
Boomerangers are skilled with both bow and blade. Bomb your way through bedrock and stun any enemies you find with your trusty boomerang! When things get too hairy or scary, lob a Mysterious Urn into the fray!

Dev Tracker 26
Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "Boomeranger"

This is completely the wrong scale for a character mask. Please read the [guidelines]( for mask creation :)

Preview: PCs (similar to Dino Tamer's Clever Snare), Boomeranger - Big Bomb and Mysterious Urn, Show

  • New Minigame recipes used to build a new minigame type, the Target minigame, have been added to the Worldspring crafting bench.
  • Added a new minigame to to daily challenge rotation - Target Shoot!
  • Currently these are enabled for testing and may be disabled before the live patch if we determine they need more work.

Ability Changes
  • Updated the following abilities to not collide with NPCs (similar to Dino Tamer's Clever Snare), Boomeranger - Big Bomb and Mysterious Urn, Shadow Hunter - Sun Snare, Fae Trickster- Glitterbomb.
  • Revenant's Wraith passive ability once more applies 50% physical damage and 100% health regen while wraith is on cooldown.
  • Ability cooldowns are now reset to max when switching to a recently used class.
  • Cooldown on dodge is now 1.8 seconds, because it's more fun that way.

  • Russian is now in Beta!

New Dungeons
  • New Frontier Lair from stedms!
  • New Dragonfire Peaks Dungeon from Zungryware!
  • New Shadow Tower Dungeon from Keyser95!
  • New Candoria Dungeon from Pupshies!
  • New Candoria Dungeon from Evilagician!
  • New Jurassic Jungle Lair from FiannaTiger!

Additional Updates
  • Some server lag reduction.
  • The claims icon in the lower left of the screen will now show up for new claims that you haven't seen, even if they were automatically claimed. Most notably, whenever we do giveaways, you'll have that icon to notify you. And if you buy something from the store it will also appear.
  • In Collections, added a new dropdown option: Show Favorites. This will make it easier to narrow down your search to just your favorited Tomes/Mounts/Allies/etc.
  • In Collections:Tomes, added an icon to indicate when a tome is "sleeping" and can't earn any more experience this week.
  • Fixed some behavior with the Twinkling Tomes and Golden Gem Keys - the tradable versions should appear in the Adventure Inventory, and the non-tradable versions used for crafting and gem boxes should appear in the Crafting Inventory.
  • The following dragon eggs can now be deconstructed into Dragon Coins: Dormant Seige Dragon Egg, Dormant Dusk Dragon Egg, and Dormant Lunar New Year Dragon Egg.
  • The new costumes added to the chaos crafter now grant 70 mastery instead of 35.
  • Restored missing pieces for some costumes.
  • Class gems can once again be acquired in Shores of the Everdark.
  • Changing Auras on Stellar gear will now cause it to be non-tradable.
  • Old account names are properly cleaned up after a character rename.
  • Fixed bug where client exited if a duplicate player name was chosen upon character creation.
  • The Badges for Spirit of Lambent, Spirit of Azorian, and Spirit of Trimach no longer have nothing listed in their Rewards section.
  • Fixed inconsistencies in spacing and punctuation for Costume descriptions.
  • Fixed the Fractal Fighting Fork flavor text.
  • Fixed cut off text in German and French versions of EULA screen.
  • Fixed an issue with the alignment of French and German text on the Store's Patron tab.

Preview: PCs (similar to Dino Tamer's Clever Snare), Boomeranger - Big Bomb and Mysterious Urn, Show

Depth Charge
  • Mysterious Mining robots are suddenly everywhere underground, and it's up to you to uncover their plans and liberate a plucky little companion: the Minerbot Qubesley!
  • This event will run from 4/18 through 5/2.

Credit Pouches
  • In order to target marketplace price manipulation of credit pouches and reduce fraud we're making a small change to how they function:
    • Credit pouches are now automatically consumed when purchased from the player marketplace.
    • Credit pouches can now only be listed in the marketplace and not traded in other locations.

