacons, the Wattaro Complex recipe and framework, and a 50% Adventurine Potion.
- The Resistor Dragon Pack has appeared to increase the capacity for resistance! Contains a tradable dragon egg for Hoshizora, Luminary of Hope along with 10 Greater Neon Caches, 3 Beacons, the Blockatomi Tower recipe and framework, and a 50% Adventurine Potion.
- Greater Neon Caches are now available in the store on the More tab! Get valuable Neon City crafting materials, Beacons to summon gigantic Gigastormers, or (rarely) tradeable allies, mounts, and costumes. Buy 33 and earn a Flashing Neon Cache, which always contains a rare result from the Greater Neon Caches!
- A club name changer item is now available on the More tab in the store, allowing Club Presidents to rename their club.
- Disaeon the Immortal
- Disaeon the Immortal is now available for FREE to all players who have purchased any real world currency pack!
- Disaeon has been moved from Legendary Dragons to Ancestral Dragons.
- Disaeon has been removed from the Dragon Effigy.
- A new Dragon Effigy will be sent out after Heroes is live to all players who previously used a Dragon Effigy to unlock Disaeon the Immortal.
Urmhalit the Unforgiven
- Players who are opted-in to receive emails will now attract a new and fantastic friend: Urmhalit, the Unforgiven.
- This stats-granting mastery-less dragon will fly in to Collections as long as opted-in status is maintained.
- For console players, this involves associating an email address to your Microsoft or Sony account.
- For further information, https://support.trionworlds.com/hc/e...orlds-Account-
Dracolyte Updates
- Basic Attack/Flamethrower
- The diameter of the Flamethrower basic attack has been increased in size by 100% which is half of one block.
- The length of the Flamethrower basic attack has been increased in size by 18% which is one whole block.
- Flamethrower basic attack will now convert slippery ice blocks into "charred" blocks for a short time, removing their slippery nature.
- Spit Fire
- Dracolyte familiar now charges twice as fast.
- Spit Fire projectile speed has been doubled.
- Burnt Offering
- Dragon Idols now detonate after 6s (versus simply despawning).
- Dragon Idols now detonate after two hits (versus four, previously).
- The throwing distance for Dragon Idols has been increased slightly.
- Avatar of Flame
- Flamethrower attack while in Dragon form now does 100% more damage.
- Magic Damage is increased by 50% while in Dragon form.
- Health regen is increased by 300% while in Dragon form.
- Burning Ward changes:
- Dragon Idols now spawn a Dracolyte minion 100% of the time.
- Without heals, Dracolyte minions live for 13s.
VFX Culling
- VFX that are less important will now be hidden when there are a lot of particles in the camera’s view.
- General priorities go as follows:
- High – VFX associated with the character or with enemies (for example, abilities)
- Medium – VFX associated with the environment (for example, torches)
- Low – VFX associated with other players (except in Battle Arenas, where this is High)
Expertise Threads
- Anyone who reaches character level 10 will trigger the Shadow Escalation thread, which teaches about the Shadow Tower and rewards great prizes including the Giant Shadow Panda! Players who have already completed this when it was an Event will not see this new Expertise series.
- Acquiring a Tome (as an Item), will start a short series of Adventures that explain Tomes. The culmination of this adventure is the Corn Rollio mount. Of course!
LED Blocks
- 10 new color combinations that swap between 2 colors have been added to the LED Blocks.
- These preserve the existing LED Block transition behavior. For example, interacting with a color changing Persistent LED Block will transition it to Off, not swap the colors.
Streamer Dream Allies
- 33 new allies have been added in 2 new Streamer Dream boxes, the Streamer Dream 2 and the Streamer Dream 3.
- Each of these unlocks allies in their respective Collection category.
New Dungeons
- New Frontier Dungeon from Frokly!
- New Treasure Isles Dungeon from BlueMango10!
- New Fae Dungeon from stedms!
- New Forbidden Spires Lair from RiftPhoenix!
- New Forbidden Spires Dungeon from Pennry!
- New Forbidden Spires Dungeon from Screamheart!
New Battle Arena Maps
- 5 new maps from Xandllu!
- 2 new maps from EMPI!
- 2 new maps from Nuxus1!
- A new map from MissPixel, DrNinja, and Tralaxx!
Additional Updates
- Level 30 costumes have been added for all classes. Players that have previously reached level 30 will have these costumes unlock automatically when they next log in after the update.
- Reduced the size of the game download.
- Fixed some issues that could decrease server stability over time.
- Improved some server performance and made several client side optimizations.
- Fixed a crash that could be caused when changing worlds.
- Flux costs have been reduced for Crafting a Builder's Focus to perfect your gems (Rough, Superior, and Precise).
- Adventurine will now display what amount is being granted as a bonus.
- Adventures that require kills no longer give additional credit for killing any clones spawned by the target NPC.
- The Pirrot Revenge Club Adventure now has a 100 kill count (was 30).
- The Adventure NPC Dracantes now correctly sends players to Treasure Isles OR Lost Isles to complete his adventures.
- A Dragon Crucible has been added above ground in the Hub.
- Turtle-riders rejoice! The Turtle Tank and Topiary Terrapin now are correctly affected by the Knight's Move Speed enhancing subclass ability.
- If a Coin Collection or Race challenge time period ends while you are in the middle of the minigame you can now still get the proper rewards.
- (PS4 Only) You can now invite players with a dash in their profile name to your club via the Club UI menu.
- (PS4 Only) Fixed a crash that could occur when entering to much text into the virtual keyboards.
- Gather 3 Trovian dungeons now show up as separate icons on the map.
- Club fixtures now show up on the map.
- Shores of Everdark biomes now have their own icon on the map.
