Neon CityBiome
Found in Adventure Worlds starting at Uber-3 difficulty (Power Rank 550). These lands of high-technologies are made of tall data-towers, circuit trees and plasma rivers. It is a native homeland of the Neon Ninja. You can meet various types of robotic beings here. Defeat enemies and complete quests here to obtain Neon City styles and deco recipes. This is the only biome where Rampage Challenges happen. All robots here drop [item=item/crafting/robotparts], [item=item/crafting/plasmium] and rarely [item=item/dragon/egg/mechshadow_notrade_fragment_new].
Neon City Art
Art featuring Neon City. To have your art featured here please tag it with or have in the name "Neon City".

Featured Art Comments:
This little guy is a cutey, he looks like he's trying really hard, don't worry! you can do it! Love the shading and the background looks great, the light reflecting on the helmet is a great detail to add and I like the cute fluffy ears. Great job!
- TFM and Etaew
Featured Art Comments:
Smol guy looks a bit sad, don't worry! You'll grow up to be just as big soon! Really like the details on the armour, even if the big guy is flexing.
- TFM and Etaew
PR0T0 zipping through Neon City
Featured Art Comments:
I like the glowing eyes and clean lines of this, also you did great on the Luminopolis background scene. It's really cute that the smol one is peeking out from the big guy's shoulder. Good job :)
- TFM and Etaew
Featured Art Comments:
This is a fun one! Keep on running little Gunslinger lol
- Future
Featured Art Comments:
I'm sorry, you submitted a screenshot into an art contest. We do occasionally run building contests but this is not one of them.