Minigame Changes
  • Updated minigame scoreboard to keep player scores displayed after they've left a completed game.
  • Updated minigames to scale all mounts to the same speed.
  • Updated minigames to scale all run speed to the same speed.
  • Updated minigames to scale all wings to the same speed.
  • The new Minigame 'Target Destruction' can be built in the Worldspring crafting bench and played in individual Club Worlds. It will come to the challenge rotation in the future once we've improve the hit detection further.
  • Added a new Minigame Class block which can be placed and used to force a class to be selected (even if it's not yet unlocked for someone participating).
  • There is now a recipe on the Worldspring crafting bench for a teleporter placeable.
  • Fixed a bug where mini game and club portals could spawn on top of each other.
  • Fixed racing minigame exploit.
  • Adjusted the reward requirements on some race minigames.

Ability Changes
  • Updated the following abilities to not collide with NPCs (similar to Dino Tamer's Clever Snare), Boomeranger - Big Bomb and Mysterious Urn, Shadow Hunter - Sun Snare, Fae Trickster- Glitterbomb.
  • Revenant's Wraith passive ability once more applies 50% physical damage and 100% health regen while wraith is on cooldown.
  • Ability cooldowns are now reset to max when switching to a recently used class.
  • Cooldown on dodge is now 1.8 seconds, because it's more fun that way.

Leaderboard Changes
  • Leaderboards and contests now grants rewards to everyone who is tied.
  • Class Power Rank Weeklies now reward 50 Shadow Pinatas to anyone Rank 10 and above. The previous reward of a single Chaos Coin for Rank 1 has been removed.
  • New Weekly Contests have been added to the schedule beginning April 17th. They are Infinium Mined This Week, Glim Collected This Week, Fish Caught This Week, Weekly Battle Arenas Won, and Loot Collected This Week.

New Dungeons
  • New Frontier Lair from stedms!
  • New Candoria Lair from Evilagician!
  • New Jurassic Jungle Lair from FiannaTiger!
  • New Dragonfire Peaks Dungeon from Zungryware!
  • New Shadow Tower Dungeon from Keyser95!
  • New Candoria Dungeon from Pupshies!

Additional Updates
  • Added 25 new costumes to the Chaos Crafting Workbench! There are new costumes for the Candy Barbarian, Chloromancer, Dino Tamer, Dracolyte, Fae Trickster, Gunslinger, Knight, Lunar Lancer, Neon Ninja, Pirate Captain, Shadow Hunter and Revenant!
  • The claims icon in the lower left of the screen will now show up for new claims that you haven't seen, even if they were automatically claimed. Most notably, whenever we do giveaways, you'll have that icon to notify you. And if you buy something from the store it will also appear.
  • Flasks now have a brief cooldown when emblems or flasks are changed.
  • The Double Experience Potion now displays a buff icon in the upper left to indicate it's running and how much time is remaining.
  • The Golden Dragon Effigy now deconstructs to 300 Dragon Coins.
  • In Collections, added a new dropdown option: Show Favorites. This will make it easier to narrow down your search to just your favorited Tomes/Mounts/Allies/etc.
  • In Collections:Tomes, added an icon to indicate when a tome is "sleeping" and can't earn any more experience this week.
  • Fixed some behavior with the Twinkling Tomes and Golden Gem Keys - the tradable versions should appear in the Adventure Inventory, and the non-tradable versions used for crafting and gem boxes should appear in the Crafting Inventory.
  • The following dragon eggs can now be deconstructed into Dragon Coins: Dormant Seige Dragon Egg, Dormant Dusk Dragon Egg, and Dormant Lunar New Year Dragon Egg.
  • The Chaos Crafter will now display "This is already in your collection" for costumes and collectables you've already crafted.
  • Fixed a bug with the way the Dino Tamer Max Health and Health Regen values were being calculated. This has been fixed and as such, all Dino Tamers across the board should now have more Max Health and Health Regen!
  • Fixed bug where weapon is sometimes replaced with fishing pole.
  • 3 new power rank and mastery sigil levels have been added. For power rank sigils they now go up to 20,000 and have been otherwise adjusted slightly at the high end. For mastery this means more sigils up to 300.
  • Fixed bug where boats couldn't be used in minigames when a boat block had been placed for the map.
  • Squeakers is now worth 100 Mastery, up from 50. His loyalty has finally been rewarded.
  • Updated Power Rank for St. Qubeslick, Tranquil Tentacle, and the new Streamer Dream allies.
  • Fixed bug where some plant tooltips didn't show what season they grew in.
  • The Starter Class Coin has a new look, to differentiate it against the regular Class Coin.
  • Changing your name no longer blocks you from logging back in.
  • Improved projectile collision.
  • Panatea the Partifier no longer requires a Party Animal to craft.
  • Panatea the Partifier now uses the original multi-colored effect again for the impact vfx.
  • Invasions and World Bosses removed from the first 2 worlds (Medieval Highlands/Novice and Permafrost/Adept). Our newest players should not be terrorized so suddenly.
  • Updated descriptions for the following crafting materials to be more specific: Blank Scroll, Diamond, Shadow Diamond, and Ancient Scale.
  • Fix camera shaking visible during movement.
  • Changing Auras on Stellar gear will now cause it to be non-tradable.
  • Old account names are properly cleaned up after a character rename.
  • Fixed bug where client exited if a duplicate player name was chosen upon character creation.
  • The Badges for Spirit of Lambent, Spirit of Azorian, and Spirit of Trimach no longer have nothing listed in their Rewards section.
  • Fixed inconsistencies in spacing and punctuation for Costume descriptions.
  • Fixed the Fractal Fighting Fork flavor text.
  • Fixed cut off text in German and French versions of EULA screen.
  • Fixed an issue with the alignment of French and German text on the Store's Patron tab.