- The VFX for air blocks and rally blade towers have been optimized and are noticeably different.
- Audio cue for Gunslinger's subclass "Rain Destruction" should no longer spam when going up steps.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the XP Earned This Week contest to reset particularly high scoring progress.
- Fixed a bug where Knight took way too much redirected damage with Iron Will.
- Fixed a bug where the client could crash while donating clubits to a Club Vault.
- Fixed a bug where fixtures get cut off when placed near the top of the world.
- The Moonwing badges will no longer claim to grant Lunar New Year Dragon Spirit as a reward.
- Fortras and Albairn now grant 30 power rank.
- Potentially fixed the rare Double Experience Potion ending too early issue.
- The Double Experience Potion icon should now continue to update without requiring changing worlds.
- The UI for Shadow Towers will now default to the current difficulty when opening in the Shadow Tower.
- The Very Fishy Wall Trophy now has now returned from his sabbatical, and can be very rarely found as a world drop.
- Fixed an issue where attempting to purchase inventory slots could cause a crash.
- Fixed an issue where Shadow Tower portals appear on the ground after being destroyed despite returning straight to the inventory.
- Fixed an exploit that allowed enemy clones to drop loot.
- (Xbox and PS4) Added the Display Club Name checkbox to the Settings > Social menu.
- Clubs can now specify what ranks are allowed to speak and listen in the club chat channel.
- Re-ordered the club permissions list to have similar permissions next to each other.
- Added explanation dialog when low rank club members try and fail to pay rent.
- Drops of Chaos Chests now activate a VFX.
- Fixed camera jitter that appeared while using some mounts, including the Frolicksome Fox Spirit.
- Modifed the Stay Classy Badge Tooltip text to better explain the requirements.
- Fixed a bug causing the Stay Classy Badge to not properly unlock.
- Terraformers can now stack.
- The Old Boot is now stackable. A new item can now be fished up, the Ancient Boot, which is completely useless, as the Old Boot was once intended to be.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the selection highlight to disappear in the Gem Forge.
- The Neon Throne item that comes from Chaos Chests and the Chaos Core Crafter now acknowledges its post theft identity, and now correctly describes itself as a Purloined Powerseat.
- Unused Tether hotkey removed from Settings.
- The View button now works in the Settings > Miscellaneous menu.
Confirmed we have changes coming for the Dracolyte coming in the next few months.
We're pretty regularly going over classes and adjusting where needed. I think the Dracolyte may be getting a bit of love early this year. I'll follow up and get more info on if that's still in the...
Preview: ield is equal to 5% of Max Health. Dracolyte: Reduces cooldowns and grants Phy Show
Patch Notes
Gem Stat Augment and Reroll SystemGem Booster Boxes have been rebalanced:
- Improve or change a stat on a gem using the new Gem Forge!
- The recipe to craft a personal Gem Forge can be found in an Adventurer's Crafting Bench under the “Gem & Gear Improvement” section.
- New crafting materials to support this system have also been added:
- Bound Brilliance, which can be found in Boons or collected from events. (What’s a Boon? See the note on “Daily Reward Chests” below!)
- Binding Darkness, which can be found in Gem Booster Boxes and Empowered Gem Boxes, or can (rarely) be dropped by mini bosses in the open world.
- Four additional recipes have also been added to the Adventurer's Crafting Bench in the “Gems” section:
- Builder's Rough Focus: Can be used at a Gem Forge to improve a gem’s stats. Requires 1 Bound Brilliance, 4 Hearts of Darkness, and 2,000 flux to craft.
- Builder's Precise Focus: Can be used at a Gem Forge to improve a gem’s stats. Requires 1 Bound Brilliance, 3,000 water gem dust, 3,000 fire gem dust, 3,000 air gem dust, and 4,000 flux to craft.
- Builder's Superior Focus: Can be used at a Gem Forge to improve a gem’s stats. Requires 1 Bound Brilliance, 30 Diamond Dragonite, 3 Titan Souls, and 150,000 flux to craft.
- Contained Chaos Spark: Can be used to reroll any stat on a gem. (Be aware that gems can’t have both the Physical Damage and Magic Damage stats simultaneously.) Requires 3 Lunar Souls, 4 Binding Darkness, and 2,100 Eyes of Q'bthulhu to craft.
- The Health Regeneration stat will no longer appear on newly obtained gems! Existing gems with Health Regen will continue to function and may be improved with the new system. However, if Health Regen is removed from a gem via rerolling, it can never be replaced. (The Health Regen stat on equipment remains unchanged.)
- Binding Darkness has been added to the drop table.
- Gem dust has returned to the drop table.
- The drop rates for Jade Clovers, Glittering Horseshoes, Golden Gem Keys have been reduced.
- These changes were necessary to ensure the drops from Gem Booster boxes support a wider range of players.
- Daily Reward Chests have been rebalanced and are now called Boons of a Celestial Paragon:
- There are 12 boons in total, one for each month of the year.
- They now have a very rare chance to drop the 18-token monthly reward.
- Bound Brilliance has been added to the common drop table.
- The number of Dragon Coins that drop from one roll has been increased. (MOAR RAWR!)
- The number of Jade Clovers that drop from one roll has been decreased.
- These changes raise the overall value of drops from daily chests. Err, Boons. They raise the value of drops from Boons. Because that’s what daily chests are called now.
- The Book of Bound Brilliance is now available to craft at the Adventurer’s Crafting Bench! This Legendary Tome will grant 5 Bound Brilliance once a week.
- Loot collecting leveled gems just got a whole lot better! The amount of Gem Dust obtained from deconstructing a leveled gem has been increased by up to 300% at Level 5, 700-1200% at level 10, up to 2000% at level 15, and up to 1000% at Level 20+. Transitioning from an older gem to a shiny new one will now be MUCH less expensive.
