Neon CityBiome
Found in Adventure Worlds starting at Uber-3 difficulty (Power Rank 550). These lands of high-technologies are made of tall data-towers, circuit trees and plasma rivers. It is a native homeland of the Neon Ninja. You can meet various types of robotic beings here. Defeat enemies and complete quests here to obtain Neon City styles and deco recipes. This is the only biome where Rampage Challenges happen. All robots here drop [item=item/crafting/robotparts], [item=item/crafting/plasmium] and rarely [item=item/dragon/egg/mechshadow_notrade_fragment_new].
Biome Concept
Please note that Neon City and Luminopolis have different color pallets and themes.
Neon city is filled with high-end technologies. Simplistic futuristic landscapes are filled with laboratories, robot assembly stations, hazardous factories and watchtowers. This biome is populated by hostile robots, giving it cyber anti-utopian vibe. Styles and decorations from here are high-technological but simple in colors.
Luminopolis is torn by ongoing civil war between Amperium and Resistors, however its colors remain flashy and cheerful. All dungeons and lairs here should represent buildings and structures you would see in any major city. Facilities that are usually built outside of city walls or military purposed buildings (dungeons) should be made for Neon City instead. Styles here is bright and lush, patterns and shapes are more complicated and colorful compared to Neon City.
Natural Blocks and decorations /wadd for Metaforge
- /wadd placeable/block/natural/neonmetal.binfab
- /wadd placeable/block/natural/neondirt.binfab
- /wadd placeable/block/natural/neonstone.binfab
Found in extracted\prefabs\placeable\block\smalldeco
- /wadd placeable/block/smalldeco/neon_tech_01.binfab
- /wadd placeable/block/smalldeco/neon_tech_02.binfab
- /wadd placeable/block/smalldeco/neon_tech_03.binfab
- /wadd placeable/block/smalldeco/neon_tech_04.binfab
- /wadd placeable/block/smalldeco/neon_tech_05.binfab
You can find a list of Neon\Robotic themed decorations over here.
Copy the path of an item and /wadd it in the Metaforge.
Example: /wadd placeable/deco/robot_analyzer_02
Biome Colors
Values come from Trove Developers and ingame items scanned by Trovesaurus Colour Tool
Used as | Color | RGB | Hex |
Neon Metal | 48, 51, 55 | 303337 | |
Neon Dirt | 33, 35, 38 | 212326 | |
Neon Stone | 24, 26, 28 | 181A1C | |
Neon Blue | 78, 232, 255 | 4EE8FF | |
Neon Green | 44, 236, 108 | 2CEC6C | |
Neon Pink | 254, 106, 245 | FE6AF5 | |
Neon Yellow | 245, 233, 39 | F5E927 | |
Data Tower 1 | 74, 76, 76 | 4A4C4C | |
Data Tower 2 | 78, 78, 78 | 4E4E4E | |
Data Tower 3 | 98, 98, 98 | 626262 | |
Data Tower 4 | 0, 171, 223 | 00ABDF | |
Metallic 1 | 36, 36, 36 | 242424 | |
Metallic 2 | 53, 53, 53 | 353535 | |
Metallic 3 | 89, 89, 89 | 595959 | |
Metallic 4 | 92, 102, 107 | 5C666B | |
Metallic 5 | 114, 123, 128 | 727B80 | |
Metallic 6 | 151, 151, 151 | 979797 | |
Metallic 7 | 170, 169, 169 | AAA9A9 | |
Circuit Tree 1 | 65, 199, 248 | 41C7F8 | |
Circuit Tree 2 | 76, 207, 255 | 4CCFFF | |