Preview: ities now do much reduced block damage. The Boomeranger is the exception. * Fixe Show

Arriving on 7/7/15!

Launch is coming: on July 9th, to be precise! With it comes the launch on Steam and the release of our latest class, the Tomb Raiser! But until then, we've got plenty to entertain you with!


* You can now choose to play on the EU servers from Glyph, use the drop down in the upper right.
* EU players will automatically get sent to EU adventure worlds when entering an adventure portal. You can still join other players if you're NA or EU, just expect it to have higher latency if you do. You can use /region to see what region your world is in.

* You can now click and drag in build mode to place multiple blocks at a time.
* In build mode, the mouse wheel now rotates the block being placed.
* In build mode, a red block is now shown when attempting to place a block in an invalid spot.

* Added dungeon icons to fog of war in the map. You can now see where lairs and dungeons are located in explored areas!
* The compass now shows large dungeons and recipe lairs.
* The world map now shows recipe lairs.

* Chat messages now have a right-click menu for the sender where you can: Add them as a friend, invite them to join you, ignore them or report them for spam.
* You can now report players for spam
* The text for different club channels now have text in various shades of green.

* New Mastery rewards through level 200 have been added to the game!

* Added support for gamepads!
* The controller currently must be connected before starting Trove.


* The newbie objectives have been adjusted and there are a few new ones.
* If you haven't completed objectives that are required to be completed in the tutorial you will now be prompted to go back to the tutorial world.
* New players now select their starting class at first login.

* Chaos Chests have been randomized! Launch week wingstraveganza!
* Pricing has been updated to account for currency conversion rates. This means things will cost more Euros and Pounds.
* Credit packs now cost one cent less in American US Dollars.
* The Patron Pass is now live! This grants a ton of nice bonuses, including +2 Chaos Factor. You can buy 15 and 30 day versions in-game and recurring versions via the Glyph website.

* Added increased ranks of badges and rewards for the following categories:
** Quests Completed
** Blocks Destroyed
** Boxes Opened
** Consecutive Days Logged In
** Total Days Logged In
** Fishing
* Updated collections categories.
* Samantha the black cat is now worth 50 mastery points.
* Up through mastey rank 30, Cubit rewards are now 500 and have replaced the Credit rewards.

* Improved projectile targeting for ranged classes.
* Enemies now aggro the Fae Trickster's clone, the Pirate Captain's Pretend Pirate, and the Tomb Raiser's minions whenever they are in range, instead of just when they're spawned.
* The Fae Trickster's decoy, the Pirate Captain's Pretend Pirate, and the Tomb Raiser's minions now have a short window of invincibility after receiving damage.
* Most explosive player abilities now do much reduced block damage. The Boomeranger is the exception.
* Fixed bug where Dracolyte is sometimes unable to use abilities in dragon form.
* Fixed bug where Dracolyte familiar could disappear until changing classes or relogging.
* Spikes (thorns) affix no longer debuffs the Fae Trickster's basic attack.

