Meme Machine

Boomeranger build by MatrixGamer73 added 2 years ago.

This build was updated for
November 2022


Neon Ninja Subclass

Assassinate - Chance to deal bonus damage to enemies with less than 20% health.

Stat Priority

Attack Speed
Movement Speed
Critical Damage
Physical Damage

Max Health
Attack Speed
Movement Speed
Physical Damage
Attack Speed
Magic Find
Movement Speed
Max Health
Attack Speed
Physical Damage
Movement Speed
Physical Damage

Notes: Ideally you'll want your signatory ring, and I recommend using Cyclone with this build to draw enemies into your pyrodisc and your cyclone dealing extra damage. You can swap jump for magic find if you're farming for gear.

Ally and Flasks

Rg de pouvoir 75


Fait gagner un bouclier protecteur lorsqu'un ennemi meurt à proximité

Têtu, inconstant, mais toujours fiable.
50 points de maîtrise

Instead of Earnie, Walton may be a good option as well to squeeze out a bit more damage.

Rg de pouvoir 50


Restaure 30% des PV à l'utilisation

Est automatiquement utilisée quand vos PV sont bas ! Peut s'acheter contre des Cubits ou des crédits dans la Boutique.
25 points de maîtrise
Rg de pouvoir 50
Peut s'acheter contre des Cubits ou des crédits dans la Boutique.
25 points de maîtrise
Rg de pouvoir 50
Peut s'acheter contre des Cubits ou des crédits dans la Boutique.
25 points de maîtrise

Empowered Gems


Killing an enemy has a chance to generate a flaming disc that damages nearby enemies.

This gem has a cooldown.

Bawk-Bomb Class Gem

Big and Tiny Bombs become a Bawk-Bombs.

These spawns chickens that attack enemies for a brief duration.

Explosive Epilogue

Killing enemies causes them to explode.

\n\nThis gem has a cooldown.

Vampirian Vanquisher Cosmic Gem

Dealing a critical hit to enemies has a chance to increase movement speed and cause the next hit to leech health.

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