SubclassesShadow Tower Foyer
- The new subclass system is unlocked ~automagically~ at level 10!
- Any unlocked class can now be equipped as a subclass using the new 5th ability slot on the Character Sheet.
- Each subclass provides a unique passive ability along with a stat boost! The effectiveness of the passive increases based on the active Power Rank of the subclass, while the stat boost improves based on the level of the subclass.
- An active class may not be designated as its own subclass.
- Subclasses are now also displayed on the “Select a Class” window, along with the class's level and power rank.
- Each class gives the following bonuses when selected as a subclass:
- Gunslinger: Provides extra jump and increases all damage done to enemies while airborne.
- Neon Ninja: Provides extra jump and grants a chance to deal bonus damage to enemies at less than 20% health.
- Dino Tamer: Provides extra Attack Speed and grants Critical Hits a chance to briefly root targets.
- Lunar Lancer: Provides extra Attack Speed; during combat, grants a chance to briefly transform into a Lunar Lancer and receive some of its power.
- Ice Sage: Provides extra Magic Damage; activates a shield that absorbs incoming damage when successfully attacking foes. The shield is equal to 5% of Max Health.
- Dracolyte: Reduces cooldowns and grants Physical Damage a chance to set enemies on fire.
- Knight: Provides extra flask capacity and increases movement speed while riding ground-based mounts.
- Pirate Captain: Provides extra magic find and has a chance to drop a cannon ball from the sky when damaging enemies.
- Chloromancer: Provides extra Maximum Health; damaging enemies grants a chance to activate thistles and reflect incoming damage.
- Tomb Raiser: Provides extra Critical Hit and has a chance to spawn a random minion from a fallen foe. Only one minion of this type can be active at any given time.
- Revenant: Reduces incoming damage and grants basic attacks a chance to trigger a taunt.
- Shadow Hunter: Provides extra Magic Damage and grants magic attacks a chance to activate Searing Light, which deals damage over time.
- Candy Barbarian: Provides extra Stability and has a chance to drop candy when damaging an enemy. The candy increases attack and either movement speed or healing.
- Fae Trickster: Increases gliding speed and grants Critical Hits a chance to spawn bombs that damage and stun enemies.
- Boomeranger: Increases Critical Damage and spawns a fae companion that provides healing if its master falls to low health.
- Note that the subclass passive for the Dracolyte is designed to support players who primarily play magic damage classes and want to experiment with physical damage classes. The subclass passive for Shadowhunters is designed to do the opposite. These may be swapped if they prove too confusing.
Shadow Hydrakken
- Players entering the Shadow Tower via the Atlas spawn into the new Shadow Tower Foyer:
- The foyer contains three separate platforms indicating desired difficulty level, allowing players to easily find other adventurers to partner with. The platforms may or may not also provide random pools to fish in.
- Entering the foyer automatically adds players to the "ShadowTower" chat channel. Leaving the foyer automatically removes them.
- Players entering the Shadow Tower via a portal now have the option of entering the tower directly or heading first to the foyer.
Darknik Dreadnought
- The fearsome Shadow Hydrakken has awakened on the Shadow Tower’s fourth floor! This ancient, multi-headed beast spews vile acid on its foes--talk about morning breath!
- Watch out for parasites!
- Hisssssssssssss. Don't heck with him. 5x Wall Snek.
- The Darknik Dreadnought, Dr. Darknik's latest mechanical machination, now guards the fifth floor of the Shadow Tower. A battle robot bristling with armaments, it’s ready to give Trovian invaders a very, VERY warm welcome!
- You won't like him when he's angry.
- Adventurers wishing to avoid their curtain call had best employ a better defense than Cubic Curtain.
Additional Shadow Tower Updates
- Daughter of the Moon has relocated to her new penthouse on the sixth floor of the Shadow Tower.
- Higher-quality keys can now be used to open Shadow Vaults. Moon Keys can open Normal and Hard Shadow Vaults, while Eclipse Keys can open Normal, Hard, and Ultra Shadow Vaults.
- Titan and Lunar Souls now drop from Shadow Vaults instead of being directly awarded after defeating a Shadow Titan.
- Daughter of the Moon now drops a new resource called Despoiled Divinity in addition to Lunar Souls. One Despoiled Divinity can be earned for each Shadow Tower difficulty, up to a maximum of 3 per week.
- Many new rewards have been added to the Shadowy Market for Hearts of Darkness, Titan Souls, Lunar Souls, and Despoiled Divinity.
- The amount of Flux dropped from Titan's Treasures has been significantly reduced.
- The number of Titan Souls dropped by Shadow Titans has been adjusted as follows:
- Spikewalker Normal/Hard/Ultra: 1/2/3
- Weeping Prophet Normal/Hard/Ultra: 1/2/3
- Vengeful Pinata God Normal/Hard/Ultra: 1/3/5
- Shadow Hydrakken Normal/Hard/Ultra: 1/3/5
- Darknik Dreadnought Mk II Normal/Hard/Ultra: 1/3/5
- Previously, explosions only damaged Shadow Titans if they occurred near the center of the Titan. This bug has been fixed, and explosions now damage Shadow Titans if they hit any part of them.
- Elite enemies can now spawn in the Shadow Tower. Each drops a guaranteed Shadow Shard, with a chance for one extra shard in Hard mode and two extra shards in Ultra.
- An assortment of new enemies have migrated to the Shadow Tower.
- Shields no longer prevent being killed by the Daughter of the Moon's one-shot attack.