* If your Chaos Factor increases after receiving your daily Chaos Chests, you will get your additional chests on your next login, instead of having to wait until the next day.
* Increased the range in which player receives loot.

* The Deconstructor is now known as the Loot Collector, to better reinforce its function to new players.
* The Bounding Boot ally can now be crafted from the Nautical Assembler in the hub.
* Multiple stacks of items in your build inventory will now be properly counted when crafting.

* Changed the Featured Club World portals into a heart shape to distinguish them from other portals.
* Made the "Runner Up" Featured World portal white to distinguish it from the Novice Adventure portal.
* Updraft now in the hub!

* Many NPC abilities do much less block damage.
* Sky portal should no longer require a level to enter.
* The healing pylon boss ability now spawns less frequently, heals less frequently, and takes fewer hits to destroy.
* Reduced the damage of fireball traps.
* Reduced the duration of flamethrower traps and lava effects.
* No longer will loot sometimes fall through the world when opening a chest or placing a block on top of it.
* Ore now spawns less often in Novice and Adept worlds.
* Created a new "Quest Completed" portal for completed dungeons.
* Added delay to healing pylon so it doesn't heal immediately upon spawning.

* Changed the collections window default keybinding from I to Y.
* Changed the liked worlds default keybindings from Y to L.
* When setting a control binding that conflicts with another you are now given the option to swap these bindings.
* Usage text now appears on inventory tooltips.
* Pressing escape when the system menu and main menu are open will now close both them at the same time.
* Having the main menu open will no longer stop the mouse from being recaptured when entering a portal.
* Fixed the last member in the Club roster being cut off.
* Hotkeys displayed in the HUD are now updated immediately after rebinding in Settings.
* Tooltips and some other UI strings that reference hotkeys now display the hotkey that is currently bound instead of being hard coded.

* Increased client stability.
* Fixed a rare crash due to race condition.
* Implemented various server improvements.
* Fix bug where you would sometimes move at mounted speed while running and vice-versa.
* The client will no longer queue multiple join me requests from the same player.
* Fixed a bug where other clients could crash after a player died while mounted.
* Fixed bug where mining laser didn't collide with workbenches.
* Fixed a really annoying bug where the mining laser could target blocks behind the player.
* Blocks will no longer sometimes mysteriously reappear after being destroyed, or disappear after being placed.
* Spikes created by the Death Knight's spike bomb and the Boneblade Wraith's spike slam are no longer lootable.


* If you enter a shadow portal EU and NA players will get sent to separate worlds.
* The Dark Infineon wings don't look right.
* Gamepad Support: Some PS4 controller buttons are not currently mapped correctly.

* Boomeranger's Double sword attack has new sound.
* Ice Dragon Frost Breath audio polish.
* Boss Gravity Well audio added, Boss magic Beam audio added.
* Cactus men & golems mob sounds added.

* There are now some new default styles to enjoy.
* An assortment of new uncommon and rare face and hat styles have been added to the game!
* New VFX for the Winter and Dark Boomeranger costumes.
* All placeable objects now use the placement shader.
* New VFX for the Ghost and Master of Commanding Pirate Captain costumes.
* Added a new feather effect to the thrown parrot.
* The models for Laden Sleigh, Snowball, and Disblock board have been changed to look less like certain other in-game items.
* Dragon breath effects should now be fully in sync with their breathing animation.

* Pearlescent Pinions wings have been added to badge rewards
* Midnight Mantle wings have been added to badge rewards.
* Dark Infineon wings have been added to badge rewards.
* Aquabatic Ailerons wings have been added to badge rewards.
* Infineon Charger, Radiant Rainmaker, and the Striding Starchaser have been added to badge rewards.

* Controller buttons are remappable only directly in %APPDATA%\Trove\Trove.cfg for now. You can change the stick sensitivity using StickSensitivity in the [Input] section (defaults to 1.0).
* You can remap any button within the [Controller_Shared], [Controller_Adventure] and [Controller_Build] sections.
* Use this format: BUTTON_NAME=ActionName (ex. BTN_A=Jump)

Preview: nto a powerful dragon! Boomeranger – The Boomerang Show

Picking the Class that best suits your playstyle is a piece of cake! Or maybe it’s easy as pie. Either way, it’s definitely dessert related – especially if you’re a Candy Barbarian (we’ll get to that later).

