Mysterious casters from beyond the Planes, Chloromancer's basic attacks heal allies, damage enemies, and grow their plants faster. Leafy Lashers snare foes and deals damage, Blooming Pollinators deals damage and heal allies, and Sow Chaos grows many plants quickly to turn the tide of battle.
As a Chloromancer, you need to constantly barrage the battlefield with your plants while supporting your team with supplemental heals, do note that it's very difficult for even the best chloromancers to keep your teammates healed, as the healing amount of both your basic attack and the pollinators are based off their max health, not your damage or own max health.
Hold your basic attack and throw out pollinators constantly, as to keep up both damage and healing to kill enemies and sustain yourself, throw out a leafy lasher if there is none out, or the current one is about to disappear.
For your ultimate, one thing to note is that if you're standing on top of an enemy, all the plants will be thrown at your feet instead of around you randomly, great for a quick refill on plants, burst damage and a full heal!
For longer fights where you're playing as a DPS Chloro, try and time your potions (arcane emblem buff) with the bullets salves your Green Gatling shoots, as well as when a lot of your pollinators are about to explode, to maximize your long term DPS.
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Automatically creates a shield that absorbs damage when your health falls below 50%.

Leafy Lasher - Level 1
Lob a seed that grows into a plant that will damage and snare nearby enemies when fully grown. Healing your plants will make them grow faster.

Blooming Pollinator - Level 3
Throw a seed that grows into a plant. When fully grown, it will explode in a burst of pollen that heals allies and damages enemies. Healing your plants will make them grow faster.

Sow Chaos - Level 5
Randomly throws a number of Lasher and Pollinator seeds around you in quick succession.
Plant Power
Empowered Water Gem for the Chloromancer. When Empowered Growth is active the chloromancer heals nearby plants and allies.