- Elemental worlds now drop Shadow Key Fragments, Moon Key Fragments, and Eclipse Key Fragments. These all have a chance to drop from clearing 1-star and 3-star dungeons, similar to how gem boxes currently drop in Prime Worlds. Patron status gives two such chances (which may result on any given chest as 0, or 1, or 2 of the drops that a Prime World chest of the same Uber level would drop.)
- Prime Worlds now drop more Shadow Key Fragments, Moon Key Fragments, and Eclipse Key Fragments. 1-star Dungeons will see their drops increased by approximately 50%, while 3-star dungeons will see their drops increased by variable amounts. Patron status doubles such drops.
New Dragons
- Seven new dragons have landed! Recipes for each can be found in the Dragon Crucible, and their egg fragments have been scattered throughout the game.
- Voidwalker Dragon Egg Fragments for Indurion, the Unwavering, can be found in Shadow Caches.
- Iridescent Dragon Egg Fragments for Baesmuth, the Shaper's Gift, can be found randomly while mining.
- Spinner Dragon Egg Fragments for Rachnaphon, the Silent Spectator, can be found as a rare drop from spiders in the Fae Forest biome.
- Floral Dragon Egg Fragments for Petallura, Nature's Beckoning, can be found randomly from planted harvests.
- Preserver Dragon Egg Fragments for Miraldis, the Primordial Preserver, can be found as a rare drop from dinosaurs in the Jurassic Jungle biome.
- Ice Dragon Egg Fragments for Wyntegra, Galenor's Pride, can be found while mining ice shards in the Permafrost biome.
- Kami Dragon Egg Fragments for Crisopeia, The Crucible of Souls, can be found as a rare drop from robots in the Neon City biome or from Shadow Vaults.
- A new category, Ancestral Dragon, has been added to Collections to break up the large Legendary category and more accurately reflect the different methods of acquisition.
Trovian Atlas
- The Portal Tower in the Hub World has been replaced with the Sun Goddess Statue!
- The Sun Goddess Statue is surrounded by:
- A Radiant Merchant, where Radiant Sovereigns can be spent on great rewards!
- A Radiant Dayspring, where amazing new items can be earned with Daily Login tokens!
- Three copies of the new Trovian Atlas (details below)!
- The Trovian Atlas is a new visual representation of all the worlds in Trove, including the Prime Worlds, Drowned Worlds, Cursed Skylands, Igneous Islands, Shores of the Everdark, and the Shadow Tower Foyer. It’s basically an easy-to-use overworlds map that grants access to any world. (Yo block, we heard you like maps, so we put some maps in your map…)
- Simply open the Trovian Atlas, select the desired world, select Enter, and let the adventure begin. (Power Rank requirements still apply!)
- All existing Adventure World portals are still functional. However, going forward, none will be located in the hub. A personal copy of the Trovian Atlas may be obtainable in the future, but for now it only exists in the Hub World.
Fae Trickster Updates
- The duration of Faerie Dance staves has been increased to 15s from 10s.
- Faerie Dance staves now use player health and take 75% less damage.
- The attack speed of Faerie Dance staves now shoot 20% faster.
- Ego Blast now deals 20% more damage.
- Glitterbomb now has a 0.5s stun and deals 33% more damage.
- Glitterbomb no longer knocks back enemies.
- The explosion radius on Glitterbomb has increased to 3.5 from 3.0.
- The Fae Trickster class gem, Faerocious Facsimile, has been temporarily removed from the class gem loot table until it can be improved. Existing copies of Faerocious Facsimile can continue to be used.
- A completely new class gem has been added for Fae Tricksters! This new gem shields Ego Blast for one additional hit before the bonus damage is temporarily removed. It can be found in the Shores of the Everdark with a class gem key. Enjoy!
- The Progression Weekly Deal has been reborn as the Turboriffic Weekly Deal! It now offers 25 Golden Gem keys, 10 Double Experience Potions (2x the previous) and 20 Bound Brilliance! This blockalicious bundle will appear in the Store every four weeks.
- The Eclipse Pack is here! Sun? Moon? Darkness? Why not all three at once thanks to this new pack that's stuffed with Radiant, Lunar, and Shadow goodies! Contains 3 awesome allies, 6 magnificent mounts, and 18 slick styles.
Additional Updates
- Legendary and Primordial Dragons now unlock directly into Collections when crafted.
- Diamond Dragon Eggs can now be loot collected in to 250 diamond dragonite.
- The “Select a Class” window can now be sorted by level, power rank, or availability. Sorting the same category a second time reverses the display order, making it easy to find classes with the lowest level or power rank.
- Fixed an exploit with the Loot Collected leaderboard.
- The prevalence of the Peaceful Hills biome has been increased in all worlds. Sunlight Bulb harvesters rejoice!
- The spawn rate of Sunflower Shrines in Peaceful Hills biomes has been increased.
- Added a message letting players know they cannot fish without a lure.
- Added the Regal Eagle, Water Goat, and Wolfrik Hat Styles to Stash Exclusives. Get them with Super Style Unlockers!
- They skitter, they squeak, they have cubular feet! Rat mounts have been added to the Adventurer's Crafting Bench. Rat Talismans can be found very rarely in Uber 8 and higher adventure worlds.
- The rewards for completing the Golden Thread have been revamped for new players.
- Three new maps by xandllu (fire and ice, spring bellowing, Valley of Colors) and 2 new maps by Nuxus1 (Hotel, MetalWorld) have been added to the PvP rotation.
- New spear styles by Zayth and Rosain have been added to the game!
- ”Daily Loot Chests” have been renamed “Leaderboard Reward Chests” to reduce confusion, since they are now only available from the XP Weekly Leaderboard.