Circuit Tree 3 | 90, 211, 255 | 5AD3FF | |
Circuit Tree 4 | 102, 214, 255 | 66D6FF | |
Circuit Tree 5 | 124, 220, 255 | 7CDCFF | |
Circuit Tree 6 | 147, 226, 255 | 93E2FF | |
Cyberdrone 1 | 69, 69, 81 | 454551 | |
Cyberdrone 2 | 99, 99, 105 | 636369 | |
Cyberdrone 3 | 255, 173, 39 | FFAD27 | |
Cyberdrone 4 | 255, 193, 92 | FFC15C | |
Android 1 | 62, 62, 62 | 3E3E3E | |
Android 2 | 90, 90, 90 | 5A5A5A | |
Android 3 | 211, 1, 1 | D30101 |
Used as | Color | RGB | Hex |
Resistor 1 | 92, 102, 107 | 5C666B | |
Resistor 2 | 114, 123, 128 | 727B80 | |
Resistor 3 | 0, 34, 96 | 002260 | |
Resistor 4 | 0, 65, 186 | 0041BA | |
Resistor 5 | 0, 85, 243 | 0055F3 | |
Resistor 6 | 255, 102, 0 | FF6600 | |
Resistor 7 | 255, 145, 0 | FF9100 | |
Resistor 8 | 255, 179, 0 | FFB300 | |
Resistor 9 | 243, 245, 247 | F3F5F7 | |
Amperium 1 | 36, 36, 36 | 242424 | |
Amperium 2 | 48, 49, 50 | 303132 | |
Amperium 3 | 68, 77, 79 | 444D4F | |
Amperium 4 | 92, 102, 107 | 5C666B | |
Amperium 5 | 114, 123, 128 | 727B80 | |
Amperium 6 | 158, 176, 187 | 9EB0BB | |
Amperium 7 | 88, 222, 255 | 58DEFF | |
Amperium 8 | 125, 229, 255 | 7DE5FF | |
Amperium 9 | 158, 236, 255 | 9EECFF | |
Tree Bark | 36, 36, 36 | 242424 | |
Tree Foliage 1 | 0, 215, 202 | 00D7CA | |
Tree Foliage 2 | 255, 26, 112 | FF1A70 | |
Tree Foliage 3 | 169, 255, 30 | A9FF1E | |
Tree Foliage 4 | 249, 116, 69 | F97445 | |
Tree Foliage 5 | 253, 255, 111 | FDFF6F | |
Tree Foliage 6 | 108, 26, 255 | 6C1AFF | |
Tree Foliage 7 | 70, 177, 255 | 46B1FF | |
Narrow Building 1 | 23, 23, 23 | 171717 | |
Narrow Building 2 | 37, 37, 37 | 252525 | |
Narrow Building 3 | 40, 39, 40 | 282728 | |
Narrow Building 4 | 1, 175, 118 | 01AF76 | |
Narrow Building 5 | 150, 243, 0 | 96F300 | |
Narrow Building 6 | 246, 140, 70 | F68C46 | |
Narrow Building 7 | 229, 255, 80 | E5FF50 | |
Narrow Building 8 | 247, 223, 87 | F7DF57 | |
Narrow Building 9 | 24, 67, 152 | F74398 | |
Narrow Building 10 | 87, 36, 216 | 5724D8 | |
Tall Building Purple 1 | 102, 44, 253 | 662CFD | |
Tall Building Purple 2 | 115, 62, 255 | 733EFF | |
Tall Building Purple 3 | 123, 74, 255 | 7B4AFF | |
Tall Building Purple 4 | 134, 90, 255 | 865AFF | |
Tall Building Purple 5 | 149, 64, 251 | 9540FB | |
Tall Building Purple 6 | 149, 108, 255 | 956CFF | |
Tall Building Orange 1 | 208, 38, 71 | D02647 | |
Tall Building Orange 2 | 225, 67, 67 | E14343 | |
Tall Building Orange 3 | 241, 88, 67 | F15843 | |
Tall Building Orange 4 | 249, 116, 69 | F97445 | |
Tall Building Orange 5 | 242, 168, 72 | F2A848 | |
Tall Building Orange 6 | 246, 185, 78 | F6B94E | |
Tall Building Blue 1 | 48, 122, 227 | 307AE3 | |
Tall Building Blue 2 | 7, 138, 234 | 078AEA | |
Tall Building Blue 3 | 7, 149, 234 | 0795EA | |
Tall Building Blue 4 | 7, 165, 234 | 07A5EA | |
Tall Building Blue 5 | 24, 179, 247 | 18B3F7 | |
Tall Building Blue 6 | 48, 185, 245 | 30B9F5 | |
Tall Building Green 1 | 19, 147, 130 | 139382 | |
Tall Building Green 2 | 19, 163, 143 | 13A38F | |
Tall Building Green 3 | 13, 169, 148 | 0DA994 | |
Tall Building Green 4 | 15, 196, 171 | 0FC4AB | |
Tall Building Green 5 | 15, 212, 185 | 0FD4B9 |