No Life Loss

Gunslinger build by Komotho added 7 years ago.

This build was updated for
Geode 3

This build is for persons that can't (or dont know how to) dodge. HP Regen. is high if you do all the shots hit the enemy.

DamageTankShadow TowersFarming

Notes: Useful for damage because it will do a lot of Crits and the CD must be high, also with HP Regen. you can Tank, if you make dungeons alone, the regen. will help you in ST and Farming in Uber Worlds.

Candy Barbarian Subclass

Sugar Rush - Damaging an enemy has a chance to drop candy that increases attack and movement speed or healing

Stat Priority

Attack Speed
Critical Hit
Critical Damage
% Maximum Health

Notes: Attack Speed will define how much health you will regen. per second. With more HP, more you will regen. The CH is for recharging the Flask.

Max Health
Attack Speed
Critical Damage
Magic Damage
Attack Speed
% Max Health
Max Health
Attack Speed
Critical Damage
Magic Damage
Health Regeneration

Notes: This is for have a decent damage and a decent HP regen.

Ally and Flasks

Rg de pouvoir 75


Fait gagner 2.2% de PV chaque fois que vous infligez des dégâts à un ennemi

Une entité féline de l'ombre qui semble vous suivre sans raison particulière.
50 points de maîtrise

This pet will regen 2.2% HP each time you hit an enemy. With high HP and high Attack Speed, you will regen HP as a machine.

Rg de pouvoir 50


Restaure 40% des PV à l'utilisation

A une chance de restaurer une charge lorsque vous infligez un coup critique.
25 points de maîtrise

Activating this emblem will make a HIGH damage. Also with more CH you will make more Crit. Hits, and with more CD, these crits will be worth it.

Rg de pouvoir 50
Peut s'acheter contre des Cubits ou des crédits dans la Boutique.
25 points de maîtrise
Rg de pouvoir 50

+20% aux coups critiques pendant 10 secondes

S'achète auprès d'un Tisseur de merveilles contre des fragments de merveilles.
25 points de maîtrise

Empowered Gems

Cubic Curtain

Avoiding damage grants a protective shield, absorbing the next attack and stunning the attacker.

Stinging Curse

Dealing damage applies damage-over-time effects to enemies.

Spirit Surge

Taking damage has a chance to spawn a ring of projectiles, applying damage-over-time to enemies based on your max health.

This gem has a cooldown.


This build is created for GS who like to farm alone. Also useful for making Normal/Hard DotM alone.

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