- The “Show Challenges and Objectives” menu option no longer requires a restart to take effect.
- Fixed the "Any" category in the Marketplace.
- Fixed an issue where some Chaos Chests could not be claimed as currency on sold auctions.
- Fixed a bug where pressing the “locate” button on a crafting item claim directed you to the Adventure Inventory instead of the Crafting Inventory.
- The Trolling Trawler now grants 100 mastery and requires 3 Ancient Scales to craft rather than 200.
- Fixed the gem border for an ability in adventure mode sticking around in build mode.
- The Triumphant Troveblade weapon style, a special blade obtained by purchasing a $100 pack, is now in the "Store" sub-category in Collections/Styles/Melee.
- Fixed a bug that occurred when quitting the client after loading the game for the first time.
- New biome-specific craftable benches have been added to the Builder's Crafting Bench for every biome. The biome-specific recipes previously found in the Workbench have been moved to these individual benches. Generic recipes remain on the original Workbench.
- Unlocking Selene the Celestial via a Golden Dragon Effigy will now grant the Lunar New Year Dragon Spirit Badge.
- Attempting to replace a gem with another gem that won't fit in the socket will now result in the correct error message.
- Removed a duplicate item from the Medieval Highlands recipes.
- Fixed inconsistencies with the item and collection names of the following, per community feedback:
- Shuffling Shrimp Nigiri
- Cygnus_01 Speedcycle
- Snowfest Log
- Trovian Tumbler
- Personal Pop Parade
- Pink Gummy Barbearian
- Blue Gummy Barbearian
- Pink & Blue Gummy Barbearian
- Fixed the Shadow Fridge Bottom referencing an incorrect blueprint. Thanks, Etaew!
- Wings can now be opened with 0 jumps remaining during minigames.
- Improved the report spam feature.
- Fixed Chloromancer heal VFX for seedlings when using a skin.
- Minigame elements no longer appear in PvP maps or incompatible minigame maps.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the currency selection to change unexpectedly when searching the Marketplace.
- The Ice Towers dungeon in the Permafrost biome has been removed to reduce FPS issues.
- To prevent a client crash, the Marketplace can no longer be opened while a dialog popup is visible.
- Scaled down all dragon allies to prevent them from appearing larger than some player characters.
- Dino Tamer minions now show combat numbers.
- The issue with the Knight rapidly swinging the primary attack after a charge has been fixed.
- The Floral Fantasy aura will now correctly unlock when crafted in the Chaos Crafter.
- When Cursed Skulls are active, they are now transparent and no longer block projectiles.
- The Vial of Unleashed Power now has a 10 second cooldown.
- The client no longer captures the mouse immediately upon starting and waits until the world has loaded.
- Crafting recipes which unlock collections will now display x1 if the collection hasn't been unlocked and x0 if the collection has already been unlocked.
- Fixed the A.M.O.K. Aimbot torso and left shoulder and the Royal Ranger left shoulder.
- Projectiles in the Dracolyte's Burning Ward ability now match the theme of the equipped costume.
- The Neon Ninja Ultimate no longer displays Fae Trickster VFX.
- Fixed the duration of the Reboot Ult VFX to match the duration of the power.
- Various optimizations and client crash fixes
Preview: ield is equal to 5% of Max Health. Dracolyte: Reduces cooldowns and grants Phy Show
Trovian Atlas
- The Portal Tower in the Hub World has been replaced with the Sun Goddess Statue!
- The Sun Goddess Statue is surrounded by:
- A Radiant Merchant, where Radiant Sovereigns can be spent on great rewards!
- A Radiant Dayspring, where amazing new items can be earned with Daily Login tokens!
- Three copies of the new Trovian Atlas (details below)!
- The Trovian Atlas is a new visual representation of all the worlds in Trove, including the Prime Worlds, Drowned Worlds, Cursed Skylands, Igneous Islands, Shores of the Everdark, and the Shadow Tower Foyer. It’s basically an easy-to-use overworlds map that grants access to any world. (Yo block, we heard you like maps, so we put some maps in your map…)
- Simply open the Trovian Atlas, select the desired world, select Enter, and let the adventure begin. (Power Rank requirements still apply!)
- All existing Adventure World portals are still functional. However, going forward, none will be located in the hub. A personal copy of the Trovian Atlas may be obtainable in the future, but for now it only exists in the Hub World.
Gem Stat Augment and Reroll System
- Improve or change a stat on a gem using the new Gem Forge!
- The recipe to craft a personal Gem Forge can be found in an Adventurer's Crafting Bench under the “Gem & Gear Improvement” section.
- New crafting materials to support this system have also been added:
- Bound Brilliance, which can be found in Boons or collected from events. (What’s a Boon? See the note on “Daily Reward Chests” below!)
- Binding Darkness, which can be found in Gem Booster Boxes and Empowered Gem Boxes, or can (rarely) be dropped by mini bosses in the open world.
- Four additional recipes have also been added to the Adventurer's Crafting Bench in the “Gems” section:
- Builder's Rough Focus: Can be used at a Gem Forge to improve a gem’s stats. Requires 1 Bound Brilliance, 4 Hearts of Darkness, and 2,000 flux to craft.
- Builder's Precise Focus: Can be used at a Gem Forge to improve a gem’s stats. Requires 1 Bound Brillance, 3,000 water gem dust, 3,000 fire gem dust, 3,000 air gem dust, and 4,000 flux to craft.
- Builder's Superior Focus: Can be used at a Gem Forge to improve a gem’s stats. Requires 1 Bound Brilliance, 30 Diamond Dragonite, 3 Titan Souls, and 150,000 flux to craft.
