Eerie ValeBiome

This biome can be found on the surface of Geode in Uber-8 (PR 5000, no Light required), Uber-9 (PR 10000, 100 light) and Uber-10 (PR 15000, 2125 Light).

Each occurrence of Eerie Vale contains one Leviathan Lair. Type of Leviathan in the lair depends on an Uber its located in. Lobstroso spawns in Uber-8, Timmense, The Powerful Pontoon in Uber 9 and Ifera, Underlord of The Deep in Uber-10.

Defeat Leviathans to obtain Lesser Geodian Topside Cache, special Torches that provide Light stat and for an additional chance to drop Crystal-3 equipment.

Lairs themselves are inderstructible but some 真晶 and 硝基闪光粉 can be found in the biome around it. Mining those ores rarely drops 沙海播种者龙蛋碎片.

Resources and Items found in the biome

  • Lesser Geodian Topside Cache from slaying Leviathans
  • Torches from slaying Leviathans
  • Rare geode mounts from slaying Leviathans
  • 沙海播种者龙蛋碎片 rarely from mining Veridium and Nitro-Glitterine veins
  • [item=item/crafting/warpseed] from grass and rocks
  • [item=item/bomb] from grass and rocks
  • 真晶 from mining Veridium veins
  • 硝基闪光粉 from mining Nitro-Glitterine veins
  • Higher chance for Crystal-3 gear rarely from Leviathans


Eerie Vale always spawns as a single biome. It picks up looks from Cerise Sandsea biome and always has one Leviathan lair in it. Lair itself is not marked on map.

There are no cornerstone plots or outposts in Eerie Vale.

Leviathan lair is not always in the middle of a biome. Entrance to it is marked with a sign and displayed as 3-star dungeon on map.

eerie map

eerie terrain 1

eerie terrain 2

Spiral staircase goes down from the surface and leads to te portal which teleports player to boss room of Leviathan.

eerie terrain 3

eerie terrain 4

Lobstrosso spawns in Uber-8


Timmerse spawns in Uber-9


Ifera spawns in Uber-10
