Zamato-Kun's CM build

Chloromancer build by Zamato-Kun added 7 years ago.

This build was updated for
May Update

Hey guys this is just what i use on this character. Im no pro at all so just take this information with a grain of salt. This is my informative guide on the Chloroformancer, i mean chloromancer.

SupportShadow TowersDamageLeveling

Notes: Chloromancer is a great choice for mob control with its AOE abilities (AOE is area of effect for those who dont know) and consistent healing wether its for the abilities or allies. NOTE: The hp heal of chloromancer's basic attack heals 2% of a players max hp per shot, the flower bomb heals about 12% per flower explosion so keep that in mind. I use candy barbarian's subclass ability for that extra attack speed on top of getting a freal heal and you dont really need to use it but some other good sugesstions are lunar lancers subclass, Shadow hunter's subclass and or neon ninja's as they give good effects.

Candy Barbarian Subclass

Sugar Rush - Damaging an enemy has a chance to drop candy that increases attack and movement speed or healing

Stat Priority

Magic Damage
Critical Damage
Attack Speed

Notes: Your stat prioity is as follows magical damage, attack speed, jump and critical damage. This is great for soloing u9 and also a great help for ultra towers but you might need energy regen on your weapon to spam your abilities to heal allies

Max Health
Attack Speed
Critical Damage
Magic Damage
Attack Speed
Energy Regen
Max Health
Attack Speed
Critical Damage
Magic Damage
Energy Regeneration

Notes: The attack speed is here for your abilities as they take a while to charge especially your flower bomb. You are the support of the team and damage is very good alongside your area damage. In ultra shadow tower you provide tremendous help in mob control as well as get praise from your tanks from healing them so its a win/win

Ally and Flasks



Obtienes un 15 % de salud cuando un enemigo cercano muere.

Obtienes un potenciador de la velocidad de movimiento cuando un enemigo cercano muere.

Al engalanarse con la autoridad, uno ha de estar a la altura.
50 punto(s) de maestría
Diseñado por:

You could also use prowling shadow for survivability but prefect penguin helps alot as well due to the 20% magic damage increase or the starlight dragonling due to it also giving the same effect but also reduces your cooldown by 10% which really helps with your 2nd ability



Restaura un 30 % de salud al usarse.

¡Se usa automáticamente cuando estás bajo de salud! Se puede comprar con cúbits o créditos en la tienda.
25 punto(s) de maestría

For survivability use undying flask, if you have high crit and know you cant get hit use the valourous vial and any minion emblem is good if have it and if you have enough crit you can replace the shadowstrike emblem with the minions emblem

Puede comprarse con cúbits o créditos en la tienda.
25 punto(s) de maestría
Se puede comprar de vez en cuando en la tienda de Luxion cuando este aparece en la Zona Central de Trove.
25 punto(s) de maestría

Empowered Gems

I use these gems to help me with a lot of stuff. You may not need these specific gems but it certainly helps

Plant Power Class Gem

When Empowered Growth is active the chloromancer heals nearby plants and allies.

Cubic Curtain

Avoiding damage grants a protective shield, absorbing the next attack and stunning the attacker.

Explosive Epilogue

Killing enemies causes them to explode.

\n\nThis gem has a cooldown.


Feedback is appreciated. And i hope this helps you in your adventure hero.

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