Fae Trickster Delve farm build

Fae Trickster build by thespeedster added 2 years ago.

This build was updated for
September 6, 2022

Farming for depths between 117-128 depths for depth-stepper and 110-127 depth easy challenge in delves. May have to use Solarion subclass on higher depths


Notes: Clear objectives as quickly as possible to quickly get experience and other items.

Bard Subclass

Personal Song - Sing yourself a little song when you head into battle. When attacking gain Jubilant, Peaceful, and Battle song buffs in that order.

Stat Priority

Magic Damage
Movement Speed
Attack Speed
Critical Damage

Max Health
Movement Speed
Magic Find
Attack Speed
Magic Damage
Movement Speed
Magic Find
Attack Speed
Max Health
Movement Speed
Magic Damage
Attack Speed
Magic Damage
Energy Regeneration

Ally and Flasks



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Death-Defying Vial could be essential against really dangerous situations you may encounter (excluding 0 flask depths) when fighting massive hordes of mobs from higher depths and against Levithans. Chronomantic emblem is used against bosses to deal the as much DPS as possible. Trailblazer and Zealous emblems is great for rushing into the boss rooms while your group is is doing the other objective.

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Empowered Gems

Berserk Battler could also be another good gem for delves since you need light to do more DPS.

Faerocious Facsimile Class Gem

Blink decoys are no longer immobile; they close on enemies and explode on contact, dealing damage and stunning enemies.

Cubic Curtain

Avoiding damage grants a protective shield, absorbing the next attack and stunning the attacker.


Killing an enemy has a chance to generate a flaming disc that damages nearby enemies.

This gem has a cooldown.

Vampirian Vanquisher Cosmic Gem

Dealing a critical hit to enemies has a chance to increase movement speed and cause the next hit to leech health.

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