- Contained Chaos Spark: Can be used to reroll any stat on a gem. (Be aware that gems can’t have both the Physical Damage and Magic Damage stats simultaneously.) Requires 3 Lunar Souls, 4 Binding Darkness, and 2,100 Eyes of Q'bthulhu to craft.
- The Health Regeneration stat will no longer appear on newly obtained gems! Existing gems with Health Regen will continue to function and may be improved with the new system. However, if Health Regen is removed from a gem via rerolling, it can never be replaced. (The Health Regen stat on equipment remains unchanged.)
- Gem Booster Boxes have been rebalanced:
- Binding Darkness has been added to the drop table.
- Gem dust has returned to the drop table.
- The drop rates for Jade Clovers, Glittering Horseshoes, Golden Gem Keys have been reduced.
- These changes were necessary to ensure the drops from Gem Booster boxes support a wider range of players.
- Daily Reward Chests have been rebalanced and are now called Boons of a Celestial Paragon:
- There are 12 boons in total, one for each month of the year.
- They now have a very rare chance to drop the 18-token monthly reward.
- Bound Brilliance has been added to the common drop table.
- The number of Dragon Coins that drop from one roll has been increased. (MOAR RAWR!)
- The number of Jade Clovers that drop from one roll has been decreased.
- These changes raise the overall value of drops from daily chests. Err, Boons. They raise the value of drops from Boons. Because that’s what daily chests are called now.
- Loot collecting leveled gems just got a whole lot better! The amount of Gem Dust obtained from deconstructing a leveled gem has been increased by up to 300% at Level 5, 700-1200% at level 10, up to 2000% at level 15, and up to 1000% at Level 20+. Transitioning from an older gem to a shiny new one will now be MUCH less expensive.
- The new subclass system is unlocked ~automagically~ at level 10!
- Any unlocked class can now be equipped as a subclass using the new 5th ability slot on the Character Sheet.
- Each subclass provides a unique passive ability along with a stat boost! The effectiveness of the passive increases based on the active Power Rank of the subclass, while the stat boost improves based on the level of the subclass.
- An active class may not be designated as its own subclass.
- Subclasses are now also displayed on the “Select a Class” window, along with the class's level and power rank.
- The “Select a Class” window can now be sorted by level, power rank, or availability. Sorting the same category a second time reverses the display order, making it easy to find classes with the lowest level or power rank.
- Each class gives the following bonuses when selected as a subclass:
- Gunslinger: Provides extra jump and increases all damage done to enemies while airborne.
- Neon Ninja: Provides extra jump and grants a chance to deal bonus damage to enemies at less than 20% health.
- Dino Tamer: Provides extra Attack Speed and grants Critical Hits a chance to briefly root targets.
- Lunar Lancer: Provides extra Attack Speed; during combat, grants a chance to briefly transform into a Lunar Luncer and receive some of its power.
- Ice Sage: Provides extra Magic Damage; activates a shield that absorbs incoming damage when successfully attacking foes. The shield is equal to 5% of Max Health.
- Dracolyte: Reduces cooldowns and grants Physical Damage a chance to set enemies on fire.
- Knight: Provides extra flask capacity and increases movement speed while riding ground-based mounts.
- Pirate Captain: Provides extra magic find and has a chance to drop a cannon ball from the sky when damaging enemies.
- Chloromancer: Provides extra Maximum Health; damaging enemies grants a chance to activate thistles and reflect incoming damage.
- Tomb Raiser: Provides extra Critical Hit and has a chance to spawn a random minion from a fallen foe. Only one minion of this type can be active at any given time.
- Revenant: Reduces incoming damage and grants basic attacks a chance to trigger a taunt.
- Shadow Hunter: Provides extra Magic Damage and grants magic attacks a chance to activate Searing Light, which deals damage over time.
- Candy Barbarian: Provides extra Stability and has a chance to drop candy when damaging an enemy. The candy increases attack and either movement speed or healing.
- Fae Trickster: Increases gliding speed and grants Critical Hits a chance to spawn bombs that damage and stun enemies.
- Boomeranger: Increases Critical Damage and spawns a fae companion that provides healing if its master falls to low health.
- Note that the subclass passive for the Dracolyte is designed to support players who primarily play magic damage classes and want to experiment with physical damage classes. The subclass passive for Shadowhunters is designed to do the opposite. These may be swapped if they prove too confusing.
Shadow Tower Foyer
- Players entering the Shadow Tower via the Atlas spawn into the new Shadow Tower Foyer:
- The foyer contains three separate platforms indicating desired difficulty level, allowing players to easily find other adventurers to partner with. The platforms may or may not also provide random pools to fish in.
- Entering the foyer automatically adds players to the "ShadowTower" chat channel. Leaving the foyer automatically removes them.
- Players entering the Shadow Tower via a portal now have the option of entering the tower directly or heading first to the foyer.
Shadow Hydrakken
- The fearsome Shadow Hydrakken has awakened on the Shadow Tower’s fourth floor! This ancient, multi-headed beast spews vile acid on its foes--talk about morning breath!
- Watch out for parasites!
- Hisssssssssssss. Don't heck with him. 5x Wall Snek.
Darknik Dreadnought
- The Darknik Dreadnought, Dr. Darknik's latest mechanical machination, now guards the fifth floor of the Shadow Tower. A battle robot bristling with armaments, it’s ready to give Trovian invaders a very, VERY warm welcome!
- You won't like him when he's angry.
- Adventurers wishing to avoid their curtain call had best employ a better defense than Cubic Curtain.
Additional Shadow Tower Updates
- Daughter of the Moon has relocated to her new penthouse on the sixth floor of the Shadow Tower.
