Zamato-Kun's SH build

Shadow Hunter build by Zamato-Kun added 7 years ago.

This build was updated for
May Update

Hey guys this is just what i use on this character. Im no pro at all as im just 15k pr so take this information with a grain of salt. This is my informative guide on the machine gun hunter known as the shadow hunter. Enjoy

DamageFarmingLevelingShadow Towers

Notes: The Shadow Hunter is a Physical DPS (Damage per second) is in its entirety due to it dealing a truckload of damage in a very short amount of time. This is due to the fact that the class gem Shadow Blitz gives the SH a 500% attack speed buff (unfortunately shadow hunter cannot acess the full attack speed buff as it is one of the classes that is capped at 300%)

Mainly focus on pure damage as well as critical damage as well as movement speed for kiting which is basically running, jumping and gunning at the same time

Gunslinger Subclass

Rain Destruction - Damage dealt to enemies while airborne is increased.

Stat Priority

Physical Damage
Critical Damage
Movement Speed
Critical Hit

Notes: Movement speed is required for your survival whilst kiting (previously mentioned above) and just like the infomation previously in the roles section of this guide, a shadow hunter needs to only focus on increasing damage. Physical damage and critical damage are the most important whilst movement speed and jump being second most important stats. The gunslinger subclass IMO (in my opiniom) is brilliant with shadow hunter due to this class being always proactive and kiting all the time. This subclass can get more powerful if you increase the PR of Gunslinger and vice versa, both classes pair up in terms of subclass compatability very nicely so its a win/win.

Max Health
Movement Speed
Critical Damage
Physical Damage
Movement Speed
Critical Damage
Max Health
Movement Speed
Critical Damage
Physical Damage

Notes: The gear doesnt need to be in the EXACT placement for your shadow hunter to be effective however you need to have these stats on your gear for kiting.

Ally and Flasks






Pretty much necessary if your going for a full damage build as well as for kiting due to it giving more movement speed





I use shadow strike emblem due to not having 100% crit chance (i sadly only have 70%). Undying vial is more useful in terms of survivability in U9 but isnt required heavily as i use the valourous vial due to it restoring a charge due to a crit hit but for ULTRA ST, the undying vial is kind of is required.
If you have enough crit hit you can use the ally emblems which are pretty good.


Empowered Gems

Pyrodisc is indeed great on shadow hunter if your kiting (previously mentioned in the roles section). Shadow blitz is necessary to make him a DPS, if you dont have it theb this class is like one of the absolute worst to play as without it but good luck getting a 3 stat class gem XD. Explosive Epilogue is pretty damm good for mobs if your surrounded and do a lot of damage to all nearby targets (does not contain friendly fire).

Explosive Epilogue

Killing enemies causes them to explode.

\n\nThis gem has a cooldown.


Taking damage has a chance to spawn a ring of stunning projectiles, briefly disabling affected enemies.

This gem has a cooldown.

Shadow Blitz Class Gem

Basic attack becomes a rapid-fire stream of arrows.


Take everything with a grain of salt. Feedback is greatly appreciated. This is just what i use and you dont really need to have the same effects on your empowered gems but it does help.

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Remeber everyone this is what i use and you dont really need to follow this guide to the fullest.