In Trove, there are two main combat styles:

Melee Classes
This is the playstyle for those who want to get up close and personal when vanquishing foes. These Classes use weapons like swords, axes, and maces to lay the smack down.

Pick a melee class if you like the idea of being front and center during a fight. Melee attacks, for the most part, are Area of Effect (AoE), which means that your attacks will hit all enemies in your path. As you level up your character, you’ll be able to gather a group of enemies and hack and slash your way to victory!
  • Candy Barbarian – This cantankerous, carbo-loading crusher pummels enemies into submission. Love the idea of Vanilla Swirlwinding your way into the fray and crushing foes with the sweet wrath of Eis-Crom? The Candy Barbarian might be the hard-charging brawler for you.
  • Knight – None can escape this stalwart Trovian’s sword of justice! The Knight can bludgeon enemies with a variety of melee weapons, run over the bad guys with the powerful Charge, or use their Iron Will to heal damage and protect against attacks. This is a great class to play for fighters who like to have extra survivability when the going gets tough.
  • Neon Ninja – Style and subterfuge are the name of the game for this flashy assassin. Shadow Flip grants you a speed boost and stealth to hide yourself from enemies. Stasis Blade attacks allow you to rush through enemies and root them in place, while the Final Technique gives your weapon a huge damage boost.
  • Dracolyte – Fueled by powerful draconic magic and joined by a loyal dragon whelp, the Dracolyte is one feisty flame thrower. If you need more convincing, level up this class and you’ll eventually unlock the ability to transform yourself into a powerful dragon!
  • Boomeranger – The Boomeranger can be a melee or ranged fighter: Equip a sword and stand toe to toe with your enemies while peppering them with bombs and boomerangs to the face! It’s great for players who like to be able to choose either play style.

Ranged Classes
Lovers of bows, pistols, magic attacks, bombs, or cannons will want to pick from one of our many ranged classes.

This playstyle is great if you want to focus your fire on a single enemy, blasting away its health before its weapons have been unsheathed!
  • Pirate Captain – What’s a pirate’s favorite letter? It’s B, for all the bonds of friendship forged over the years. Also, for blowing stuff up. Probably mostly the second one. The Pirate Captain fights with his trusty Parrot by his side. You can even toss down a cannon and your parrot pal will pummel landlubbers while you blast away with your shotgun. #noscope
  • Shadow Hunter – This hawkeyed dead shot aims to hit the bullseye with green arrows. Fire devastating projectiles through all who dare oppose you (including those pesky walls) and snare baddies with luminous traps. This is a great class for those who want to lock down enemies and shoot on the move.
  • Ice Sage – Chill your enemies to the bone with a wintry array of frost magic. With powerful attacks and a Frost Ward to ward off incoming blows, this is a great class for players who want to mix offense and defense. What killed the dinosaurs? The Ice Sage!*
  • Fae Trickster – Become the master prankster of the Trove universe. Destroy your enemies with distraction and deceit. Beguile foes with your Faerie Dance, and wreak fanciful carnage with your devastating Glitterbombs!
  • Gunslinger – Dual-wield pistols, charge up your attacks to deal heavy damage, and use the powerful Run and Gun attack to burst down packs of foes.
  • Boomeranger – The Boomeranger is back on the list! Equip a bow to snipe from afar, stun enemies with your handy boomerang, and blast them to pieces with bomb attacks. The Boomeranger’s a class that’s great at locking down enemies – and then blowing them away!

*These claims are unsubstantiated, and there is no evidence to support any characters in Trove having a direct impact on the global population of dinosaurs.

If you want to see these classes in action, click here and check out some of our videos!

Preview: r /> CLASSES BOOMERANGER * Fixed uncommon server cras Show

Arriving on 6/16/15!


* The Azulian Dragon is the first dragon available via challenges, and will be available that way for a limited time!
* Consume dragon souls to advance your dragon and increase their powers.
* The Dragon Spirit will be added in a future update, and will grant passive benefits. There is one per challenge dragon type.
* Dragon Caches are available via challenges and the store.

