Neon Ninja User Builds

Showing Neon Ninja class builds from users, sorted by Most Recent

Neon Ninja St Build Hotfix September 26, 2017
Shadow TowersFarmingLevelingDamage

He is rip. But he is already powerful. You can use it for st without cursed skulls.

200+dph build nn farming build September 12, 2017

This build will let you farm dungeons at a high speed efficiently. You need to be able to 1 hit u9 bosses or the build won't be as effective. Lunar sub for dmg and speed.

The Speed Demon July 3, 2017
DamageFarmingLevelingShadow Towers

This Neon Ninja's build will make you attack so fast so you will deal more damage and you'll be able to kill enemies easily.

Fastest Farm Build February 20, 2017

Movement speed are incredible

Kukui's Neon Ninja Build January 9, 2017
DamageShadow TowersPvPTank

Ninja's stats build from Kukui's Class Guide with Empowered Gems from Underrated54's guide.

Hybrid Farming and ST build January 9, 2017

A build that allows flexibility between all gameplay modes, I recommend this build for strong and weak players, as it works throughout all game levels (or it has for me). Enjoy!

Farm | MF | DPS January 9, 2017

Good build for those who can't 1 shot bosses in U9 and those who have high CH . Make sure that you have at least 70% CH before using this build.

Fast and Quick January 9, 2017
FarmingDamageShadow Towers

Neon Ninja Standard Build January 9, 2017

This is a standard build for someone that wants to deal damage and deal it fast as the Neon Ninja, obviously its a DPS, this build isn't meant for players with massively high power rank and everyone like something a little different.

Hardcore fighter January 9, 2017
FarmingDamageShadow Towers

Average NN January 2, 2017
DamageShadow TowersLevelingFarming

NN is very good for farming, as well for DPS, this build isn't focused on MS fast farming, however, but is good for farming and ST.

fast farming January 2, 2017

This neon ninja is made for a quick and easy meal

Pen's mf nn build October 24, 2017
FarmingDamageShadow Towers

What my neon ninja is rocking. Remember that this is my opinion and you might use something else.

Pure Dps January 2, 2017
DamageFarmingShadow Towers

Based on the guide of SENTINELKNIFE