Deathless Tank

Revenant build by MisterY added 7 years ago.

This build was updated for
November 21, 2017

It's a tanky build but with some damage so it can still solo U9 at ~13k PR.

Shadow TowersTankPvP

Chloromancer Subclass

Prickly Persona - Enemy attacks have a chance to cover you in thistles, returning damage to attackers.

Stat Priority

Maximum Health
% Maximum Health
Critical Damage
Physical Damage

Max Health
Critical Damage
% Max Health
Health Regen
Physical Damage
% Max Health
Critical Chance
Critical Damage
Max Health
Critical Damage
% Max Health
Health Regen
Maximum Health
Health Regeneration

Notes: Health regen is optional but it helps avoiding the deaths

Ally and Flasks

Machtrang 50


Stellt bei Verwendung 50 % Gesundheit wieder her.

Löst bei Nutzung deiner „Ultimativen Fähigkeit“ den Heileffekt deiner Flakons und Embleme aus.
25 Beherrschungspunkte

If you want to farm, take Elysian Bandolier instead to have a lot more flasks. When you hit 13 or 14 flasks you can switch to Valorous Vial to get a few bonus flasks
You can also use Vampiric instead of Surestrike if you don't have it

Machtrang 50

10 Sekunden lang +20% kritische Treffer

Kann bei einem Mirakelkrämer mit Wunderfragmenten erstanden werden.
25 Beherrschungspunkte
Machtrang 50
Kann mit Cubits oder Credits im Shop gekauft werden.
25 Beherrschungspunkte

Empowered Gems

Aegis Assault Class Gem

Bulwark Bash loses its cooldown and applies a stacking damage-over-time effect to damaged enemies.

DoT effect does not leech health.

Explosive Epilogue

Killing enemies causes them to explode.

\n\nThis gem has a cooldown.

Spirit Surge

Taking damage has a chance to spawn a ring of projectiles, applying damage-over-time to enemies based on your max health.

This gem has a cooldown.

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