* Challenges spawn at the top of the hour and last 20 minutes. You get points for completing dungeons and lairs with a 3X multiplier for Uber 5, 9X multiplier for Uber 6, and an additional 3X multiplier if you're playing one of the bonus classes chosen for you.
* The more points you earn (within four progressive ranks) the more Dragon Caches you get.
* Dragon Caches have Dragon Souls, materials to craft Dragon Souls, Dragon Coins, and a nice chunk of forging materials.
* You must be Mastery Rank 30 to unlock Challenges

* Badges are a collection type that unlocks as your tracked stats increase.
* Badges currently go from bronze to gold, and grant mastery, Cubits, and in the case of Patron Points, fancy mounts!
* In the near future, badges will go even higher and also unlock other collectables.
* Stats tracked include:
 - Friends acquired
 - Quests completed
 - Blocks destroyed
 - Boxes opened
 - Consecutive days logged in
 - Total days logged in
 - Stuff fished
 - Patron points earned

* Uber 6 portals can now be crafted and used. Uber 6 is hard.
* Uber 6 can drop up to Shadow Level 3 equipment and has a higher chance of dropping other rarities as well
* Shadow Level 5 equipment can now be forged.
* Radiant equipment can now be forged as an upgrade from Shadow Level 5.
* Radiant weapons have cosmetic VFX which can be randomized at the advanced forge for a nominal Glim cost.


* Costume boxes can now be purchased in packs of 10! For the cost of 9!
* Chaos boxes have been randomized. If you're lucky, you might get a Chaotic Clipper, Chaotic Cruiser ,a uni-cycle and more!
* Azulian Dragon Caches (see above)

* Equipment now counts towards required level.
* Note: you can still join someone in a world or have them use /joinme
* The minimum required levels to enter Uber worlds have been increased:
 - Uber 2 - 12
 - Uber 3 - 15
 - Uber 4 - 20
 - Uber 5 - 26
 - Uber 6 - 32


* Fixed uncommon server crash when using Boomeranger.
* Boomeranger projectiles are now faster.

* Added a move cornerstone Golden Thread objective.

* Added a chance for Shadow-2 items to drop in Uber 5 adventure worlds.
* All equipment now has a better chance to drop with additional forge quality stars.
* The Summer Hub is now here!
* The hub generates higher on the terrain now.
* Small caterpillars no longer drop loot.
* Ore should now spawn 'clumpier'.

* Added item stats to consumable collection-unlocking items (like mounts, boats, etc.)
* Placeable crafting machines now trigger the 'are you sure?' prompt when dropped on the ground.
* SS Draconic, SS Dutchman, and Chaotic Clipper now trigger the 'are you sure?' prompt when dropped on the ground.
* The SS Corgi and SS Dinghy clippers have been retrofitted with helms; you will no longer need to rely on pirate voodoo to steer them.

* Deconstructing resulting in more than 9999 of a single item stack will now grant players the correct amount, instead of "just" 9999 of them.
* Fixed a bug where mastery point text in tooltips were very hard to read.
* Fixed a bug where many collectables showed 0 mastery points.
* Fix for forging breaking if you were using a forge while it was removed from the world.
* Fixed bug where quest triggers don't show instruction text; increased interactable area of quest triggers.
* Fixed bug in compass FOV Changing aspect ratio now correctly updates compass.
* Fae Boughskimmer should now give mastery correctly.
* Fixed a client crash.
* Source Spectre mask should no longer clip into hairstyles.
* Summer Pin Head should now display its icon correctly when trading it.
* Fixed a bug where water next to a cornerstone would not update after removing said cornerstone.
* Polish to Radiant Temple Prism Quests Audio.
* Onimous Totem audio - size increase.
* Fixed bug where equipped starter weapons disappeared until relogging if you forge them beyond your current level.
* Fixed a crash that would happen when pressing the spacebar and enter key at the exact same time.
* Color and lighting polish for tutorial, forest, desert, candy, undead, and peaceful biomes.
* Fixed bug where portal tooltips are high above the portal.
* Fixed bug where using the Rally Blade always toggled players being able to teleport to you and never teleported you to other players.
* Fixed a bug where if you opened chat while loading your camera would remain free when other windows were open and it would be really annoying.

* New Novice Highlands lair from Stedms.

Preview: meownts! * The Costume box now gives Boomeranger costumes. * 50 and 100 S Show

Arriving on 5/27/15!


