Tomb Raiser
Tomb Raiser
build by hiperlee
added 4 years ago.
This build was updated for
Deep Dragons Hotfix 1
Shadow Hunter Subclass
Stat Priority

Ally and Flasks
- 300 Luz
- 3.0% Golpe crítico
- 25.0% Daño crítico
- 55 Hallazgo mágico
Restaura un 40 % de salud al usarse.
sure strike if I don't have 100% critical hit
Empowered Gems
empowered gems: #1,2, and class gem-Magic damage, Critical hit, Critical damage. Empowered and lesser cosmic gems: Light, Magic damage, Critical damage. Pearls for #1,2 and class gem- 2 pearls on Magic damage and 1 pearl on Critical damage. Pearls for empowered and lesser cosmic gem- 3 pearls on light
Explosive Epilogue
Killing enemies causes them to explode.
\n\nThis gem has a cooldown.
Cubic Curtain
Avoiding damage grants a protective shield, absorbing the next attack and stunning the attacker.
Beckon Banshee Class Gem
Spawns a banshee minion that heals all of your other nearby minions.
Berserk Battler Cosmic Gem
Damaging enemies causes a frenzied state, adding a small increase to attack speed and Light.
Continued damage to enemies extends the frenzied state until it causes a berserk state, greatly increasing attack speed and Light.
100% critical hit. For magic damage anywhere over 100,000 for your base damage. For critical damage anything over 1,000%. 800% is going to be okay but anything over that is highly recommended.
fire, water, air Lesser gems: all magic damage, critical damage, critical hit. Pearls on 3 lesser gems- 2 pearls on magic damage and 1 pearl on critical damage. Pearls on the other 3 lesser gems-2 pearls on critical damage and 1 pearl magic damage.