- Higher-quality keys can now be used to open Shadow Vaults. Moon Keys can open Normal and Hard Shadow Vaults, while Eclipse Keys can open Normal, Hard, and Ultra Shadow Vaults.
- Titan and Lunar Souls now drop from Shadow Vaults instead of being directly awarded after defeating a Shadow Titan.
- Daughter of the Moon now drops a new resource called Despoiled Divinity in addition to Lunar Souls. One Despoiled Divinity can be earned for each Shadow Tower difficulty, up to a maximum of 3 per week.
- Many new rewards have been added to the Shadowy Market for Hearts of Darkness, Titan Souls, Lunar Souls, and Despoiled Divinity.
- The amount of Flux dropped from Titan's Treasures has been significantly reduced.
- The number of Titan Souls dropped by Shadow Titans has been adjusted as follows:
- Spikewalker Normal/Hard/Ultra: 1/2/3
- Weeping Prophet Normal/Hard/Ultra: 1/2/3
- Vengeful Pinata God Normal/Hard/Ultra: 1/3/5
- Shadow Hydrakken Normal/Hard/Ultra: 1/3/5
- Darknik Dreadnought Mk II Normal/Hard/Ultra: 1/3/5
- Previously, explosions only damaged Shadow Titans if they occurred near the center of the Titan. This bug has been fixed, and explosions now damage Shadow Titans if they hit any part of them.
- Elite enemies can now spawn in the Shadow Tower. Each drops a guaranteed Shadow Shard, with a chance for one extra shard in Hard mode and two extra shards in Ultra.
- An assortment of new enemies have migrated to the Shadow Tower.
- Shields no longer prevent being killed by the Daughter of the Moon's one-shot attack.
Fae Trickster Updates
- The duration of Faerie Dance staves has been increased to 15s from 10s.
- Faerie Dance staves now use player health and take 75% less damage.
- The attack speed of Faerie Dance staves has been reduced to 1.0 from 1.25.
- Ego Blast now deals 20% more damage.
- An Ego Blast crit is now 51% of base damage.
- Glitterbomb now has a 0.5s stun and deals 33% more damage.
- Glitterbomb no longer knocks back enemies.
- The explosion radius on Glitterbomb has increased to 3.5 from 3.0.
- The Fae Trickster class gem, Faerocious Facsimile, has been temporarily removed from the class gem loot table until it can be improved. Existing copies of Faerocious Facsimile can continue to be used.
- A completely new class gem has been added for Fae Tricksters! This new gem shields Ego Blast for one additional hit before the bonus damage is temporarily removed. It can be found in the Shores of the Everdark with a class gem key. Enjoy!
- The Progression Weekly Deal has been reborn as the Turboriffic Weekly Deal! It now offers 25 Golden Gem keys, 10 Double Experience Potions (2x the previous) and 20 Bound Brilliance! This blockalicious bundle will appear in the Store every four weeks.
New Dragons
- Five new dragons have landed! Recipes for each can be found in the Dragon Crucible, and their egg fragments have been scattered throughout the game.
- Voidwalker Dragon Egg Fragments for Indurion, the Unwavering, can be found in Shadow Caches.
- Iridescent Dragon Egg Fragments for Baesmuth, the Shaper's Gift, can be found randomly while mining.
- Spinner Dragon Egg Fragments for Rachnaphon, the Silent Spectator, can be found as a rare drop from spiders in the Fae Forest biome.
- Floral Dragon Egg Fragments for Petallura, Nature's Beckoning, can be found randomly from planted harvests.
- Preserver Dragon Egg Fragments for Miraldis, the Primordial Preserver, can be found as a rare drop from dinosaurs in the Jurassic Jungle biome.
- Ice Dragon Egg Fragments for Wyntegra, Galenor's Pride, can be found while mining ice shards in the Permafrost biome.
- A new category, Ancestral Dragon, has been added to Collections to break up the large Legendary category and more accurately reflect the different methods of acquisition.
PTS only
- A special login event just for PTS has begun! Each daily login for the next four days will grant:
- 1 Gem Forge
- 500 Bound Brilliance
- 500 Binding Darkness
- 15 Level 25 XP coins
- 15 Level 20 XP coins
- 1,000,000 Flux
- 9999 Eyes of Q’bthulhu
- 500 Hearts of Darkness
- 500 Diamond Dragonite
- 100 Titan Souls
- 100 Lunar Souls
- 25 Stellar Empowered Gem Boxes
- 100 each of yellow/red/blue Shadow Gem Boxes
- 1,000,000 each of yellow/red/blue gem dust
- 500 Ninth Lives
- 5 Builder's Rough Focus
- 5 Builder's Precise Focus
- 5 Builder's Superior Focus
- 5 Contained Chaos Spark
Additional Updates
- Legendary and Primordial Dragons now unlock directly into Collections when crafted.
- Fixed an exploit with the Loot Collected leaderboard.
- The prevalence of the Peaceful Hills biome has been increased in all worlds. Sunlight Bulb harvesters rejoice!
- The spawn rate of Sunflower Shrines in Peaceful Hills biomes has been increased.
- Added a message letting players know they cannot fish without a lure.
- Added the Regal Eagle, Water Goat, and Wolfrik Hat Styles to Stash Exclusives. Get them with Super Style Unlockers!
- They skitter, they squeak, they have cubular feet! Rat mounts have been added to the Adventurer's Crafting Bench. Rat Talismans can be found very rarely in Uber 8 and higher adventure worlds.
- The rewards for completing the Golden Thread have been revamped for new players.
- Three new maps by xandllu (fire and ice, spring bellowing, Valley of Colors) and 2 new maps by Nuxus1 (Hotel, MetalWorld) have been added to the PvP rotation.
- New spear styles by Zayth and Rosain have been added to the game!
