Ultimate DPS

Tomb Raiser build by HessNL added 3 years ago.

This build was updated for
Polished Paragon

Mainly focus on crit damage and crit hit only on hat should be first role Crit damage and with low light don't worry even with this build uber-10 is very easy just keep healing you minions and your self with the skill where beckon banshee get summoned and you still have enough energy regen 😁


Notes: Well you can go every way with this character but i choose to get crit hit up with gems to 100% then choose if you want to keep crit damage up high but keep if over a 1000% crit damage you can also use pirate as sub class of you want too

Shadow Hunter Subclass

Searing Light - Magic attacks to enemies can activate Searing Light a damage over time effect.

Stat Priority

Magic Damage
Critical Damage
Critical Hit
Movement Speed

Notes: Also we build on movement speed and jump but make sure the hat has the first stat on crit damage

Max Health
Critical Damage
Movement Speed
Magic Damage
Critical Damage
Critical Chance
Energy Regen
Max Health
Critical Damage
Movement Speed
Magic Damage
Energy Regeneration

Ally and Flasks

You can also use the ally Lil' whiptop or Sherbi but if you want more magic damage go for Aevyr and if your still missing health Regen then you could use Ol' Wobbles too

パワーランク 50



体力が少なくなった時に自動的に使用されます! ストアにてCubitまたはCreditで購入できます。

The second emblem I'm using for now but you can also use vampiric emblem or something else what you like you can also use surestrike emblem if you like to if you build it with more health only i recommend,doing that when crit hit is lower then 100%

パワーランク 50
パワーランク 50

Empowered Gems

You can also use Empyrean barrier but i think the vampiric vanquisher suits it better because of the low health what your getting but you can get on your empowered gems health but i don't recommend it on the little gems main focus there should be crit hit magic damage and crit damage

Beckon Banshee Class Gem

Spawns a banshee minion that heals all of your other nearby minions.

Spirit Surge

Taking damage has a chance to spawn a ring of projectiles, applying damage-over-time to enemies based on your max health.

This gem has a cooldown.

Stinging Curse

Dealing damage applies damage-over-time effects to enemies.

Vampirian Vanquisher Cosmic Gem

Dealing a critical hit to enemies has a chance to increase movement speed and cause the next hit to leech health.

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