Treesus' Dracolyte Build (For Tank/Crowd Control)
This is going to explain the best way (That I've personally found) to make your Dracolyte a highly successful and powerful tank/crowd control class! NOTE: This build synergizes best with DPS priority Shadow Hunters, Gunslingers, and Ice Sages. It also goes well with Support priority Chloromancers.
Notes: You're gonna get up close and personal to your enemies, get their attention, and take the hits while also dealing immense damage.
Pirate Captain Subclass
Stat Priority
Notes: Keep in mind that Dracolytes are not affected by attack speed upgrades. You should also have some critical damage stats on at least one gem because with how fast the Dracolyte attacks there is already a high chance that you will be landing a few critical hits.
Notes: NOTE: Whenever a % max health comes up, you can replace that with a numerical max health and you will still be okay for this build.
Ally and Flasks
The starlight dragonling also works if you would rather deal more damage, while sacrificing potential health durability
Here you will be using your flasks to get the most out of the max health you have obtained. The balanced elysian flasks allow you to get a reliable heal of 40% max (and an additional 10% with the soothing rain emblem) while still giving you a flask capacity that won't make you feel guilty for using a few flasks prematurely. The arcane emblem will give you a 250% increase to your damage for 3 seconds after using it so to make the most of every flask, wait until you are under 50% max health, then quickly turn into your ultimate dragon form and use one of the flasks (for more damage, you are able to get full use out of the arcane emblem 2 times before your dragon form ends)
Empowered Gems
The Pyrodisc and Burning Ward abilities are going to cement your role as a crowd control in every fight. The burning ward summons a dragon familiar to fight for you whenever one of your burning idols detonate. These little dragons deal 250% of your magic damage, take attention from enemies, and take no damage, however they are not permenant. They automatically die after 15 seconds so remember to time it so they detonate immediately after bosses spawn so your familiars waste no time wasting your enemy.
The Pyrodisc has a chance to create a burning aura around you whenever you kill an enemy. this disc will do more damage correlating to your main damage (for Dracolytes it's magic damage). One unspoken benefit however is while the Pyrodisc is active, you also gain a movement speed buff. This ability will allow you to make quick work of large groups of enemies especially when they are all targeting you (you see this clearly from the Vengeful Pinata God boss).
Finally, the Stinging Curse ability makes it so whenever you get damaged you have a chance to fire 5 stunning ranged projectiles. These projectiles do exactly what they're made to do, they stun any enemy it hits (including bosses). the stunning effect does not last long sadly but it will be enough for you and your allies to get some devastating shots in before your enemies can get back to fighting.
Alternatively if stunning is not your thing, you can always go with the Explosive Epilogue gem which causes enemies that you have killed to explode, causing damage to enemies nearby.
Taking damage has a chance to spawn a ring of stunning projectiles, briefly disabling affected enemies.
This gem has a cooldown.
Burning Ward Class Gem
When a Burnt Offering detonates, it spawns a mini Dracolyte minion that attacks enemies for a brief duration.
Killing an enemy has a chance to generate a flaming disc that damages nearby enemies.
This gem has a cooldown.
Well sadly this is the end of the guide. Hopefully this was useful to all of you Dracolyte mains out there who enjoy being the tank for their team.
if this guide was helpful to you or someone you know please like it and comment! This will let me make more Trove content for you guys!
Also friend me on Trove, my Trove name is TreesusR
Thanks for reading, and have a great day!