- ”Daily Loot Chests” have been renamed “Leaderboard Reward Chests” to reduce confusion, since they are now only available from the XP Weekly Leaderboard.
- The “Show Challenges and Objectives” menu option no longer requires a restart to take effect.
- Fixed the "Any" category in the Marketplace.
- Fixed an issue where some Chaos Chests could not be claimed as currency on sold auctions.
- Fixed a bug where pressing the “locate” button on a crafting item claim directed you to the Adventure Inventory instead of the Crafting Inventory.
- The Trolling Trawler now grants 100 mastery and requires 3 Ancient Scales to craft rather than 200.
- Fixed the gem border for an ability in adventure mode sticking around in build mode.
- The Triumphant Troveblade weapon style, a special blade obtained by purchasing a $100 pack, is now in the "Store" sub-category in Collections/Styles/Melee.
- Fixed a bug that occurred when quitting the client after loading the game for the first time.
- New biome-specific craftable benches have been added to the Builder's Crafting Bench for every biome. The biome-specific recipes previously found in the Workbench have been moved to these individual benches. Generic recipes remain on the original Workbench.
- Unlocking Selene the Celestial via a Golden Dragon Effigy will now grant the Lunar New Year Dragon Spirit Badge.
- Attempting to replace a gem with another gem that won't fit in the socket will now result in the correct error message.
- Removed a duplicate item from the Medieval Highlands recipes.
- Fixed inconsistencies with the item and collection names of the following, per community feedback:
- Shuffling Shrimp Nigiri
- Cygnus_01 Speedcycle
- Snowfest Log
- Trovian Tumbler
- Personal Pop Parade
- Pink Gummy Barbearian
- Blue Gummy Barbearian
- Pink & Blue Gummy Barbearian
- Fixed the Shadow Fridge Bottom referencing an incorrect blueprint. Thanks, Etaew!
- Wings can now be opened with 0 jumps remaining during minigames.
- Improved the report spam feature.
- Fixed Chloromancer heal VFX for seedlings when using a skin.
- Minigame elements no longer appear in PvP maps or incompatible minigame maps.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the currency selection to change unexpectedly when searching the Marketplace.
- The Ice Towers dungeon in the Permafrost biome has been removed to reduce FPS issues.
- To prevent a client crash, the Marketplace can no longer be opened while a dialog popup is visible.
- Scaled down all dragon allies to prevent them from appearing larger than some player characters.
- Dino Tamer minions now show combat numbers.
- When Cursed Skulls are active, they are now transparent and no longer block projectiles.
- The Vial of Unleashed Power now has a 10 second cooldown.
- The client no longer captures the mouse immediately upon starting and waits until the world has loaded.
- Crafting recipes which unlock collections will now display x1 if the collection hasn't been unlocked and x0 if the collection has already been unlocked.
- Fixed the A.M.O.K. Aimbot torso and left shoulder and the Royal Ranger left shoulder.
- Projectiles in the Dracolyte's Burning Ward ability now match the theme of the equipped costume.
- The Neon Ninja Ultimate no longer displays Fae Trickster VFX.
- Fixed the duration of the Reboot Ult VFX to match the duration of the power.
Preview: /> Costume UpdatesThe Dracolyte Plum Fairy costume now has a new Show
- Avast! There be dragons! The terrible and relentless Flakbeard has been spotted in the Treasure Isles! Yarrrrr!
- Snowfest has ended - but the Crate 'O 150 Gears and snowflakes will remain for a limited time. Craft something with your remaining Subzero Snowflakes, because they will melt soon (ie - you will permanently lose any you don't use!)
- Holiday Tree dungeons and Present lairs have been removed.
- The hub has returned to its normal Winter version.
Costume Updates
- The Dracolyte Plum Fairy costume now has a new ultimate form, pet dragonling, and burnt offering.
- The Pirate Captain Rat Royal costume now has a new parrot skin.
- Candy Barbarian costumes, Frigid Fiend and Shaggy Yeti, now have more appropriate VFX.
- Changed the name of the helm for the WInter Waker costume to "Winter Waker Helm".
Additional Updates
- Fixed bug where Knight's ultimate VFX didn't appear.
- Fixed bug where using Neon Ninja ultimate and basic attack at the same time could crash the client (and probably fixes similar ability crashes as well)
- Fixed bug where Ice Sage's Frozen Ward absorbed damage and was removed for all attacks.
- 4 new animal head styles have been added to the Stash Exclusive category! Enjoy your new Mouse (Mouseketeer), Rhino (Discount Unicorn), Panda (Emo Bear), and Rabbit (Booplesnoot) hats!
- Duplicate Trovian Trawler removed from collections.
Preview: 's ultimate VFX didn't appear. The Dracolyte Plum Fairy costume now has a new Show
- Avast! There be dragons! The terrible and relentless Flakbeard has been spotted in the Treasure Isles! Yarrrrr!
Additional Updates
- Snowfest has melted! Holiday Tree dungeons and Present lairs have been removed.
- Fixed bug where Knight's ultimate VFX didn't appear.
- The Dracolyte Plum Fairy costume now has a new ultimate form, pet dragonling, and burnt offering.
- The Pirate Captain Rat Royal costume now has a new parrot skin.
- Candy Barbarian costumes, Frigid Fiend and Shaggy Yeti, now have more appropriate VFX.
- Changed the name for the Winter Waker helm.
- 4 new animal head styles have been added to the Stash Exclusive category! Enjoy your new Mouse (Mouseketeer), Rhino (Discount Unicorn), Panda (Emo Bear), and Rabbit (Booplesnoot) hats!
- Duplicate Trovian Trawler removed from collections.