Jurassic JungleBiome
Found in Adventure Worlds starting at Uber-4 difficulty (Power Rank 700). This biome is a prehistoric jungle filled with dinosaurs and trogs, native homeland of Dino Tamer. Defeat enemies and complete quests here to obtain Jurassic Jungle styles and Jurassic Jungle deco recipes. The only biome to collect [item=item/crafting/meteor_fragment] and loot [item=item/dragon/egg/green_notrade_fragment_new] .
Resources and Items found in the biome
- [item=item/dragon/egg/green_notrade_fragment_new] from all dinosaurs (non-trog mobs)
- [item=item/dragon/egg/bismuth_notrade_fragment_new] rarely from mining [item=item/crafting/ore_rare] veins
- [item=item/crafting/warpseed] from grass and rocks
- [item=item/bomb] from grass and rocks
- [item=item/crafting/meteor_fragment] from Meteor chunks on top of the canopy
- [item=item/crafting/buggoo] from Dragonflies
- [item=item/crafting/ore_common] from mining Shapestone veins
- [item=item/crafting/ore_uncommon] from mining Formicite veins
- [item=item/crafting/ore_rare] from mining Infinium veins
- [item=item/crafting/ore_fire] from mining Primordial Flame veins
- [item=item/crafting/goldensoul] found within Shapestone, Formicite and Infinium ore veins
Terrain and Sub-Biomes
Jurassic Jungle does not appear in Gem-specific worlds. Biome is divided into Saurian Swamp and Primal Preserve. Saurian Swamp is flat and flooded land with small water puddles allover it. Giant Dragonflies only spawn in the swamp. Primal Preserve is a dense and foggy jurassic forest covered by a canopy formed from leaves of gigantic trees.