* Forging has been updated to be progressive instead of random! This change has huge rippling effects, and touches every piece of equipment in the game.

* Equipment no longer has a forge level.
* Individual stats on equipment no longer have hidden power level rolls.

* There are now 5 ranks of power per rarity of equipment, from at 0 to 5.
* These ranks, along with the rarity, determines how strong the stats are on an item.
* Forging increases the power level by 1.
* If the value is at 5 (max), forging it will instead increase the item's rarity by one level.

* Bonuses are represented by *s next to a stat.
* Each stat on a piece of equipment can have up to 2 levels of bonus.
* The first one gives +10% value, and two give an additional +20%.
* Pearls of Wisdom can now be used to increase the bonus on a random stat if the equipment already has 4 stats.

* Items now have 4 total possible Shadow Levels possible, up from 1.
* Items that are Shadow Level 1 can be upgraded to Shadow Level 2 and above.
* Items that are Shadow Level 4 have more possible health, health regen, and damage than equipment does now, but slightly less possible attack speed, jump, and movement speed.

* Perfect Prisms are now used only to upgrade items from Resplendent rarity to Shadow Level 1.
* Chaos Forges can only re-roll the 3rd and 4th stats.
* Re-rolled stats at a Chaos Forge are now effective immediately, instead of after locking in.
* You can still re-roll as many times as you wish.
* Chaos Forges now only use Tentacles as a special resource.

* Resplendent boxes can now drop Shadow Level 1-4 rings in addition to Resplendent Rings.
* Rings now give no individual bonus *s to stats.
* Rings always have a power value of 5.

* Equipment can now drop with a random number of bonuses on stats and stars.
* Magic Find can now trigger up to Shadow Level 4.


* Chaos chest has been randomized. Try your luck and you may get a clipper, a unicorn pet, or fully crafted meownts!
* The Costume box now gives Boomeranger costumes.
* 50 and 100 Spring Pinata packs are 50% off for this week only!

* Adventure boxes now drop slightly less often normally and we’re aiming to keep them live for 3 weeks instead of 2, including an extra week for the Bento Box!
* Thursday bonuses are now +200% up from +100%, including adventure boxes, pemblock and the meownt.
* NPC bosses can now spawn with summoning turrets as an ability.
* Boss quest chests now drop 3 items, and minor quests chests now drop 2 items.

* Reduced the XP required for levels 2-6. You know. For kids.
* Players under mastery level 5 can no longer join custom chat channels.
* Spikes now deal damage over time as long as you stand on them, rather than a big ‘spike’ of damage.
* Increased the chance for shadow equipment to drop, mostly impacting Shadow Arena rewards.
* Shadow Caches now sometimes drop extra Eyes of Q'bthulhu on common rolls.

* Added new golden thread objectives for placing blocks, forging, buying something on the store, and being in a club.
* Split out the initial dungeon completion golden thread objective into two objectives.

* Fixed a bug where death sounds didn't play in some cases.
* Fixed bug where projectiles collided with grass.

* Existing high rolled shadow equipment (in the currently live system, represented by the number of *s an item can have) have been translated to their appropriate shadow level rarity.
* High forge equipment has translated to number of stars.
* Shadow Equipment has translated *s in the following way:
 - 0-1 *s: Shadow Level 1
 - 2-3 *s: Shadow Level 2
 - 4-5 *s: Shadow Level 3
 - 6-8 *s: Shadow Level 4
* Shadow Rings have translated *s in the following way:
 - 1 *s: Shadow Level 2
 - 2 *s: Shadow Level 3
 - 3-4 *s: Shadow Level 4

Monster Bash Update Morgana / Trove Forums

Preview: == FEATURES == NEW CLASS: BOOMERANGER * Master of bow, blade, bomb Show

Arriving on 5/19/15!


* Master of bow, blade, bomb, and boomerang, the new Boomeranger class is well suited to take on any challenge!

* Flasks are now split into two parts: vials and emblems!
* You can now equip one vial, which grants health and number of charges, plus two emblems.
* Emblems grant special powers when you use your flask.
* The new emblems are:
 - +50% energy regeneration for a medium duration
 - +100% health regeneration for a medium duration
 - Double physical damage
 - Area of effect friendly heal
 - Area of effect friendly energy regeneration
 - Reduce cooldowns
 - Summon a physical damage scaling shadow shrike
 - Basic attacks lifesteal for a medium duration
 - Increase attack speed and movement speed for a short duration and automatically attack
* We've also added a new vial that automatically triggers when you are about to die.
* All existing flasks have been converted to the appropriate vial or emblem!
* The starter vial, formerly the starter flask, has been reduced in health by 10% and quantity by 2, to 8 charges, and 40% health restoration.
 - If you find yourself low on cubits, more golden thread objectives are coming and will let you unlock a better vial soon!

* Boss monsters now have more variety in the special powers they spawn with! You will now die in more interesting ways. Boss monsters can now:
 - Spawn a copy of themselves with lower health
 - Pull you in
 - Shoot lasers
 - Shoot a bullet nova
 - Stop you from multi-jumping
 - Spawn spiders
 - Spawn mushrooms which you must destroy or be over-run
 - Have a damage shield that turns on periodically


* The Adventure Pack is now live! It features the Boomeranger, both Costumes, and 7 flask unlocks.
* Chaos Chests have been randomized! It's a party week: party it up with some party animals and club phones. Or a ladybug. There’s also a rare chance for some Stormcaller's Wings!

* Spikes, flamethrower traps, and fireball traps have had their damage reduced.

* The maximum Mastery level is now 160. Sit tight, new rewards are coming in a future update! If you max out before then, don't worry: all rewards will be granted retroactively.

* Tired of dragging stuff out of your chest in order to craft? Us too! Crafting will now use items in your personal chest, as well as those in your inventory.

* When buying from NPCs, currency will now be magically whisked from your personal chests!

* Unlocks granted through codes now work correctly.
* Added /fov to temporarily set your camera's field of view.
* Fixed typo in Candorian Caterpillar's flavor text.
* Fixed a bug causing death sounds not to play in some cases.

Preview: pare for the party below! Boomeranger: Not just a jack of all tra Show

Our Devs were working at the lab, late one night, when their eyes beheld an eerie sight. For the Monsters from their spawns began to rise, and suddenly – to their surprise – they did the Bash, they did the Monster Bash ....

Fill your Flasks and polish your bats: Monster Bash lands on May 19. Meet the new Class and prepare for the party below!

Boomeranger: Not just a jack of all trades, the Boomeranger is flexible enough to master them all while supporting friends with bags full o’ buffs.

Flasks Uncorked: Mix and match new custom Flasks to perfect your playstyle. Battle longer and harder with a load of healing options and additional effects.

Bigger, Badder, Bosses: The only thing better than being more powerful yourself is having more varied and challenging enemies to test your mettle on. Bring it!

So get ready for stronger heroes, more powerful enemies, and a whole new class – more fun than any update has a right to be. (And don't forget to grab the Blitz and Glitz pack, it's going away on May 19!)

Calling all builders! Atronos and crew gear up for our next item-crafting live stream this Wednesday, May 13, at 1:30pm PST on Twitch.

Pitch your most adventurous requests to the team, and learn how to bring them to life. Got ideas? Drop us a line in this thread!!

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By sword or bow or hidden bomb, the Boomeranger will blast their way into Trove in May!

The Boomeranger – pronounced Boom-eh-Ranger – is a true jack of all trades. Pick your bow, blade, bomb or boomerang as needed! Perfect for dungeoneering; check out this list of abilities:

Finishing Blow (Passive): Every third attack the Boomeranger makes is a zinger! Whether a whirlwind of steel from your sword or fusillade of arrows from your trusty bow, your Finishing Blow will make your enemies quiver in fear!

Boomerang: Found in the extreme southerly regions of Trove, the Boomerang is a cool hunting tool beloved by Corgis as well. Catch the Boomerang when it returns, and reduce the cooldowns on all your abilities!

Big Bomb: While words and kindness can solve some problems, others are best approached with a bomb. A Big Bomb. Boomerangers LOVE those sorts of situations!

Mysterious Urn: What’s in the urn you ask? Mystery, obviously! It could contain rare crystals to restore your health, a passel of explosives to defeat your enemies, or something altogether different! Weird rumors report roving gangs of extremely violent chickens launching themselves from a crushed urn, and laying waste to all in their path!

Get ready for Monster Bash and the Boomeranger, they’re coming this month!